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Duggars on the Pro-Life Band Wagon


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that is the link to where i put the pictures up from wades ( a local restaurant in SC, awesome food btw if you're ever there and like southern cooking)

my favorite part? my friend (the non duggar in the pics) is a lesbian and has been in a long term relationship for years. :)

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you rock exotic, thanks :) so yeh thats my friend in those pics. I've got more but they arent as staged from church on sunday. Yes, I drove almost 8 hours to the-city-I-never-return-to-that-I-was-born-in, simply to see the Duggars in person. I wore my longest skirt, which btw is a long flowing "hippie" skirt made of that crumply cloth fabric, and a long sleeve shirt that was definitely not nike worthy. oh and i wore sandals. I happen to like them, and it was my free jinger touch to the ensemble.

So I arrived in that-city-from-hell, met a few friends, and went on to the church. (side note: I found out on facebook that duggars were in town) This church is not at all fundie, just run of the mill Southern Baptist, so I still think the church choice interesting. They all sat what felt to me like to themselves, about 2 or 3 pews away from most of the congregation

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sorry that was not meant to be a cliffhanger - my son needed help as he forgot soap for the shower. Anyway, back to the stalking. Btw, I am 32 w/f and i have long hair..the easier to fit in haha. I had my son with me tho, and he has long hair (as long as mine, actually). So while I was attempting to fundie it up a bit (my usual regime is jeans and sweatshirt, baseball cap), my boy had on his dress pants and tie. Yes, every single one of the Duggars called him a girl. He's 10 btw, and loves to laugh at their show. Thankfully he's also intelligent enough to realize that they are the ignorant ones to think that he is a girl. He realizes that he is the one who knows about the "real world" as it is to a 10 year old at least, and he found it funny as all that they would think a girl would wear a tie to church..moving along. We (my son and I) played with the younger kids (I'm a kid person - altho I only have my one son - being a lesbian kinda prevents more births). Johannah is by far my son's favorite. He said she was smart and could talk properly (his words) but Jackson, who was playing with them, was hard to understand and so were all the other little girls, according to my boy.

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No, Jubilee was not mentioned. Funny that I saw that question, because my boy actually asked me about that on the way home. I let him watch the shows with me all the time, and he was upset with me for not telling him their baby had died (I was unaware he had seen the news that she was on the way). Not that he was rooting for #20, he really seems to just find humor in the difference in lifestyles. He was very sad about Jubilee though, and we had long conversations about how babies can die inside moms. He was picturing murder, etc. Typical 10 yo boy.

Back to the subject, he noted on the way home that they didn't miss their dead baby, and he would still be missing his sister if he had one that had died so soon.

I kind of got to talk to the older girls a bit. They are VERY locked down..as in there's no way I could've (if I had it on me) passed a phone number or address to them. The older girls are getting out on their own, if they are. They seem to willingly go along with the sheep-herding, of lack of better description.

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btw, pardon my non-capitalization. I'm lazy, tired from work, and I want to tell you all about it while it's still relatively fresh on the brain. They are still, btw, in Spartanburg SC. The pics I posted already are from this afternoon at a local restaurant. It was Sunday that we saw them at church.

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and yes, they thought my boy was a girl bc of his hair. Humorous to both of us because where we live, he looks just like all of the other surfer guys. He's had long hair since he was 5 tho, given it away twice. It's about two inches past his shoulders currently. He *really* does not look like a girl tho, especially in tie and dress shirt/pants. How ridonkulous! His shoulders are already getting broad too..

I was so hoping (why I don't know..I can barely afford our lives as it is) to give the girls an escape route. Guess I've been reading here far too long, huh? :)

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Wow, that's some strict-ass jender role-ing. I'm a man with a ponytail. Does that make me a girl, Duggars?

Strange that they'd drive all the little kids over, give a speech, collect the money, then drive the little kids back while the rest of the family works SC then FL.

