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Jim Bob says "my child might be a scientist..you never know"


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Aside from the obvious, one of their kids could turn out to be an ax murderer, or the next Genghis Khan, or a pedophile, or a jewel thief. You really never DO know.

(And "happy to be here"? What of it? If they weren't here they wouldn't have an opinion one way or another!)

Or gay.... :shhh:

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Ah, magical thinking. You are such a good friend to the Duggars.

Jim Bob, darling,

One has to go to COLLEGE--yes, REAL college--to become a scientist. And it doesn't end there: to "cure cancer" or "become an astronaut," one has to get even MORE education! Yes, really! One of them worldly, heathen MDs or PhDs. Can you believe it?


a helpmeet to a real scientist (whose PhD is from one of the eeeevilest, librulest universities of them all!!!!666!!!)

Gotta be MY alma mater. A campus, hell a city, a Duggar would not dare visit without bodyguards to protect them from all that ebil librul rhetoric being spewed everywhere. :evil:

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This reminds me of the classic Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer special where the elf wants to give up making toys to become a dentist. I can see Jim Bob frowning upon any of his commodities leaving the cult to become scientists or anything requiring an actual college degree like the head elf frowned upon the elf becoming a dentist...

Off-topic, but I've always sort of wondered if Hermie the Misfit Elf was an early mainstream attempt to introduce young kids to the notion of tolerance towards gays way back in 1964. He was pinging my gaydar when I was not long past kindergarten. Some of the lyrics of the misfit song:

We're not daffy and dilly

Don't go 'round willy nilly

Seems to us kinda silly

That we don't fit in.

We may be different from the rest

But who decides the test

Of what is really best?

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Gotta be MY alma mater. A campus, hell a city, a Duggar would not dare visit without bodyguards to protect them from all that ebil librul rhetoric being spewed everywhere. :evil:

Don't forget, every ebil heathen college bookstore has Jane Austen to protect you from the nasty librul littrachaw. The Anonymous Antagonist said so :D

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Wouldn't those kids have to take a bunch of remedial math and science classes before they could even get accepted at a decent university?

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The interesting question is:

WHY in the world are they so against education, even for the boys?

There are answers to all their issues:

Bad worldly influences -Christian college or online degree.

Cost- community college.

Learning about *gasp* evolution or sex - pick a not-biology or science-related major.

Problem solved.

What's their issue with holding degrees??

FWIW, people's opinions differ on a lot of things, but hardly anyone does not support education.

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Don't forget, every ebil heathen college bookstore has Jane Austen to protect you from the nasty librul littrachaw. The Anonymous Antagonist said so :D

I'll use my special Austen box set with the gold-edged pages and magical powers to ward off attacks against the ebil librul Littarchar! They'll have to pray that sheeyat out of my cold, gold hands!!!!!!!!!!11111 :evil:

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We're not daffy and dilly

Don't go 'round willy nilly

Seems to us kinda silly

That we don't fit in.

We may be different from the rest

But who decides the test

Of what is really best?

Don't think this is aimed at tolerance towards homosexual people, I doubt this was much of an issue for people who were making songs for kindergarden where concerned with, but obviously, it was written to promote tolerance for different personalities and life choices.

And this "happy to be here" always gets me knicker-twisting, because like DoucheBob puts it, and how he believes, you'd have an moral obligation to put as many children into the world as possible, because there'd be less happy people if you don't!

But this is, in my eyes, a real failure, because it makes people morally accountable for people who do not yet exist, so there can be no moral obligation to them. Only if you believe in precreation of the souls, all in one big pool in heaven, waiting to go down, but this is considered heretical even by the Catholic Chuch who is also big into baby-makng (body and soul can, in Catholic theology, not exist separately, the status of the soul in heaven until the resurrection is seen as incomplete, and they teach the soul is created by God the moment the child is conceived).

