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So the Duggars will be back...?


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I thought the funeral was more than a little out there when I heard about it, but showing it on TV is just awful.

I've had a miscarriage and I've known plenty of other women who have too. It's good to talk about it because it tends to be something that is a bit taboo. But taking ultra creepy pictures with a fetus and then holding a massive funeral - I don't have the words for how icky that makes me feel!

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Do you think they named the fetus Jubilee because even they aren't cruel enough to inflict that name on a living human?

Also, do you think they are aware of the X-Men reference? (I'm sure this has been discussed before I joined, sorry!)

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Do you think they named the fetus Jubilee because even they aren't cruel enough to inflict that name on a living human?

Also, do you think they are aware of the X-Men reference? (I'm sure this has been discussed before I joined, sorry!)

Awww, don't ruin Jubilee and her sparkle powers for me.

(how are there no glitter smilies?)

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Do you think they named the fetus Jubilee because even they aren't cruel enough to inflict that name on a living human?

Also, do you think they are aware of the X-Men reference? (I'm sure this has been discussed before I joined, sorry!)

Don't worry, I thought the same thing in response to the first one LOL.

These commercials are getting more and more disturbing. Is nothing sacred for this family? Wait, I already know the answer to that. And yes, I am also weirded out by the twee music playing as Michelle cries upon learning she lost her baby.

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I'm trying avoid TLC to avoid the previews as well. I understand everyone grieves in a different way, but seeing her crying on the ultrasound table is too much for me. I had a miscarriage a few years ago, and I can still feel the hot tears on my face. I certainly wouldn't want to see my pain on television later. There is something very prideful about wanting to be on camera during such an intimate moment. A simple, "Thanks everyone for your support during this rough time," would have been more appropriate.

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These promos are truly appalling. I don't think I'm naive about their whoring ways, but I was actually shocked to see that they took this route. I didn't watch very much of the preview, it's just awful.

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Jim Bob and Michelle do nothing but boast about their sex life.

At least they don't have the mandatory 1 or 2 kisses per episode anymore! Yuck, just yuck. Defrauding!!

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Wow, just seen the promo on FB and cant belive they filmed the funeral (well i can coz its them) I really thought they would show photos with some voice over or something. Also it looks like the cameras were thier when she found out she had lost it, gunna be an intresting one....

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I just wish the show would go away. I'm not watching the new season on February 14 (or ever), because February 14 is Valentines Day and I plan to spend it with my husband, not wasting my time on their show.

When I saw the girls running in the field in the preview, I just kept hoping they'd keep running and not stop.

Hopefully there won't be any Josh and Anna announcements about being pregnant again. Like anyone would be shocked by that. How about Josh shock us and attend a brick and mortar university somewhere. Now that would be shocking! :)

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Anna will probably announce that she's pregnant with twins. Then again, Michelle might have another nervous breakdown over that one. I'm not going to watch her fall apart on camera, I can't imagine anyone who wants to see the VSE that TLC has planned. Have they even bothered to do research on who their target audience is?

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Anna will probably announce that she's pregnant with twins. Then again, Michelle might have another nervous breakdown over that one. I'm not going to watch her fall apart on camera, I can't imagine anyone who wants to see the VSE that TLC has planned. Have they even bothered to do research on who their target audience is?

I imagine it's very divided - Conservative Christians and snarkers.

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I posted this response on the 19K&C Facebook page in response to the question of whether people would watch the return episode:

(My name)

Not only will I not be watching, I will be avoiding TLC until after the episode airs so I don't have to see the commercials.

A person then posted this immediately after me:

(Other Person)

I think ur right maybe God is trying to tell them enough, for any babies sake and Michelles own health, this will help other couples who have suffered such a loss, so its good to see something so tragic.

I can't tell if she is posting in response to me or someone else. Someone then posted in response to both of us.

@ (My name) & (Other person) don't be putting words in God's mouth. They are not living off the government, they take care of themselves. It is none of your business how many children they have, that is God's business.

What the hell? Where did she get that from my comment? How does she know the reason I'm not watching?

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I realize I'm late to the party, but I only just now saw the preview on the 19KAC page.

I am TOTALLY watching this trainwreck. I find the entire way they publicly handled Michelle's miscarriage ridiculous and offensive, but I won't be able to keep my eyes away.

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I'll watch the Jubliee VSE mainly because I want to see if TLC will show the dark side of the Duggars. Last season, there were a few times in which some of the Duggars' true beliefs and personalities were shown on the air. I won't watch the first airing of the Jubliee VSE. Glee will be on my area at that time and I'll be watching that live. I'll watch the encore airing of the Jubliee VSE later on that night.

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Here's a scenario:

TLC is ready to move on from the Duggars. Michelle's not having more babies and there are other families with stories to tell. But how to get rid of the Duggars?

Allow the Duggars to have final say over Jubilee's VSE. Let them make it as Jesus and Jubilee focused as they want, let them talk about pro life and their beliefs, show the fetus in all its glory. After seeing the Duggars for what they really are and how they really feel, there's a backlash. People stop watching, and the show can quietly be cancelled without anyone have to denounce a television network.

