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Jana's B`Day


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I am Jana's age.

-I'm a senior (ish) in college

-I live in my own apartment, all by myself (although my parents pay for it)

-I'm thinking about grad school

-I'm seeing a therapist to help me deal with my anxiety issues so that I can do things like get a job

-I have only ever gone out with two guys, and kissed one. I am not in a relationship and don't expect to be in one any time soon.

I threw that last one in there to show that there ARE a lot of different experiences around here. I am probably only a tiny little step ahead of Jana in terms of romantic experience. But my lack of experience is my own choice, because dating just does not interest me, not because of any religious belief.

When I was 22:

- Working as a R.N. in ICU, night shift

- Returned to school to get a BSN

- Shared an apartment with another R.N. who was going to the same college as I was for her BSN

- I'd had one serious romance, high school sweetheart, was a virgin

- I spent my first paycheck to buy a bicycle

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I am Jana's age.

-I'm a senior (ish) in college

-I live in my own apartment, all by myself (although my parents pay for it)

-I'm thinking about grad school

-I'm seeing a therapist to help me deal with my anxiety issues so that I can do things like get a job

-I have only ever gone out with two guys, and kissed one. I am not in a relationship and don't expect to be in one any time soon.

I threw that last one in there to show that there ARE a lot of different experiences around here. I am probably only a tiny little step ahead of Jana in terms of romantic experience. But my lack of experience is my own choice, because dating just does not interest me, not because of any religious belief.

If we're adding our lack of romantic experience then I'll chime in and say that I've never been on a date/kissed a guy/held hands with a guy/etc. So I'm probably right with Jana on that accord, maybe even behind her, but that has been partially my choice. I say partially because no, I haven't had the opportunity present itself, but on the other hand I've never been looking to have it either.

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When I was 22-

Was divorced

Worked 1 part time job with the health dept.

Worked full time in daycare

Had 2 very small babies of my own

Had my own house

Volunteered 30 hours a week

Went to school for 18 credits per semester

Got pregnant with my 3rd son

Was in a relationship with my now husband

Not bragging at all as I don't think Jana would want to live the life I had as I wasn't to keen on it at the time either. Was always worn to the bone tired. :?

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When I was 22-

Was divorced

Worked 1 part time job with the health dept.

Worked full time in daycare

Had 2 very small babies of my own

Had my own house

Volunteered 30 hours a week

Went to school for 18 credits per semester

Got pregnant with my 3rd son

Was in a relationship with my now husband

Not bragging at all as I don't think Jana would want to live the life I had as I wasn't to keen on it at the time either. Was always worn to the bone tired. :?

I couldn't have lived your life. When did you find time to get pregnant again? :oops: It tired me out just reading everything you did!

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YMMV, that is just how I read it. The use of the words "should" and "sad" is what gave it that tone for me..

You probably haven't gathered the tone of the board... Its called 'Snark' for a reason.

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You probably haven't gathered the tone of the board... Its called 'Snark' for a reason.

This may have been the 'should' that knotted her panties.

You should be looking forward to your college graduation in May; instead you're at home with no known prospects, raising your siblings.

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I couldn't have lived your life. When did you find time to get pregnant again? :oops: It tired me out just reading everything you did!

We don't know. :oops: My husband was working well over 90 hours during that time frame and I was almost never home either. Just one day took a pregnancy test and it was positive. :? :shock: We have always teased that son that he is either Jesus's little brother or I rolled over in the wet spot because neither one of us were having relations with anyone let alone each other that spring. :lol:

I would never again burn the candle at both ends and in the middle like I did for 18 months around Jana's age. I aged by 5 years from trying to be everything to everyone and it was my 3rd son that gave me the wake up call of time wake up to reality. :doh:

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you *should* put some egg's with that bacon dd! Its *sad* to see bacon without it! :-P


When I first noticed your new avatar it reminded me I hadn't had a banana today. :laughing-rolling: Well it reminded me of other stuff I hadn't had today too :oops:

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lol!!! it seems breakfast foods that remind us of other objects are the fashion this season on the red carpet of FreeJinger! lol

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When I was Jana's age...

