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So the Duggars will be back...?


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Ugh, I just saw it. I'm officially done. TLC is doing the Duggars a great disservice by exploiting this on Valentine's Day. The critics are going to flee in droves and the ChrisLukases of the world will see it as a validation of love, not realizing the Duggars have absolutely no control about when their shows air.

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I have friends on FB from UK who are all excited because they are getting ready to air a new season of 19KOC but its the World Tour , it seems like they are getting ready to air season 5 there.

Yeah we are really far behind. Mind you ive got about 8 episodes on my tivo that i haven't watched yet. Ill pprobably delete them as i cant be bothered anymore.

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seems like it is the funeral -- and where they pose for the picture in the church -- michelle crying

yeah i don't think i can stomach that episode... but what if they throw in some courtship miracle in the middle? because IT IS VDay...


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You have to be fucking kidding me...Valentine's Day? Not that I really do much to celebrate other than allot time to spend doing the horizontal with the husband, but REALLY? I mean, we got the Titantic Dougie par-tay, and now fucking dead baby Valentine's Day? Really, the world is spinning out of control here. Do people not THINK AHEAD anymore?

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I already resolved not to watch the show anymore, but now I'm going to avoid TLC altogether so I don't have to see the commercials. I think this warrants an e-mail to TLC.

I just checked the cable guide on my TV and it only has the 11:00pm repeat listed--and it's with their canned description that they always use for episodes that don't have descriptions yet. "Profiling the Duggar clan as they welcome their newest addition." Miiiiiiight want to change that.

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Live in the UK, tried watching a couple of episodes on Youtube but failed. I just can't fucking stand any of them. The older ones are smug ignorant fucks, and I find children whom I'm not related to profoundly uninteresting. I just enjoy the trainwreck through you guys :dance:

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Yeah, I just saw it too.

The funeral.

And worst yet, the "Jubilee is no more" ultrasound.

Are you serious!?!?!?!? They're advertising the ultrasound that shows the fetus is dead????? Please tell me you're just kidding.

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Are you serious!?!?!?!? They're advertising the ultrasound that shows the fetus is dead????? Please tell me you're just kidding.

I don't know if they show the actual ultrasound test (they probably do), but it goes something like this:

Starts out all happy days, with the kids planting trees and joyfully running through a meadow or something.

Then it's a shot of the kids in the house all sitting around and picking boys' names and putting them on a list. (Jefferson was the one I heard the loudest for any Confederacy buffs out there. But maybe they're just Thomas Jefferson fans. :D )

Then we see Boob and Michelle walking into the reception area of a doctor's office. It must be the ultrasound test to determine the sex of the fetus, because it's clearly TLC shot and in the very next frame we see Michelle weeping into a Kleenex and you can see the ultrasound equipment next to the bed she is lying on. Boob is comforting her.

And it's definitely the funeral. There's a shot of the kids playing violin (I could be wrong, but it looked like Jenny may have one now) in the auditorium where Michelle did her first "Dear Jubilee" speech and then of the boys in suits with grandma walking to the gravesite followed by Michelle and the girls seated and crying by the grave.

It's going to be as bad as everyone imagined it could be.

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Wow. Those idiots at TLC need their heads examined if they think a dead fetus episode makes good TV. And good Valentine's Day TV? OMG. :shock:

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Okay, I take back what I said about snarking potential. That just leaves a bad taste in my mouth. Didn't know they had a video comparing abortion to the Holocaust on their website either. They are just sick. I hope this episode gets lots of complaints. And on Valentine's Day as well - not that I think much of that holiday but that has to be a sick joke by the producers.

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I can't say much, since I haven't been able to get through more than the first 2 or 3 minutes of a Duggar episode for YEARS now, but...

When FJ snarked about this being the next "VSE" I didn't think it was possible.

Unfortunately, I was wrong. Absolutely amazing, and not in a good way.

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Does anyone think that by showing this VSE on Valentine's Day, TLC is in fact throwing the Duggars under the bus? They sure didn't hesitate to show the worst of Kate Gosselin in her final episodes last year before the cancellation was announced. I wonder if maybe Jim Bob negotiated whatever upcoming season this is once Michelle found out she was pregnant, prior to that, the show in fact was not renewed (hence the 3 World tour "specials"). If the Duggars did agree to show every single detail about this miscarriage, funeral, etc., then they are in the same league as the Kardashians, who will also do and show anything on their tv show for money.

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Wow. Those idiots at TLC need their heads examined if they think a dead fetus episode makes good TV. And good Valentine's Day TV? OMG. :shock:

New slogan for them "TLC; we put the 'T' in Tasteless."

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I wonder if they are going to show Michelle's letter to Jubilee and if they do how they will edit her leaving out Caleb in it.

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I wonder if they are going to show Michelle's letter to Jubilee and if they do how they will edit her leaving out Caleb in it.

Michelle starts reading the letter. As they approach the iffy part, they cut to a shot of the audience as Michelle reads the second version. And all the sheeple will buy it.

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This doesn't surprise me one bit that they would decide to "share" to their viewers their heartache and pain. They take something so tragic and turn it into money making machine. I'm so disgusted that they're airing this on V-DAY, along with the FUNERAL. They had a note up on their website regarding respecting their privacy, yet here they are parading around a devastating event in their lives. First, Grandpa Duggar, then Josie, and now Jubilee?! They are right up there with the Kardashians with being money hungry.

I really hope the season premiere episode receives so much backlash that TLC will have to cancel their show. Then again, I'm sure TLC is doing this to throw Duggars under the bus, making it easier to cancel their show. Remember the Gosselins and how awful the show became? This could be a sign..please, let it be.

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First, Grandpa Duggar, then Josie, and now Jubilee?! They are right up there with the Kardashians with being money hungry.

Mustn't leave out poor Jason and his accident. No TLC on site, so Mommy had to cheerfully take on the role of filming her injured and terrified little boy so the show could have the footage.

Duggar family rules: Show first. Mommy second. Injured child last.

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This is hardly surprising. It's an odd (to put it mildly) choice for Valentine's Day, but nothing the Duggars and TLC do can shock me anymore.

I think TLC is showing the Duggars in a less than flattering light before cancellation. Hopefully this season will be short, and the last.

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SEAN OVERBEEKE! If this is the case and cancellation is imminant, throw them all the way under the bus, show us ALL the crazy!

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SEAN OVERBEEKE! If this is the case and cancellation is imminant, throw them all the way under the bus, show us ALL the crazy!

I'll buy the DVD if this happens :lol:

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Does anyone think that by showing this VSE on Valentine's Day, TLC is in fact throwing the Duggars under the bus? They sure didn't hesitate to show the worst of Kate Gosselin in her final episodes last year before the cancellation was announced. I wonder if maybe Jim Bob negotiated whatever upcoming season this is once Michelle found out she was pregnant, prior to that, the show in fact was not renewed (hence the 3 World tour "specials"). If the Duggars did agree to show every single detail about this miscarriage, funeral, etc., then they are in the same league as the Kardashians, who will also do and show anything on their tv show for money.

I don't think they can be compared to the Kardashians. The K's know exactly what they're doing; they're caricaturing themselves to make money. They don't pretend otherwise.

Jimboob and the Mullet, OTOH, hide behind the pretense of saving souls for Jeebus.

I prefer the K's.

Like you, though, I did wonder if this disgusting VSE is TLC throwing them under the bus.

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The Kardashians are disgusting but at least they're open about it and aren't using a miscarriage for prolife propaganda. I prefer them to the Duggars.

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