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Jana's B`Day


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I hope she received some nice gifts for her birthday, along with the cake, strawberries, and drink. IMO, there was none of the hoopla of the birthdays on the show, because there were no TLC cameras.

Gifts for Jana? Maybe a new outfit, one that she doesn't have to share in the community closet.

Maybe some Justin Bieber music, since he has a huge Jesus tattoo on his leg and JimBoob can't claim that Bieber doesn't believe in Jesus. I wonder what JimBoob would do if Justin Bieber decided that he wanted to court one of the J'slaves. But maybe that's a whole new topic.

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Can't believe Jana is the same age as me, when she has no school/work and everyone i know in my age group have one or the other, often both. That being said, she did seem to get something age appropriate for her birthday. Those strawberries looked awesome and I would love something quiet like that for my 22nd birthday in two months. But i'm not much of a big party person.

I'm hoping JD got something just as okay seeming, but if it was with Smuggar, maybe not. He probably went to McDonalds. Though hopefully Joseph came to JD's celebration too to make it better. It's kinda great and UnDuggarlike that Jana and JD get seperate things for their birthday.

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Hoping against hope she gets a girls night out. Not likely. But I would pay the cab fare home. Poor child, celebrating like she was a 'tween.

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Have they made public anything about Jana's plans or hopes for her future? We know about Jill and midwifery or nursing (supposedly) but I don't remember hearing anything about Jana. Is she just waiting around hoping to get married?

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Seeing the coffee made me realize that though the Duggars are quite vocal about not drinking, they do seem to have a serious addiction to caffeine. I've seen numerous pictures of the older girls and Michelle with venti Starbucks cups. Not that there's anything wrong with that, but why is it ok to get a caffeine buzz, but not ok to have a drink or two?

Glad Jana had a more adult birthday celebration.

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Seeing the coffee made me realize that though the Duggars are quite vocal about not drinking, they do seem to have a serious addiction to caffeine. I've seen numerous pictures of the older girls and Michelle with venti Starbucks cups. Not that there's anything wrong with that, but why is it ok to get a caffeine buzz, but not ok to have a drink or two?

Glad Jana had a more adult birthday celebration.

cos wine actually mean't grape juice.... :roll:

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Seeing the coffee made me realize that though the Duggars are quite vocal about not drinking, they do seem to have a serious addiction to caffeine. I've seen numerous pictures of the older girls and Michelle with venti Starbucks cups. Not that there's anything wrong with that, but why is it ok to get a caffeine buzz, but not ok to have a drink or two?

Glad Jana had a more adult birthday celebration.

The Duggars' blog even says Jinger's favorite food is coffee ("does coffee count?")

With how much shit the girls have to do, it's not surprising Michelle's pumping them up with caffeine. Michelle probably just likes the coffee and the caffeine buzz that comes with it... the girls actually need the caffeine to raise their brothers and sisters.

Also, the Bible doesn't say anything about caffeine being sinful, so it's A-OK.

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Happy b-day Jana!

I feel quite sad for her. She is almost the same age as me. I turned 22 in November and my birthday was quite different. I went out and got quite drunk. Had a horrible night but that is the point of those birthdays. I got so shitfaced that I didn't care anymore. It was a lovely bday and I wouldn't change it.

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Have they made public anything about Jana's plans or hopes for her future? We know about Jill and midwifery or nursing (supposedly) but I don't remember hearing anything about Jana. Is she just waiting around hoping to get married?

There were times where they said midwife, and then there were times where they said she wanted to study more music... But its clear she hasn't progressed with any of that.

Most she seems to do is the volunteer fire fighter thing, but yeah I think even thats only when her brother is free and can go along with her.

Its a shame! I maen really I always wondered, why couldn't the older girls even like open up their own shop or cafe or something? that way they have something for their own? Really does seem like a waste of potential.

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It looks like Jana's birthday seemed more sofisticated than Joy's train ride/ice cream birthday they had on 19K&C. I think my 22nd birthday involved dinner at a really nice restaurant in Atlanta, followed by having a few rum & coke and hookah at one of my friend's house.