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I posted this response on the 19K&C Facebook page in response to the question of whether people would watch the return episode:

A person then posted this immediately after me:

I can't tell if she is posting in response to me or someone else. Someone then posted in response to both of us.

What the hell? Where did she get that from my comment? How does she know the reason I'm not watching?[/quote]

The whole "they aren't living off the government" comments are sometimes used by Duggar defenders in online conversations, even when other people don't mention anything about. I laugh at the people who use that defense for the Duggars. The Duggars have never been on government assistance, but they have accepted charity from others in the past because they couldn't afford certain things. They used to receive clothing and food donations from people who lived near them and went to the same church as them before they started homechurching with other families.

Boob and Mullet have never completely taken care of their family on their own. They have admitted to receiving past donations in a few interviews.

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I posted this response on the 19K&C Facebook page in response to the question of whether people would watch the return episode:

A person then posted this immediately after me:

I can't tell if she is posting in response to me or someone else. Someone then posted in response to both of us.

What the hell? Where did she get that from my comment? How does she know the reason I'm not watching?

They're probably to the point where that's the only defense they can really mount. Since they let Josh off the leash, he's proven that they're not just raising perfect, well-behaved, healthy angels. They can't argue that the kids are getting a good education because they're stumping for CollegeMinus and have several kids in their 20s with no plans for further education. They can't argue that they're just trying to live godly lives without dictating to others when they're travelling around the country in support of a presidential candidate's campaign. Now that they've increased their media presence, it's harder to make people buy the BS.

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I realize I'm late to the party, but I only just now saw the preview on the 19KAC page.

I am TOTALLY watching this trainwreck. I find the entire way they publicly handled Michelle's miscarriage ridiculous and offensive, but I won't be able to keep my eyes away.

This + Ditto

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As much as I do not want to be added to the "how many people watched this show", I do plan on watching this season and seeing just how low the Duggars plan on dropping to get ratings in. If they show the private memorial and funeral in its entirety plus the pictures of Jubilee's hands and feet, expect TLC to make a statement in public.

If anything, this is TLC's way of throwing them under the bus to make it easier to cancel the show. They did the same thing with Jon and Kate Plus 8 and then Kate Plus 8. They showed a lot of bull shit Kate was doing and then after a while, people got bored and annoyed with the show. If this season stirs up a lot of controversy and more and more people turn away, TLC will have no choice but to cancel the show.

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As much as I do not want to be added to the "how many people watched this show", I do plan on watching this season and seeing just how low the Duggars plan on dropping to get ratings in. If they show the private memorial and funeral in its entirety plus the pictures of Jubilee's hands and feet, expect TLC to make a statement in public.

If anything, this is TLC's way of throwing them under the bus to make it easier to cancel the show. They did the same thing with Jon and Kate Plus 8 and then Kate Plus 8. They showed a lot of bull shit Kate was doing and then after a while, people got bored and annoyed with the show. If this season stirs up a lot of controversy and more and more people turn away, TLC will have no choice but to cancel the show.

About 10 - 20% of women have miscarried when they knew they were pregnant. I'm guessing most viewers of the show are women, and if they haven't personally suffered a miscarriage, they almost certainly have sisters, friends or mothers who have. Two of my sisters have miscarried twice, one pregnancy was at about 20 weeks.

It's very sad when a wanted pregnancy terminates, but it's not an uncommon occurrence and most people grieve in their own private way. And so I can't see Jubilee's grand jubilee going over too well with most viewers.

Further, being over 45, Michelle must have known she had a 50% chance of miscarrying this baby. Not that this makes it any less sad for her personally, but she should have been fully prepared for the possibility. And the fact that she is trying so hard to get pregnant when the odds of having both a successful pregnancy and a healthy baby are so low makes me much less sympathetic to her.

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I've 'liked' some of the negative comments on FB but can't find the words to comment yet without cursing repeatedly. These people make me want to hurl things at the laptop, they obviously don't realise that it is only a fanpage :roll:

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TLC have added synopses for the first three episodes to their schedule :shock:

February 14:

The Duggars are back! Watch as the family adds new life, planting trees, visits a cornmaze, and hits the speaking circuit. Later, an emotional moment occurs when Michelle and Jim Bob go in for a routine pregnancy check-up.

February 21:

It's a special milestone for Mackynzie as she gets her very first haircut! Will she be able to sit still or will it be a hair-raising experience for all? Meanwhile, Josh and Anna give us the latest updates on their car lot and baby Michael!

It's rare to find a family as big as the Duggars! Watch two big families collide when the Vanderhoffs visit the Duggars. And while Jim Bob is home playing host, Michelle hits the road to visit her best friend of 39 years and speaks at a Moms' Meeting.
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Will she be able to sit still or will it be a hair-raising experience for all?

I can feel the suspense building already.

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