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Another Modern Women Hurt Men Article


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GAH!! This is all so sickening! And its clear in his writing its all about HIM! Stroking the mans ego and the men feeling needed and wanted!

Luckily most men are not like this, and do NOT want a doormat, they actually want a strong woman by their side who they consider an equal!

I do NOT need nor want a man and while I agree motherhood is the hardest thing ANY woman can do, its NOT for all women!!!

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Love the cake!

I always want to ask these asshats what they think of their mothers. I mean, can you love your mother and feel this way about women? There is such a lack of respect coming off these guys...it makes me ponder how their mothers treated them as kids.

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Anybody want to tell him that the UK had a female prime minister back in the '70's, she even *gasp* had a husband and kids. Bad, bad Maggie!

If anybody ever told him that Jóhanna Sigurðardóttir, the prime minister of Iceland, is an out lesbian, his brain might 'splode.

Hey--that's an idea! Off to dash off an email...

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Back here in reality, however, human rights are for everyone regardless of size or occupation or even disability.

Drop the "even" and...AMEN, SISTER!

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I always thought it was insulting for fundie men to presuppose that our unemployment problems would be solved if women just went home. They base this on the idea that women hold jobs which require little training or skillset, which are well paid, and which were received via "special treatment". Nowhere do they explore the possibility that women may have worked hard, and EARNED their jobs. It makes one wonder what types of people these fundies are exposed to to think people are interchangeable, or to view every unemployed man as a victim of evil women.

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Love the cake!

I always want to ask these asshats what they think of their mothers. I mean, can you love your mother and feel this way about women? There is such a lack of respect coming off these guys...it makes me ponder how their mothers treated them as kids.

The Madonna-Whore complex, yep...

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Burris's post, as usual, is amazing. I can't say anything better than it, or equal to it, but I wanted to give a small anecdote as a woman once in a "manly" occupation.

I used to be a security guard. And about a year after I took up my contract, our (male) bosses were really aggressively hiring women over men. Was it because they loved feminism, nope. They were *seriously* not feminists in the slightest. However they had discovered that male guards, on the whole, escalated situations and female guards de-escalated them.

It was the contrast between having to prove you're manly and can kick the shit out of someone vs being able to say "Sir, I don't think this is a good situation for anyone. How about I call you a taxi? They can be so hard to find this time of night! [meaningless chatter]". I stand five foot tall and weigh roughly in proportion. I would lose any bar fight. But I never had to fight, and I could talk, be friendly and cheerful, help people away from a bad scenario...and they thought "I've a bit drink taken but here's a nice wee girl wanting to help me out, I will listen to her"

So male and female guards have complementary but useful roles. Some female guards are tough and fighting. Some male guards are de-escalators. All mixed in together, aggro when needed (cause it sometimes is) relaxed and de-escalating when it isn't. Why would anyone want to weaken security by taking women out of the equation?

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Some people just can't stand a level playing field...especially when they have nothing to offer the women except some cliche clap trap about being gentlemanly. That's code for being a stubborn jerk with fake manners.

I also really hate the insistance wowen must be "feminine". WTF does that mean? Parasols? Frills, fluttering eyelashes...oh fetch my smelling salts.

All these things are are guises and games. Not a male/female communication model to aspire to at all.

Women are women and men are men sure and there are differences without being all contrived about it. Awful.

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Yeah, to quote my friend there's no wrong way to be a woman. Or a man.

And a big middle finger up to anyone who claims your clothes, interests, profession, hairstyle, lifestyle, whatever makes you less of your gender identity. Gender identity is in the mind.

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A level playing field might mean he needs to pony up and work....or come to terms with his own limitations.

The vacancy I would create, if I went home and stayed there full time, requires a minimum of three university degrees. Go crazy buddy. Did the SOTDRT give you the skills to do that? Oh woops. To be me you would have to THINK.

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"Today, many American woman just want a pool boy…because we must remember that they’re independent and don’t really need a man full time anymore."

That's what his pitiful gripe is really about. He's not 'needed'. Look jerk, stop your whining, be a MAN and accept that women want to be valued for who they are, not belittled into needing a jerk like you.

:clap: :clap:

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