It does seem like the older Duggar girls are really addicted to coffee, but then again, I'm sure they need it having to raise their children siblings.

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I think it looks like a nice birthday. I did the going out and getting plastered thing when I turned 21, but for my 22nd birthday I asked my mom to take me shopping and then my family went out to dinner. Yes, that's the same thing I did when I turned 13, but I was in the middle of a really stressful school project and what I called the Energizer Bunny Cold (because it just kept going and going and going...). I really just wanted a day to pretend I was still 13 and didn't have anything to worry about. That's what I got, and it was lovely. I did have a mojito (sp?) at dinner. I'm pretty sure I didn't do that when I was 13. :D

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Seeing the coffee made me realize that though the Duggars are quite vocal about not drinking, they do seem to have a serious addiction to caffeine. I've seen numerous pictures of the older girls and Michelle with venti Starbucks cups. Not that there's anything wrong with that, but why is it ok to get a caffeine buzz, but not ok to have a drink or two?

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I noticed only four plates in that pic. One for Jana, one for Anna and the rest for...?? Jessa? Jinger?? What about Jill?

Perhaps Michelle told her that she God thought Jill should stay at home and help around the house...you know, since, Michelle so cannot handle all those children on her own. That's why God gave them a few girls first--to be the mothers buddies to the younger ones.

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Jill has really become the little queen of the home I have noticed, and definitely Michelle's favourite!

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My birthday is in June...if someone gets me a chocolate covered strawberry "cake" that looks like that, I'll be their slave forever.

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Ugh, that cake is making me crave something sweet right now. I knew I should have told my boyfriend to take me to Coldstone while he was over.

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I feel so sad for Jana. She just seems to have no hope for the future: no career, no college, no husband... she's just a baby-raising machine and doesn't get seen as an individual.

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it looks like Jana had a great birthday, or at least that is the kind of birthday I'd like to have. Granted, I don't celebrate my birthday anymore, but maybe this year I might treat myself to a nice coffee or something that day... :)

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Happy birthday Jana.

By the time your mother was your age, she had been married for five years and given birth to Josh.

You should be looking forward to your college graduation in May; instead you're at home with no known prospects, raising your siblings.

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Shall we compare?

When I was Jana's age I:

-Had completed high school & got admitted to a very competitive university

-Was halfway through my undergrad degree

-Had travelled solo through Southeast Asia for 3 months

-Had done a concert tour of Eastern Europe with my choir

-Was just figuring out I was a gay and was dating my first real girlfriend

-Was planning and working out visas/money for my summer working at camp abroad

Those are obviously just the big things. Anyone else?

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When I was Jana's age I:

-was in my fourth year of Uni - Honours History

-had backpacked throughout Europe the previous summer with a friend

-slept in mixed hostel dorms - gasp!

-had had several jobs

-had had a few boyfriends, one serious relationship

-was applying to universiites for a B. Ed.

-had parents who trusted and supported my decisions

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I am 18 months younger than Jana and I -

- am in my second year at a top university

- live in sin with my boyfriend

- have lived in a foreign country

- have had a full-time job

- am eight months away from having a full-time job in a foreign country

- have parents who are not interested in me living at home (!) because they want to do their own thing

But then again, I am an atheist and live with a bunch of geologists (who study EVOLUTION!) and one of them is a very promiscuous gay man, so it's not like I have much in common with the Duggar girls other than a penchant for long skirts.

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I AM Jana's age and I:

- Am in my last semester of undergrad

-Have an internship 3 days/week in the field i want to get into

- Have had many jobs, some full time, some part time

- Don't have to tell my parents when I go out.

- Though I live with my parents, I pay for my own tuition, bus pass, cell phone, and anything i may want .

- Have just started dating a girl.

- Have almost finished the long process of coming out as a lesbian to everyone i know.

- Was beggining to look for a full time job and somewhere else to live in a few months.

- Have many friends I can talk to.

- Have travelled to places in different countries with friends - and my parents were fully supportive.

Just looking at my life compared to Jana's makes me sad. And grateful

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