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So the Duggars will be back...?


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I knew they'd do this shit.

Did the adds imply another season will start? Maye it's VSE Death of The Show.

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I turned the channel to TLC just to see if the commercial would come on..it did on the 2nd commercial break. They are obviously showing EVERYTHING but whats most shocking is that people thought they wouldn't. We know the camera's were there we saw the creepy pics .. whatever made you think they wouldn't show it? It in all honestly looks like a lifetime movie..about a tragic event sad thing this is real life :( They captured Michelle being told the baby was gone...thats low really low thats the part i didn't think they would film WRONG.. even the graveside part was filmed.

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I don't know if they show the actual ultrasound test (they probably do), but it goes something like this:

Starts out all happy days, with the kids planting trees and joyfully running through a meadow or something.

Then it's a shot of the kids in the house all sitting around and picking boys' names and putting them on a list. (Jefferson was the one I heard the loudest for any Confederacy buffs out there. But maybe they're just Thomas Jefferson fans. :D )

Then we see Boob and Michelle walking into the reception area of a doctor's office. It must be the ultrasound test to determine the sex of the fetus, because it's clearly TLC shot and in the very next frame we see Michelle weeping into a Kleenex and you can see the ultrasound equipment next to the bed she is lying on. Boob is comforting her.

And it's definitely the funeral. There's a shot of the kids playing violin (I could be wrong, but it looked like Jenny may have one now) in the auditorium where Michelle did her first "Dear Jubilee" speech and then of the boys in suits with grandma walking to the gravesite followed by Michelle and the girls seated and crying by the grave.

It's going to be as bad as everyone imagined it could be.

Wow, that is the sappiest, corniest thing possible. It's like an SNL skit. Yep, this is definitely TLC throwing the family under the bus.

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On the 19K&C Facebook page, a fan--clearly posted before the commercials started airing--said that she is so excited and she will be watching the episode "with a smile on my face." No. No you won't.

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Here's My crappy Dub:


I'm NOT responsible of you vomit, punch your monitor, or ragequit watching the show. :)

I thought it was interesting wow they just said 'Duggars' not 'The Duggars' or '19KAC'; maybe the name of the show has been changed.

ETA: Kat beat me to posting it.

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Here's My crappy Dub:


I'm NOT responsible of you vomit, punch your monitor, or ragequit watching the show. :)

I thought it was interesting wow they just said 'Duggars' not 'The Duggars' or '19KAC'; maybe the name of the show has been changed.

ETA: Kat beat me to posting it.

No worries, yours is clearer. :)

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No, but there's always Kid Farm

The kidfarm actors and actresses should be guest stars for a Duggar parody on SNL... Wonder what Jim-Boob and Smuggy would comment on or say to that!

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Interesting. The one I saw last night was different. Boob says "We'll get through this" as a VO as the family is walking AWAY from the burial site.

The one aired last night was much longer and had footage of the kids picking names, playing violin at the funeral, etc.

They are probably still editing as I type this, which may be the reason for the fluid time frames. I don't doubt there is some trepidation at TLC as to how best handle this mess.

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I think the reason SNL has never parodied 19KAC is because the Duggars aren't extremely popular in the reality TV show world. Maybe if Tina Fey was still on SNL, there would be a parody.

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Starryeyedkat, I sort of just friendend you on facebook. I sort of because my cat helped by walking across the keyboard. Anyway, if you want to friend my cat and I :lol: I'm the one with a pug face and a last name of a city in Cali. My fat cat thanks you.

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Gag. Seriously, the facebook page... the comments... gag...

19 Kids and Counting

We are so excited to announce that 19 Kids and Counting will return Tuesday, February 14th at 9/8c! LIKE if you'll be watching.

Melissa Cooke Kennedy Love this show...The duggars are such an inspirational family. Good example of family!

Yesterday at 7:41pm · Like · 1.

Dawn DeeDee Roper finally!! I can't wait!!

Yesterday at 7:41pm · Like.

Clarissa Busby Evers So excited! We love the Duggars!

Yesterday at 7:52pm · Like.

Beverly Barr cant wait

Yesterday at 7:55pm · Like.

Sandy Novotny YAY! We can't wait!

Yesterday at 7:57pm · Like.

Teresa Jo Moore Powers Hoping for new idea shows and not the same old stuff!! The show needs a burst of excitement!

Yesterday at 8:03pm · Like.

