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So the Duggars will be back...?


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Here's a cite, just in case anyone doesn't believe me. Knowing something was likely to be wrong with the pregnancy would make most people opt not to film the appointment! The way JB was laying over M was very photogenic and nicely composed, for something depicted to spontaneous.

Knowing that something was "not right" + the J'slaves monitoring her = she knew it was over. They waited for TLC to bring the cameras to "confirm" what they already knew... BS PR famewhoring.

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I just got a friend request from someone on the 19 Kids and Counting FB page. If it's someone from here, no problem, but I don't want to friend some anonymous Duggar fan.

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Guest Anonymous
Teresa Jo Moore Powers

Hoping for new idea shows and not the same

old stuff!! The show needs a burst of


Well, if baby funerals are Teresa Jo's idea of a burst of excitement, she's in for a treat.

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Watched both previews and I am speechless. Do they have no shame? Oh wait, I know the answer to that. They've shown Josie clinging to life in an incubator and Anna giving birth on a toilet, of course they're cool with Michelle being filmed as she's told she lost the baby. And the funeral? This family is disgusting.

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I just got a friend request from someone on the 19 Kids and Counting FB page. If it's someone from here, no problem, but I don't want to friend some anonymous Duggar fan.

It wasn't me, I have only been reading so far on the 19kac page.

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Guest Anonymous

I stopped watching this show after Josie was born. I just couldn't after they had to film that poor little baby in an incubator with the whole damn family gathered around her with the cameras. It just didn't seem right. Nothing is off limits for the Duggars, it's kind of sick.

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wow.. I went to a movie and just got home I finally see some negative posts on there besides MINE.. it was the only negative one before you guys came.... I'm surprised its still there.

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Guest Anonymous

The posts on their facebook page are scary. I had to stop reading when someone wrote that the Duggars were the perfect christian family.

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I shouldn't be surprised, but I am. I feel awful for anyone who loses a pregnancy, but then putting the moments they found out they lost a pregnancy on national TV? Shameful, but I bet their pro-life fans will fawn over them "sharing the sanctity of life for all". That and/or it will be one of those moments that are so over-the-top that viewers refuse to watch anymore (see: Jon and Kate after the crazy got too crazy).

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Can I just say I am 100% appalled after watching the promo ad for the new season. They really felt is necessary to have TLC film them at the doctors after just learning their baby passed? I know they were there to film the gender reveal, but after learning your child just passed away, wouldn't you want a little privacy to grieve? Maybe just tape a separate shoot at a later time where they briefly state their baby passed away?

I wouldn't be surprised if Jim-Bob found out, told Michelle to hold the tears in for a minute, ushered in the cameras and said action as he knelt down to "comfort" his wife. Sick.

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From the Duggars point of view, this is a chance to share their anti-abortion message with millions and earn bonus points with God. A small segment of their viewers will be see it that way, the rest will be horrified at Jubilee VSE. If the outcry is big enough, TLC might have a reason to cancel the show (and might have been waiting//hoping/editing for the opportunity).

Then the Duggars will appear on the Today show to announce they are stopping the show to spend more time with each other ("more time with the family"), and they'll fade away until one of the J.s leaves the family and starts telling all.

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Logged in just to say that I left a negative comment on the facebook page and "liked" all the negative ones. I figure every negative comment that has twenty "likes" is more damning than every "ZOMG PRAYZ TEH DUGHERS" post with one "like".

And I like being a troll and not reading for class.

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With the new season looming, its pretty obvious that campaigning for Frothy was second only to gaining views for the next season of tasteless TV.

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It's pretty clear that TLC is nothing more than a right wing propaganda machine.

Time to put a stop to them.

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I liked it as well, and posted my own little agreement. I can't wait to see them turn rabid.

I'm going to FB to friend you guys. I'm the one with the Lady Violet from Downton Abbey avatar. Maggie Smith is my acting heroine (Helen Mirren is the goddess). Streep and Mirren are about the same age so we'll see.

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I'm going to FB to friend you guys. I'm the one with the Lady Violet from Downton Abbey avatar. Maggie Smith is my acting heroine (Helen Mirren is the goddess). Streep and Mirren are about the same age so we'll see.

I should probably start watching Downtown Abbey when my first thought in the morning is "I just got friended by McGonagall looking classy!"

New post on the 19KAC facebook about Michelle staying organized and offering parenting advice, which is essentially "write shit down on a calendar" and the comments are either "OMG YAY HERE'S MY KIDS IN ACTIVITIES! KIDS THESE DAYS!! LOL. FAMILY. LESS THAN THREE DUGGARS" and the people that do those weird wish posts. I snarked on both.

Edited for a grammar riffle. (Fixing an adverb)

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Don't forget the ones who tell the naysayers that they are just jealous that Michelle is more organized with 19 children than they are with 1.

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Don't forget the ones who tell the naysayers that they are just jealous that Michelle is more organized with 19 children than they are with 1.

Writing things down on a calendar is HAAAAAARRRDDDDDDDDD.

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Marm, I just friended you on FB. Haven't watched Downtown Abbey yet but I am a Britcom lover!!!1

I should probably start watching Downtown Abbey when my first thought in the morning is "I just got friended by McGonagall looking classy!"

New post on the 19KAC facebook about Michelle staying organized and offering parenting advice, which is essentially "write shit down on a calendar" and the comments are either "OMG YAY HERE'S MY KIDS IN ACTIVITIES! KIDS THESE DAYS!! LOL. FAMILY. LESS THAN THREE DUGGARS" and the people that do those weird wish posts. I snarked on both.

Edited for a grammar riffle. (Fixing an adverb)

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Starryeyedkat, I sort of just friendend you on facebook. I sort of because my cat helped by walking across the keyboard. Anyway, if you want to friend my cat and I :lol: I'm the one with a pug face and a last name of a city in Cali. My fat cat thanks you.

Me too Kat. I have the Carolina hat on!

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It's pretty clear that TLC is nothing more than a right wing propaganda machine.

Time to put a stop to them.

I was hoping there would be no more Duggar episodes.

TLC has lost something the last few years. Gone are the days of Property Ladder, Trading Spaces, and actual programs that taught the viewing public. Now we have one crappy reality show after another. I used to go to the LEARNING channel to learn something. Now it's more like the Lack of Substance channel. It's all dog and pony to them to get ratings.

What will make them drop the Duggars, save an intervention from God almighty and possibly getting Sean Overbeeke fired? If have thousands of protestors outside their offices, boycotts of/from advertisers, boos and hisses at Michelle and Jim Bob at their engagements, would those things convince TLC to drop the Duggars completely?

Seriously, how can we put a stop to TLC or at least convince the head honchos at TLC that enough is enough?

On a side note, I get so tired of hearing the Duggars talk about close they are to their TLC family. LIke Josh, when he wrote on his instagram about how he's playing tennis with his good friend Sean, or how the film crew is like family. Really, if the show ended, the film crew and Sean would disappear from the Duggars' lives. Josh could text and call Sean and Sean would be hitting ignore and delete on his phone. Josh, if you read this, get a clue. Sean only hangs out with you because you're his next meal ticket.

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Apparently some silly fan on the FB page is not aware that Michelle had a miscarriage, and even suggested a name. I set her straight.

It wasn't difficult, Lady Violet ;)

Yay! Downton Abbey is da WWI BOMB! Tonight's episode looks to be a doozy; the influenza outbreak is due to strike at any minute. (And I don't think Matthew is permanently paralyzed...just swelling around the injury site. Mary will snag him in the end!)

Maggie Smith is the reason I started watching in the first place. I love that old broad. :dance:

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