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Duggars on the Pro-Life Band Wagon


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Yup, looks like the Duggars are blessing the poor moms with some of their "generosity"...caught the blurb about doing classes, etc. to get goodies from their baby shop. Uh huh...why aren't they just giving the stuff to those who need it? When I was being helped by a similar church group, they didn't have a baby shop OR classes and they gave me a boatload of baby stuff, both new and used, not including what my host family kicked in. By the time my daughter was born, she had a ton of stuff all ready for her! These folks helped me when I needed it, but I still am pro-choice and don't agree with them cramming their views down everybody's throats...

They did try and ask if I wanted to move into their group home they'd just started, but I'd already had gotten accustomed to my host home, and there was no bus line near their group home, so I nixed that idea. I didn't like the idea of roommate living when I'd been used to living in my own surroundings and home for over ten years. Also, my then-five-year old son's school was just up the street from the host home.

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Wow, did you hear how that place works? Pregnant women have to earn credits by attending church in order to get stuff from the "baby shop."

Wow, wouldn't want to actually be a real charity and just give stuff to the poor unaborted babies. :?

No no no. That slut needs to be taught a lesson. How can she reform her whoring ways if she doesn't go to church?

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"Abortion safety" advice from their website:

Um.. I'm going to call bullshit on this.

Sure, all this stuff happens regularly during abortions...those abortions that are DIY or performed by back-alley "practitioners". In a licensed clinic, it's a very safe procedure. Are they looking at info on abortion-related deaths and injuries pre-Roe, or just lying?

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Sure, all this stuff happens regularly during abortions...those abortions that are DIY or performed by back-alley "practitioners". In a licensed clinic, it's a very safe procedure. Are they looking at info on abortion-related deaths and injuries pre-Roe, or just lying?

Wouldn't an abortion prior to 8 weeks be a pill and not suction-aspiration anyway?

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Do not allow anyone to sell you an abortion prior to the 8th week of pregnancy.

Providers will sell you an abortion but then will not "guarantee success" prior to the eighth week. The fetus is simply too small to locate. Abortion is already a blind procedure (by feel and guesswork) and when done prior to the eighth week, the danger of internal damage is higher. The suction tube may perforate your uterus and bowel. More commonly, the abortion can be incomplete, which means tissue is left behind, which could cause severe infection that may lead to infertility and, in some cases, toxic poisoning or even death.

"Sell you"? What's an abortion cost, $500? How much do these people make adopting out your perfect white Christian baby, $20K-$30K? Sell you, lol.

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I'm confused! So if I'm considering an abortion because I'm 12 or unmarried or was raped or whatever why the fuck do I need baby stuff? Even if they somehow convince me to keep said baybee shouldnt they be pushing adoption?

If I come in and say "I cannot afford this child." Isnt the responsible thing (besides aborting) to give it to a family that can? How is it in the best interest of the child to push for it to stay with a mother that knows they cant give it the best by giving her cute shit that will last 6 months???

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Wouldn't an abortion prior to 8 weeks be a pill and not suction-aspiration anyway?

Yeah, that. Wikipedia claims that medical (non-surgical) abortions can be performed up to 9 weeks gestation. They actually cannot completely guarantee success (as with most drugs and medical procedures), but it's something like 98% effective. That whole paragraph is just a random assortment of things that can possibly happen during different types of abortions, strung together as if they are connected.

I really think they want people to delay past the 8-week mark so that they can be more easily convinced not to go through with it. That's about the cutoff point for a medical abortion, meaning that you would almost certainly have suction-aspiration or d&e beyond that point. Those are more invasive and potentially more dangerous procedures, plus with the new ultrasound requirements and "heartbeat" bills in many states you have to jump through more hoops to get them.

That place is sickening. It makes me furious to see a website that claims they are "Empowering Individuals to Make Informed Choices" when they are actually hitting vulnerable women with manipulative anti-choice BS. Their segment about helping people cope after abortion is laughable too. Why would anyone want to talk to slut-shaming, judgmental jesus-pushers about it rather than someone who has actually had or performed an abortion? The mind boggles.

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They have to "go in blind" and can't find the fetus cause it's so tiny? WTF. Have they never heard of a freaking SONOGRAM? Idiots. I feel for women who have nowhere else to go but to these so-called Christians. Cause you just know that Jesus didn't just give people loaves and fishes. He dangled them over their heads and said, "Accept God fiiiiirst, then you get yum yums!"

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Yeah, that. Wikipedia claims that medical (non-surgical) abortions can be performed up to 9 weeks gestation. They actually cannot completely guarantee success (as with most drugs and medical procedures), but it's something like 98% effective. That whole paragraph is just a random assortment of things that can possibly happen during different types of abortions, strung together as if they are connected.

