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So the Duggars will be back...?


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I was hoping there would be no more Duggar episodes.

TLC has lost something the last few years. Gone are the days of Property Ladder, Trading Spaces, and actual programs that taught the viewing public. Now we have one crappy reality show after another. I used to go to the LEARNING channel to learn something. Now it's more like the Lack of Substance channel. It's all dog and pony to them to get ratings.

What will make them drop the Duggars, save an intervention from God almighty and possibly getting Sean Overbeeke fired? If have thousands of protestors outside their offices, boycotts of/from advertisers, boos and hisses at Michelle and Jim Bob at their engagements, would those things convince TLC to drop the Duggars completely?

Seriously, how can we put a stop to TLC or at least convince the head honchos at TLC that enough is enough?

On a side note, I get so tired of hearing the Duggars talk about close they are to their TLC family. LIke Josh, when he wrote on his instagram about how he's playing tennis with his good friend Sean, or how the film crew is like family. Really, if the show ended, the film crew and Sean would disappear from the Duggars' lives. Josh could text and call Sean and Sean would be hitting ignore and delete on his phone. Josh, if you read this, get a clue. Sean only hangs out with you because you're his next meal ticket.

I agree Sean is probably only friendly to the Duggars because they are his meal ticket. I think rest of the producers, crew members, and editors are only friendly for professional reasons. The only person out of the crew that might actually like the family is Jim the sound guy. I think there are times the crew members show their dislike for the family. There have been shots showing some of the kids sleeping on the floor, shots of the girls wearing flip flops in bad situatons including Joy Anna rock climbing in them, and also there are a couple of editors that shown some of the family's attitudes towards science.

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I'm buying Season 2 on Tuesday, because I can't wait for the last 2 episodes! Plus, it has scenes deleted by PBS due to time constraints.

I don't think Matthew is permanently paralyzed either. ;)

Back to the topic, I think the crew may genuinely like, and feel bad for the kids, but probably not JB, Michelle, and Josh. The less than flattering footage is escalating, IMO.

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I'm buying Season 2 on Tuesday, because I can't wait for the last 2 episodes! Plus, it has scenes deleted by PBS due to time constraints.

I don't think Matthew is permanently paralyzed either. ;)

Back to the topic, I think the crew may genuinely like, and feel bad for the kids, but probably not JB, Michelle, and Josh. The less than flattering footage is escalating, IMO.

I'll buy both them when they come out on blueray. Gotta support QUALITY television (unlike the duggars!)

I also dont think Matthew is paralyzed. I keep hoping for a courtship LOL!

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I agree Sean is probably only friendly to the Duggars because they are his meal ticket. I think rest of the producers, crew members, and editors are only friendly for professional reasons. The only person out of the crew that might actually like the family is Jim the sound guy. I think there are times the crew members show their dislike for the family. There have been shots showing some of the kids sleeping on the floor, shots of the girls wearing flip flops in bad situatons including Joy Anna rock climbing in them, and also there are a couple of editors that shown some of the family's attitudes towards science.

Was Jim the guy who invited his daughter over to play with the girls? He seemed very sweet. (I just started watch 19KaC a few months ago.)

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I was wondering if that was you! I was all, "Who's friending me, I don't recognize this name, but wow, that's a lot of puglove. Ooooh, I bet I know who this is!" And I was right! I accepted your request. :)

Thank you love, I was afraid my fatty mcfatty cat and I might have crossed the line or something. :? He does have issues about walking across my lap top when he thinks I'm not paying him enough attention. And yes, I do have some serious puglove going on. 95% of my friends on my list belong to a massive world wide pug group. I really don't know 4,000 people in real life. :shock:

I was going to as marmalade to be my friend too but it looks like she already is. I am so silly. :oops:

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I wanted to send a tweet to Smuggar about how disgusting his family is for fame-whoring this out, but I was so mad that I would have been extremely rude and possibly sounded threatening ... and he blocked me, so I can't. :x

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I wanted to send a tweet to Smuggar about how disgusting his family is for fame-whoring this out, but I was so mad that I would have been extremely rude and possibly sounded threatening ... and he blocked me, so I can't. :x

I'm actually surprised there havent been more leg humping tweets.

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TLC has lost something the last few years. Gone are the days of Property Ladder, Trading Spaces, and actual programs that taught the viewing public. Now we have one crappy reality show after another. I used to go to the LEARNING channel to learn something. Now it's more like the Lack of Substance channel. It's all dog and pony to them to get ratings.