When someone tells me a child might be the one to find a cure for cancer and cancer won't be cured if that child isn't conceived/aborted, I repeat automatically: "Bet Hitler's mother thought, that, too!" Pulling the Nazi-card in Germany does always work. And being brought up like that, the children discussed here are, imho, more likely to snap and do something wildly crazy than contribute positiely to society - which they are taught to hold in disgust (sinful etc.) while they live off it via their show.

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When I think about how they're raising their kids, the phrase "poor stewardship" comes to mind, to borrow a somewhat fundie term. It would be incredibly difficult for a Duggar child to have any career that involves a college education. Obviously they would disagree, but they've done a terrible job with their kids, and it's even more a shame because there are so darn many of them.

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Oh dear. Does that mean I've gone from UU (at best) to Wiccan? Awesome, around here, that's a badge of honor. :mrgreen:

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JB appears to think that people get jobs by a kind of global lottery: that when you're born they give you a few seconds with a Sorting Hat and it assigns you the job you're going to get, allowing the universe to then fall into place around the creation of that job.

Back in the real world, you have to actually do something beyond talk about the job you're going to have. If you get to 18 with no formal schooling and no prospect of attending a genuine university, your chances of becoming a doctor aren't non-existent but they're starting to look dimmer than they were five years previously. If you don't know what astrophysics is and you belong to a family that wouldn't dare let you leave for military service in case it corrupts you, your chances of becoming an astronaut are worse with each passing day. These are not controversial facts to state.

What JB really believes, of course, is that once upon a time someone told him that it's vital to have lots of kids because they could grow up to do something special. Just as in that 'Duggar in the rough' video clip he parrots some Ken Ham/Kent Hovind line about secular scientists' circular reasoning in dating the age of rocks. There is no chance in the world that any member of staff at that diamond field actually tried that argument on him, but he happily ignores the real science that real people said to him in favour of some straw man that he saw on a Creation DVD once.

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Well, wait just one damn minute, JimBoob. Don't you mean "one of my BOYS might grow up to be a scientist curing cancer or an astronaut"? Because if you are suddenly allowing as how one of the J'slaves or little girls might be permitted to venture that far from hearth and home, well, this is certainly newsworthy.

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As far as being against any of their kids holding degrees... Dim Bulb even said it in one of the episodes... he doesn't encourage any of his children to get a college degree since he feels they are a waste of time and money. That was the gist of anyway.

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As far as being against any of their kids holding degrees... Dim Bulb even said it in one of the episodes... he doesn't encourage any of his children to get a college degree since he feels they are a waste of time and money. That was the gist of anyway.

I really have no words.


I can understand money is an issue, but we discussed that part. Community college, the Duggars' actual wealth, etc.

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Jim bob Duggar: A giant douche used for cervical softening in peri-menopausal women.

Please please please - say that we can make this a Google bomb!!!

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Well, wait just one damn minute, JimBoob. Don't you mean "one of my BOYS might grow up to be a scientist curing cancer or an astronaut"? Because if you are suddenly allowing as how one of the J'slaves or little girls might be permitted to venture that far from hearth and home, well, this is certainly newsworthy.

Yep, that was my first thought when I read what he said. There is NO WAY he was talking about the J'Slaves.

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One of his children MIGHT be a scientist if they escape their family and lifestyle they grew up in, get a whole bunch of remedial education, and probably be considered heathen sinners if they become real scientists. I personally have hope that Johannah still has the chance to do something worthwhile since she's never known anything but the show and she seems to still have a personality, which i'm sure was beaten out of the older ones by her age.

So they COULD be scientists, but that would be in spite of their parents. And Jim Bob doesn't really want them to be scientists, since he thinks that real scientists are evil. He's just saying that for the critics. What makes me very sad is that some of those kids could have done something like be a scientist had they been born in a different family, and because of the parents they have it's just so much wasted potential (especially if they are one of the J'Slaves. Who knows what they could have done if only they had been allowed a real education.)

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Oh dear. Does that mean I've gone from UU (at best) to Wiccan? Awesome, around here, that's a badge of honor. :mrgreen:

I think you deserve it. I nominate you for prefect! :)

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