Christy Brummund I love the Duggars. They have had a positive influence on my life. Thank you Duggars.

Yesterday at 8:11pm · Like.

Becky Anthony It's about time!!!!! :)) Can't wait! We love that show!

Yesterday at 8:25pm · Like.

Veronica Sawyer Can't wait till it returns. Love that show and all the kids. God bless them all!

Yesterday at 8:28pm · Like · 1.

Cathryn Wallis Cant wait all all your sweet babies and ms.dugger and mr.dugger

Yesterday at 8:36pm · Like.

Amanda Bleech Is there anyway to watch online? :'''( Our little military family here doesn't have cable. Lol

Yesterday at 8:39pm · Like.

Joy Goffena Looking forward to more wonderful times of how you share your faith with all those you come in contact with. Praying more will follow your lead by putting Christ first in their lives!! Way to go Duggars.

23 hours ago · Like.

Alisa Ramm' Carlson I pray you are all doing well.

22 hours ago · Like.

Christina DePhillips Can't wait,such an inspiring family. Love their show.

22 hours ago · Like.

Donna Knepper A W E S O M E DUGGARS!!!!

22 hours ago · Like.

Gretchen Bursley Love Can't wait !! to see them again have miss All of them !!

22 hours ago · Like.

Sherry Huffman Baumann Hunt Yay!!! Been waiting!!! Excited!!

22 hours ago · Like.

Margie Hamilton im not missing that. my eyes will be glued lol

21 hours ago · Like.

Anne Stager just saw the commerical for the new season! and it looks amazing! cant wait for it!

21 hours ago · Like.

Courtney Kirkley O'Connor can't wait!!!!!!

21 hours ago · Like.

Bette Morris they are my number one american family.they are all so perfect.

21 hours ago · Like.

Jeannie Fiorentino Yeah!!

20 hours ago · Like.

Renee Garcia Hooray ! ! ! I am so happy. Welcome back to the show. I love to watch .

20 hours ago · Like.

Katie Williams Emily will be so happy!

20 hours ago · Like.

Sarah Long I missed you all! I love you guys and been praying for you!

20 hours ago · Like.

Teresa Worden Martin I CAN'T WAIT!!!! I will be watching with a big smile!!!

20 hours ago · Like.

Kimberly Rae Looking forward to the new season!

19 hours ago · Like.

Sheri Andlou I wonder how they will deal with the whole miscarriage thing. I'm glad they are back. I'm sure the Lord has been and will lead them.

19 hours ago · Like.

Jennifer Gaw So glad the show is coming back on because my family and I love watching it together

19 hours ago · Like.

Heather Baldwin McCurdy For some reason it's not showing up on my DVR for any new episode airing that date. Is the date incorrect??

19 hours ago · Like.

Litza M. Rosa I love this show I think that it's a well functioning family and that Michelle is so sweet.

19 hours ago via mobile · Like.

Sharon Winters Scritchfield Our home will be watching the Duggar Family - our favorite!

18 hours ago · Like.

Bonnie Tait HOORAY! can't wait

18 hours ago · Like.

Cindy Daoust Thomson Isnt the first ski trip a rerun? That is what it shows for that time and date.

17 hours ago · Like.

Linda Freeman Have missed yawl! This is the only reality TV show I watch!

17 hours ago · Like.

Katie Morrison Easley Can't wait to see your new show! You are my favorite!!! God Bless!

15 hours ago · Like.

Rosie Fazekas Thank You Jesus for The Duggars .I LOVE All Of You Guys ! Never missed an episode ;Can't wait to see you

13 hours ago · Like.

Donna Balzano Rowan Who-hoo, been waiting a long time for it!

12 hours ago · Like.

Jonathan Bodack Yay, about time, lol, just kidding! I'm so excited! Can't wait!

12 hours ago · Like.

Tanya Calhoun Can't wait for them to return

11 hours ago · Like.

Janice Barrett I am so happy, we have missed all of you. You have been in our thoughts and prayers.

9 hours ago · Like.

Shirley Eager Can't wait for this!!!!!

7 hours ago · Like.

Lauren Brown FINALLY! It is so nice to watch a good CLEAN show! Highlight of the week!

5 hours ago · Like · 1.

Karina Alnaz cant wait!!!

5 hours ago · Like.

YAY! I cant wait! Watching you ham it up for the camera while mourning your miscarriage dead baby will be the highlight of my week!