-I was finishing college

-Engaged to my now-husband, we were living together

-Was self sufficient, although I knew if things were ever too tight (and that happened), I could depend on my parents for help

-Worked two jobs, as did my fiance. Both still in college, we were working minimum wage jobs to make ends meet. He delivered pizzas and was a short order cook. I was a TA on campus and a waitress.

-We lived in a cheap, run down apartment because that was all we could afford. We shared one car, which was 100% paid for (Thanks Dad!)

-We were blissfully happy, and proud of that little dump of an apartment, because it was our first home together.

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When I was Jana's age I:

-was in my fourth year of Uni - Honours History

-had backpacked throughout Europe the previous summer with a friend

-slept in mixed hostel dorms - gasp!

-had had several jobs

-had had a few boyfriends, one serious relationship

-was applying to universiites for a B. Ed.

-had parents who trusted and supported my decisions

I will readdress my former post:

I paid my way through University in the 80's from my part-time jobs, Provincial Student Loans and Grants (tuition was much lower then, but so was minimum wage). I grew up on a farm and worked on the family farm along with owning some of my own cattle. I sold off two heifers to finance my trip to Europe (strange to think of it now since I live in a city). I paid my parents for board of my cattle. Yes, I suppose it was a priviledge to go to Europe, but it was paid for by me. Yes, my parents did allow me to live at their house in the summers between my years at university, but I did do chores beyond those of making my bed or mowing the lawn, while working 60 hour weeks in the summers.

I AM lucky. My parents allowed me to do all this, whereas Jana will not have the same opportunities, even if she wants them. As we have seen with other girls in that culture, they will have to leave their families and all they know if they want to did something other than become SAHD or little wives/mothers in training.

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When I was Jana's age I

* had finished my undergraduate degrees

* was working/ travelling around the world by myself for 2 years before continuing my studies

* was just beginning to have serious (read sexual) longer-term relationships

I'm a little offended because it was strongly implied that FJ parents handed us our opportunities on a silver platter. No one bought me a car or a flat and I worked for every penny of my travel expenses. i suppose I was only able to put myself through university without much help from my parents because I live in one of those countries with the ebil socialist governments which (at that time) encouraged students to attend higher ed by keeping fees low. Not sure if Lana approves of low tuition, though. :roll:

I'm very grateful to my parents: they didn't bankroll my life but they never prevented me from living it as I saw fit either. They were fine with me not dating or fine with me dating/ living with someone (provided he wasn't abusive). They were fine with me staying at home or moving to my own place. They were cool with me going to uni or getting some job that would support me in the future when they were gone. They were glad I took the opportunity to travel while I was young and I didn't have to promote some bullshit cult to get their blessing.

That's the actual point of comparison when it comes to most of us at FJ and Jana - we're pointing out the shittiness of the Gothard system of childrearing - it's not to attack her personally. We know how little choice she has.

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When I was 22 I had my first baby, was married, had paid my way thru Groming School at 18, been working in the field for 4 years.Before i was 23 we bought out first house(a total money pitt).

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I think it depends on what you mean by "accomplish something". Is writing a successful blog, raising Godly arrows for your quiver, dressing in a modest manner consistently, growing in your relationship with Jesus/God, memorizing parts of the Bible, becoming a good sewer, writing books, becoming a good cook, selling cheesecakes, bush hogging, painting, drawing, decorating, writing a book, researching your brothers' Egypt project, home schooling your children/siblings, having a clean home, lighting scented candles, or finding a husband accomplishing something? To many of the fundies it would be.

Don't shortchange Lina's accomplishments, now: I believe she also learned to read two or three words in Hebrew. Those months of study paid off!

Edited for redundancy.

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There were times where they said midwife, and then there were times where they said she wanted to study more music... But its clear she hasn't progressed with any of that.

That's because she's probably maxed out Gothard's music offerings and can only study to be a "labor assistant" without going to a real college.

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Don't shortchange Lina's accomplishments, now: I believe she also learned to read two or three words in Hebrew as well. Those months of study paid off!

I would never shortchange Lina's accomplishments. Making seasonal fall desserts is hard!

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Goat's milk Soap! Link?

Maybe someone else can chime in with the link? I'm not sure she was selling her soap online before she got married. As far as we can tell, there's been no working with the goats since she came to live with Christopher.

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