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Smuggar Lurk?


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And just in case Smuggar swings both ways, here's a picture of a man with a huge cock.


I do love me a nice, big cock! :D

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A nice wet pussy just for Smuggar.

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I snorted at the smart scientist lady!

Anyway...here is a pair of great tits.


I remember when my tits looked like those. Sigh.

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A bald wet pussy? Pictures anyone?

My husband went as a great big rooster for Halloween last year. He kept telling everyone he was the biggest white cock they'd every see. Lots of alcohol was involved...don't judge!

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Sola, thank you for that delightful picture of a man with a huge cock. I pretty much laughed my face off for five solid minutes.

So did I when I thought about how jealous Smuggar would be if he even knows the terminology. :dance:

I seriously doubt the women even know about shaving a bikini line, let alone about Brazilians and whatnot. Even if their mothers (like that slut in Daisy Dukes, Michelle Duggar) shaved a bikini line c. 1980, why bother now when no one sees their hooha except for themselves (from the top) and a spouse, should they be lucky enough to find one.

Maybe some former ATI (or other fundamentalists) can weigh in on this gripping topic. :mrgreen:

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Thank you all for bringing out my inner 12 year old and it is also nice to know I am in good company. I love your tits and boobies and the man with a huge cock. Now if you all will excuse me I need to go put on dry underwear.

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So did I when I thought about how jealous Smuggar would be if he even knows the terminology. :dance:

I seriously doubt the women even know about shaving a bikini line, let alone about Brazilians and whatnot. Even if their mothers (like that slut in Daisy Dukes, Michelle Duggar) shaved a bikini line c. 1980, why bother now when no one sees their hooha except for themselves (from the top) and a spouse, should they be lucky enough to find one.

Maybe some former ATI (or other fundamentalists) can weigh in on this gripping topic. :mrgreen:

I grew up fundie-lite and I distinctly remember visiting non-fundie cousins (we were like 13 at the time) and they were all into "shaving." The gave me crap for not doing it and I remember that I got really upset about it and when I asked my mom she told me that they only time you do any "trimming" or anything down there - is when you are giving birth and that is so the baby can come out. Yep. Like it is going to get all tangled and ensnared down there on it's way out.......

I think about that every time I go in for a Brazilian.......

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Methinks you would have to have a lot of tangled up hair down there to ensnare a baby... do you have to have pubic hair down to your knees to be Godly now?

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Methinks you would have to have a lot of tangled up hair down there to ensnare a baby... do you have to have pubic hair down to your knees to be Godly now?

IKR!? Even at 13 I know I had to have rolled my eyes at my mom; but at the same time was expecting a bramble patch down there when I got older! She made it seem like it was just as bad to trim up your "downstairs" as it was to lop off all your hair. I just want to know where my mom got that bowl full of wrong from; not my gran!

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Methinks you would have to have a lot of tangled up hair down there to ensnare a baby... do you have to have pubic hair down to your knees to be Godly now?

I'm going to spend the rest of the night trying to get rid of that visual! :puke-front:

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Methinks you would have to have a lot of tangled up hair down there to ensnare a baby... do you have to have pubic hair down to your knees to be Godly now?

I must be the most godly atheist out there then.

*is too crunchy to shave*

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Does anybody have any evidence of Smuggar refering to/talking about us? *is interested to know; plus it'd be funny*

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A nice wet pussy just for Smuggar.

poor kitty!! :lol:

I never bothered to give any of my cats a bath except for once, when I took Minou (my 1st cat, rip) to the vet so that the assistant could wash him after he got his shots up to date and what not. Afterwards she told me that she had to give Minou a light sedative as he tried to fight her. Nope, he didn't like water at all! Since then I never gave them baths, I mean cats keep themselves clean every day and they don't go outside that much. If Léo gets disgustingly dirty one day, then I might consider having the assistant vet wash him... :whistle:

Dogs are fun to bathe though!

Oh, and I can't help myself to chuckle each time I see a kitty with the "lion" fur trim. I see a few around here every summer. Poor things! :lol:

(sorry for the slightly out of subject deviation!!)

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