I counted 2 negative reviews out of 450... :doh:

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I had to add a few particular wonderschlongs

Nicole-Patricia Hiegh Can't wait to see the new addition to ur family if the season extends to when u have it!!!;););)

Yesterday at 11:36am · Like

Um... yeah... about that... kinda... maybe see the preview??? Or USE FUCKING GOOGLE???!!??!!

Amy Weagle Dubois oh perfect for valentines day! Maybe it'll be a good one after all!

Yesterday at 11:37am · Like

Aw, sweetie. Dead baybeez isnt gonna make it all bettah. I'm gonna need ya to get on match.com or get a nice bottle of wine, k?

Samantha Healey-Shafer YAY! I was starting to wonder if TLC had taken the show off the air in favor of far-left propaganda like All American Muslim. :-P

Yesterday at 11:37am · Like · 1

Huh? You mean like toddlers in tiaras or cheerleaders go antiquing?

Jennifer DeWaal Westendorp I'm excited to hear this!! I will be marking that on my calendar!

Yesterday at 11:37am · Like

Um, yeah. Make sure you dont get your cycle confused with when the duggars are in TV. Make sure you set your VCR too.

Pamala Keyes Minerd ‎9 am or 9 pm?

Yesterday at 11:38am · Like

Really? Just check out her FB page... https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=1002531638

Julie Whitesell I absolutely love watching your show as I'm a christian and in last year have grown alot spiritually, so watching your show seeing the interaction between u and kids has helped me alot try to be a better person for my family and to live in Gods Grace!!

Interaction? Are we watching the same show or are you confusing Jana/Jill/Jessa with J'chelle? Also, why the fuck are you spouting off at the mouth about loving jebus on TLC's fb page?

Dana Nicole Holden She stays busy with the little ones and just doesn't sit on her butt not doing anything! She is a wonderful mom! I'll be praying for you Brenda Miller! You're obviously attacking her when you know nothing about Michelle. God bless you!

Yesterday at 11:49am · Like · 9

Riiiight. "Busy with the little ones"...

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Starryeyedkat, I sort of just friendend you on facebook. I sort of because my cat helped by walking across the keyboard. Anyway, if you want to friend my cat and I :lol: I'm the one with a pug face and a last name of a city in Cali. My fat cat thanks you.

I was wondering if that was you! I was all, "Who's friending me, I don't recognize this name, but wow, that's a lot of puglove. Ooooh, I bet I know who this is!" And I was right! I accepted your request. :)

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Really? Just check out her FB page... https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=1002531638

She lists her favorite quotation as: VOTE biblically! Don't vote by R or D, there is almost no difference in either party, just vote biblically. Stop saying you have to vote for the lesser of two evils. We need to start standing up for what we say we believe when voting for a candidate. Let your side loose a few races and maybe they will get back to what Ronald Reagan stood for and then and only then will I even think about joining your party again. Don't call yourself a Christian and vote for people who say killing a partially born baby is ok. I can't imagine standing before the FATHER and explaiing that one.

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I have to say, Jinger does not look too into that naming session. I can't believe JB was pushing Joel when they already have Joseph and Josiah. Jefferson is pretty bad, but at least it would be a bit of a j'change.

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I had to add a few particular wonderschlongs

Um... yeah... about that... kinda... maybe see the preview??? Or USE FUCKING GOOGLE???!!??!!

Aw, sweetie. Dead baybeez isnt gonna make it all bettah. I'm gonna need ya to get on match.com or get a nice bottle of wine, k?

Huh? You mean like toddlers in tiaras or cheerleaders go antiquing?

Um, yeah. Make sure you dont get your cycle confused with when the duggars are in TV. Make sure you set your VCR too.

Really? Just check out her FB page... https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=1002531638

Interaction? Are we watching the same show or are you confusing Jana/Jill/Jessa with J'chelle? Also, why the fuck are you spouting off at the mouth about loving jebus on TLC's fb page?

Riiiight. "Busy with the little ones"...

Now I'm really sorry Gothard wasn't taped. These people would have fallen head over heels for his shit.

These people are so stupid. Don't they realize that is a fan site and the Duggars have nothing to do with it and that even the wired-to-the-hilt Smuggar or Amy likely don't see it? I'm off to inform these people that they'll be watching a fetus funeral, then sit back to watch the shit to hit the fan. :twisted:

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