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So the Duggars will be back...?


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Here's the slightly longer preview:


Quality is pretty bad, sorry.

Interesting that its neither a "very special episode" nor "a new season." Just that they return to TLC... interesting...

As for chicken lady... WTF does "VOTE biblically!" mean? Should we vote for the old testament or the new? Should we support the candidate that supports or opposes pork? How about stoning, should we go back to stoning?

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They made those kids PERFORM at the funeral? That's messed up. I mean, it's all messed up, but jesus, they're not trained monkeys and it wasn't a flipping circus.

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Now I'm really sorry Gothard wasn't taped. These people would have fallen head over heels for his shit.

These people are so stupid. Don't they realize that is a fan site and the Duggars have nothing to do with it and that even the wired-to-the-hilt Smuggar or Amy likely don't see it? I'm off to inform these people that they'll be watching a fetus funeral, then sit back to watch the shit to hit the fan. :twisted:

They wouldnt know gothard if he dipped his dick in their oatmeal.

Make sure you remind them that the duggars asked for privacy... lol

They made those kids PERFORM at the funeral? That's messed up. I mean, it's all messed up, but jesus, they're not trained monkeys and it wasn't a flipping circus.

Brought to you by momma filming bleeding son in a pit, yup... GREAT CHRISTIAN ROLE MODELS!

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Christy Brummund I love the Duggars. They have had a positive influence on my life. Thank you Duggars.

Yesterday at 8:11pm · Like.

I'd ask how but any answer I come to just makes me :-?

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Interesting that its neither a "very special episode" nor "a new season." Just that they return to TLC... interesting...

As for chicken lady... WTF does "VOTE biblically!" mean? Should we vote for the old testament or the new? Should we support the candidate that supports or opposes pork? How about stoning, should we go back to stoning?

Interesting (again). That's the third different preview I've seen. The late nite west coast version (I was tipped off by the east coasters watching Four Weddings, so I knew when it would air) didn't have the naming bit, and I'm sure I saw BACKS walking FROM the site with the VO of "We'll get through this."

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I'm off to inform these people that they'll be watching a fetus funeral, then sit back to watch the shit to hit the fan.

I "liked" your comment. ;) No other responses yet.

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That it the most vile thing I have ever seen. That it way beyond the sometimes trite, "There are no words," stuff I see all over the place.

I'm sorry. I had much to say about this, some based on recent experience, but Michelle and Jim Bob need an intervention or something. Sorry for not using the nicknames. Shame on you both! This woman does not need children. She needs hospitalization for her Munchausen Syndrome. The smaller children are at risk. This woman is very ill. She has adults around her who should know this, and TLC is culpable.

Might be a little disjointed, but I am angry about this.

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I "liked" your comment. ;) No other responses yet.

Ya figured out which was mine, eh? I couldn't pass up the opportunity to use the word "fetus" instead of using the name. My aim is to stir up as much ire amongst them as possible. :D

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Apparently some silly fan on the FB page is not aware that Michelle had a miscarriage, and even suggested a name. I set her straight.

Ya figured out which was mine, eh?

It wasn't difficult, Lady Violet ;)

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WTH is Donna Faught? Sorry, I didn't write down the whole FB name before I looked at the idiot's page. But I did leave a comment. 8-)

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Ya figured out which was mine, eh? I couldn't pass up the opportunity to use the word "fetus" instead of using the name. My aim is to stir up as much ire amongst them as possible. :D

I liked it as well, and posted my own little agreement. I can't wait to see them turn rabid.

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If they invited the camera crew thinking the check up would just be a regular one, fine but the fact that Jim Boob okayed the editors of the show to show Michelle in tears right after hearing the news and filming the funeral is just completely disrespectful and rude.

I'm pretty sure when Jim Bob said to his fans to "respect their privacy during this difficult time" on their website, it was code for "Please leave us alone while we film every aspect from the news to the funeral for you to watch and enjoy and for us to make money off of it."

What are they going to say this time if they interviewed for being stupid? "God told us to film our dead fetus and share it for the world"?

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Thanks! I 'liked' a couple of posts... ;)

Me too. Unfortunately couldn't find marmalade's comment although I looked hard among the almost 500 comments.

Someone spelled Jubilee's name "Jubleigh" and another man commented that he only watches the show because he thinks Jessa and Jinger are hot. :shock:

ETA: OK, now I found it. Thanks marmalade!

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They made those kids PERFORM at the funeral? That's messed up. I mean, it's all messed up, but jesus, they're not trained monkeys and it wasn't a flipping circus.

I can see being pallbearers (for a tiny coffin?), but VIOLINS? Did they sing the blood song too? That's so over the top any snark I can come up with will be eclipsed by what we'll actually see.

I was wondering how they'd get an hour out of this. I just bet they filmed Michelle doing the delivery, so she can say she birthed all of 'em.

There's still a lot of air to fill. Maybe a crossover with one of psychic shows so they can talk to Jubilee?

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If they invited the camera crew thinking the check up would just be a regular one, fine but the fact that Jim Boob okayed the editors of the show to show Michelle in tears right after hearing the news and filming the funeral is just completely disrespectful and rude.

In an interview Michelle said he progesterone levels dropped low before the appointment, so they knew something was wrong. This was not a candid ultrasound filming.

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narcoleption reflux:

I am appalled by this too, but I am not shocked. After filming Josie's emergency birth by C-section, when Michelle's life was in danger,(and how they got the hospital to give permission for that, I'll never understand) NOTHING the Duggars do could shock me any more. Not Anna giving birth on the toilet, not Jason falling down a pit, NOTHING.

If there is a warning before the episode starts, then you know there will be fetus photos shown. I must admit I'm curious to see if TLC will allow those photos to be aired.

Visionoyahweh, I'm guessing there will be some flashbacks to the pregnancy reveal, etc which will eat up some time.

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Me too. Unfortunately couldn't find marmalade's comment although I looked hard among the almost 500 comments.

Marmalade's comment was one of the very last. Her avatar is Lady Violet from Downton Abbey. (aka Maggie Smith)

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In an interview Michelle said he progesterone levels dropped low before the appointment, so they knew something was wrong. This was not a candid ultrasound filming.

Well, clearly, they had this whole thing planned out then. Whatever it may be, just the fact that they had the audacity to bring the camera crew around to film all of this PLUS the funeral is revolting in and of itself. It was bad enough they felt the need to post pictures of Jubilee's hand and feet, along with Michelle reading the letter she wrote to her fetus. JB and Michelle claim that they use the show as a ministry but that's complete bull shit. Just like the Kardashians and Jersey Shore, they're just as fame hungry and are willing to do whatever it takes to gain sympathy points and viewers.

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Marmalade's comment was one of the very last. Her avatar is Lady Violet from Downton Abbey. (aka Maggie Smith)

Thank you, 3! Now I found it (I'd been looking for the name Violet, duh...)

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http://www.people.com/people/article/0, ... 65,00.html

"On Dec. 3, I felt a little uncomfortable but I thought it was just something I'd eaten. It could have been the beginning of something going wrong. I had my blood drawn yesterday, and it showed that my progesterone levels had dropped so something was not right [with the pregnancy]."

Here's a cite, just in case anyone doesn't believe me. Knowing something was likely to be wrong with the pregnancy would make most people opt not to film the appointment! The way JB was laying over M was very photogenic and nicely composed, for something depicted to spontaneous.

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