I really think they want people to delay past the 8-week mark so that they can be more easily convinced not to go through with it. That's about the cutoff point for a medical abortion, meaning that you would almost certainly have suction-aspiration or d&e beyond that point. Those are more invasive and potentially more dangerous procedures, plus with the new ultrasound requirements and "heartbeat" bills in many states you have to jump through more hoops to get them.

That place is sickening. It makes me furious to see a website that claims they are "Empowering Individuals to Make Informed Choices" when they are actually hitting vulnerable women with manipulative anti-choice BS. Their segment about helping people cope after abortion is laughable too. Why would anyone want to talk to slut-shaming, judgmental jesus-pushers about it rather than someone who has actually had or performed an abortion? The mind boggles.

Complete and total bullshit. I had a medical abortion before 8 weeks. My first pregnancy was ectopic and luckily it was discovered at the 5.5 week mark. I was able to avoid surgery and the loss of a tube. The termination was fast, painless, and without a hitch. In fact, a mere 3 months later, I found out I was pregnant again. I carried to term and had a perfectly healthy baby boy. The entire pregnancy was picture perfect. All they're doing is trying to terrify young women with a bunch of lies.

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You cannot have a surgical abortion prior to the eighth week (seventh at best). By this time the fetus (baby) is well developed, complete with fingers, even fingerprints and a fully recognizable body to go with them. The heart has been beating for over a month; it has an entire nervous system and can feel pain. The fetus is a separate person with a different genetic code from yours; very likely a different blood type and possibly gender. The fetus is in your body but is not a part of your body. Make sure you don’t deny yourself this vital information.

You are not a child who needs to be protected from the facts; you are a mother in need of help.

We are dedicated to helping you make a decision you can live with.

How freaking skewed is this information!? Trying to guilt trip much!?

and I totally agree with what the above poster said about how much money would they get for referring people for the adoption process? I bet its thousands just in referrals and then if its successful even more!

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Choose life.. Ok.. Where are these goons with their signs when an unwanted baby is thrown in a dumpster or tossed out a car window? Or is it only a fetus has a right to life? :think:

I've wondered that too! And they always want to save the cute little babies. So as that baby grows up, why aren't they advocating for more education funding, or better nutrition in schools, or healthcare? It's like once the baby's born, they're like "Sorry kid, you're on your own."

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Guest Anonymous

I've wondered that too! And they always want to save the cute little babies. So as that baby grows up, why aren't they advocating for more education funding, or better nutrition in schools, or healthcare? It's like once the baby's born, they're like "Sorry kid, you're on your own."

If you're pre-born, you're fine. If you're pre-school, you're fucked-George Carlin

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Suck it, Duggars. If you were truly "pro-life" they would not have delivered the preemie. THey would have allowed Michelle to seize and die there on the table whilst praising God's wisdom in assigning her her role as a baby incubator.

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Um, wow, I hadn't read the entire "abortion safety checklist" but those two paragraphs contradict themselves and they're on the same damn page:

Providers will sell you an abortion but then will not "guarantee success" prior to the eighth week. The fetus is simply too small to locate. Abortion is already a blind procedure (by feel and guesswork) and when done prior to the eighth week, the danger of internal damage is higher. The suction tube may perforate your uterus and bowel. More commonly, the abortion can be incomplete, which means tissue is left behind, which could cause severe infection that may lead to infertility and, in some cases, toxic poisoning or even death.

And then:

Why so painful? You cannot have a surgical abortion prior to the eighth week (seventh at best).

So which is it? Don't let them sell you an abortion before 8 weeks because the surgery might injure/kill you? Or you're not allowed to have one? I think I'm going to email them. So stupid.

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They have to "go in blind" and can't find the fetus cause it's so tiny? WTF. Have they never heard of a freaking SONOGRAM?

Only if they're trying to convince her to "choose life"("Look! He's sucking his thumb! She's waving at you!").

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Ok I've had to wait allll day until I got off work to share this duggar gossip with you guys.. they are in my hometown, where I do not live *but* made a "surprise" (cough) trip home when I found out they were there with Rick Sanatarium. Even followed them to church. Yes, I'm crazay. But you guys relate, yes?

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i need tech help, how do i post pics? they're saved on my laptop. sorry in advance for my ignorance

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lol fair enough grateful... you will need to upload them to a photo upload account site, like photobucket or tinypic or something. Then link to them from here in %7Boption%7D tags

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oh that worked real well from my end. i uploaded to photobucket. i have a friend bringing the camera over w the pics from church sunday. i'm sooo excited about showing everyone and telling you all that i'm screwing up uploading things. at least you guys understand my insane obsession, my RL friends who were with me and are in these pics are to say the last very amused with me

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