It's a business, and they found the ratings were better with freak shows than educational ones. It's unPC to point and laugh at women dancing in the audience while their overly made up babies are up on stage, but when it's a reality show you can laugh away. Ideally, Little People Big World would let viewers see that little people are just like everyone else, it's not TLC's fault the audience didn't do that. The shows featuring extremely obese people could educate viewers about life threatening obesity, the network can't control that viewers just want to gawk at fatties.

Remember, you can't spell tactless without TLC.

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Was Jim the guy who invited his daughter over to play with the girls? He seemed very sweet. (I just started watch 19KaC a few months ago.)

Yup that was Jim.

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They made those kids PERFORM at the funeral? That's messed up. I mean, it's all messed up, but jesus, they're not trained monkeys and it wasn't a flipping circus.

Not that they wouldn't do such a tasteless, mean thing, but, looking at the background, I think that shot is from a different event.

The funeral:


Video cued up to the bowed-string-instrument-abuse:

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Yes, the background looks different. I can make out 'Fresh &' something in the violin background. Thank God!

My tivo's been updated to show a marathon of last seasons shows on the 14th, but still no info on the miscarriage show.

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I didn't comment at FB, but "liked" several. I can't believe they're going there. I know how much it hurts to lose a baby - my latest loss was 16 weeks - and I'm just shocked that they're whoring it out there. I would have ripped my husband a new one if he'd let people anywhere near me when I learned that a pregnancy wasn't viable. This really is a whole new level of fucked up that I never anticipated even from the Duggars.

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I didn't comment at FB, but "liked" several. I can't believe they're going there. I know how much it hurts to lose a baby - my latest loss was 16 weeks - and I'm just shocked that they're whoring it out there. I would have ripped my husband a new one if he'd let people anywhere near me when I learned that a pregnancy wasn't viable. This really is a whole new level of fucked up that I never anticipated even from the Duggars.

I'm sorry for your loss. That's another thing the Duggars may not have considered- it might be very triggering to women who have suffered miscarriages, especially if they show the pictures of Jubilee.

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Apparently the Duggar Family Blog linked the preview video (credited to one of their "loyal readers" :lol: ), and they are making comments on youtube too:

I sure love the duggars and I am sad for the loss of their precious baby.I know jubilee is walking on the streets of gold with Jesus.Can't wait to watch the duggars;I love them!!!

melissasmth 10 hours ago

Michelle I promise that it will get better. Things like this happen for a reason. <3 u I'm praying that ur family is doing ok. Jubilee is in a better place now.

moglolz1 13 hours ago

this is so sad, though i cant wait to watch it when it comes out!

XTheSatsX 17 hours ago

I really don't get the comment addressed to Michelle. I hope she at least realizes that the Duggar Family Blog is not actually run by the Duggar family...

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I can't believe the number of people praising it for being such a clean show. Jim Bob and Michelle do nothing but boast about their sex life.

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I "liked" a couple of comments on the "Return of the Duggars" on Facebook and felt compelled to comment on the question "Between soccer, ballet, and piano, how do you keep your kid's activities straight?"


I replied that they are easy to organize as they are all filed under "not going to happen".

Heck, I raised 2 boys because that way I did have enough time and organizational skills to allow us all to participate is sports, music, scouting, school activities, etc. etc. without a special flow chart required beyond a calendar. Result: 2 well adjusted adults.

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"This is so sad, though I can't wait to watch it"

That is so gross. It's like people are totally oblivious to the exploitative tone this show has taken, even when it's staring them in the face.

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I "liked" a couple of comments on the "Return of the Duggars" on Facebook and felt compelled to comment on the question "Between soccer, ballet, and piano, how do you keep your kid's activities straight?"


I replied that they are easy to organize as they are all filed under "not going to happen".

Heck, I raised 2 boys because that way I did have enough time and organizational skills to allow us all to participate is sports, music, scouting, school activities, etc. etc. without a special flow chart required beyond a calendar. Result: 2 well adjusted adults.

I really wondered why that was on the Duggar fan page, since that stuff is not relevant to the Duggars in any way. Their fans can make the argument that the kids are more socialized or involved in activities than what we see on the show, but soccer? Ballet? Even the rabid fans have to know that the kids are not involved in those activities. Could you imagine the defrauding potential of a leotard? Even the piano lessons that the kids have are conducted by their siblings and don't require them to leave the house. SMH.

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Ooh, I used to take ballet at a studio with a fundie family. They wore pretty modest, long sleeved, high-cut top and low-cut leg leotards with long (for ballet, like knee length) skirts and opaque tights.

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Ugh. I just saw ANOTHER version of the preview. Its longer and much more offensive. It starts with the ultrasound, then the girls running through a field... then them picking names and then the part we've seen, including the violins at the "funeral"

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Just checking DWOP... how was Anna's miscarriage handled? Was it mentioned at all in the show?


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