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vision, you're totally a girl in their eyes i suppose. My boy's hair is one length, blondish brown, and can easily be pulled into a ponytail. He had it down that day, and even had on a jacket for the beginning of service (as in a suit jacket). He was very amused when I suggested that they'd have thought he was a girl if I gave him a dress to wear. He is very man-ish in his mannerisms and speech, it seems extremely odd to me that anyone could confuse him for another jender. Then again, my poor neglected baby does not have a J name..

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Thanks Grateful!! I loved seeing Jboob posed with a lesbian he wasn't related to, Juterus in a shirt that matched Jboobs.

What were the older girls wearing? Any flip flop sitings?

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I can't believe in my excitement I forgot to mention that I purposely wore flipflops (well, Birks). Yes, I just used purposefully in the correct way just for shits and giggles. And yes experiencedd, I did note that all of the girls (there easily could've been at least 2 i'm not 100% sure on) were wearing flipflops. Also, random thoughts: Josh looks fatter in person. Anna looks skinnier in person. The older J'slaves makeup looks more pronounced in person. My son asked me what that gloop was on their faces (I don't wear foundation, nor does my wife). Oh and no, my wife was not with me. She was not in the least amused with my 16 hour total car trip to "stalk the crazy people". She's more amused now that she's seen I did no real damage to our bank account, as well as the hours of endless fun it's given both myself and my son/

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I'm currently trying to get the pics I have of myself, my boy, Jessa, and one of the howlers.. I'm fairly certain it's Jason. Even my son told me that he wasn't sure who was who, and they (the howler boys) talk "differently" so he couldn't understand who was talking to who. It was *very* interesting watching my boy and the other church kids interact with the Duggar kids, as much as they could at least

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Envious of greatful1230. I'd have shouted 'Free Jinger' right in the middle of church!

No way could I sit through their stump speech, especially when they talk about the 'pill abortion'. I'd so be yelling bullshit!

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I'm honestly ashamed, vision, but I sat through it in the exact same way I sat through the first 17 years of my life. Silent and looking straight ahead. I only spoke to my son, and that's for sure the only time I smiled, except to properly greet the welcome people (I do have good Southern manners, as does my boy). They didn't do a speech btw. I was only at the church service with them. I would never allow my son to be at the Santorum place (I really don't know how to spell that goofbal's name for real, I've been calling him Sanitarium for too long). My dialogue went like this with Jim Bob:

Me: "hello, my name is Elizabeth (not my real name btw hahaha) and this is my son, Jacob (not his real name either, LMAO).

Jimbob: "So good to see you on this sunday morning. How cute are you little one (speaking to my son)

We didn't speak further, as I had previously planned to debate homosexual parenting with him during my drive (hey it's a long drive, ok?) and I decided when we were face to face that he honestly didn't have the brains to debate anything with me. It would be like talking to a pile of silly putty. You mold silly putty into what you want it to be. Same with them.

Anyway. I also spoke to Michelle. She told me how beautiful my daughter was (he is quite handsome, and looked particularly nice that day as he even combed all of the tangles out and properly buttoned his shirt. Hell he even made sure his zipper was zipped,)

We didn't speak to any of the rest of the family together, as by this point I was worried my boy was going to get upset being called so obviously a girl. It upset him at earlier ages (his hair has been growing and cut since he was 4). He was truly unfazed tho, just amazed that people would see him and seriously think he is a girl simply bc he has long hair.

I can't get these pics to upload btw. It says they aren't jpgs. It's off a phone..I know how to convert jpg to bmp and reverse.. not helping.

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Oh, i really hope they come to my neck of the woods in FL. I'll have my long hair flowing over my shoulders as I shout things like 'Bill Gothard is a false prophet!' at them. I'll be filming it all covertly on my iphone, of course!

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Oh, i really hope they come to my neck of the woods in FL. I'll have my long hair flowing over my shoulders as I shout things like 'Bill Gothard is a false prophet!' at them. I'll be filming it all covertly on my iphone, of course!

I like your style. Be sure to get some FJ gear to wear.

I think if I was Gratefuls pal I would have had a little file card in my pocket that said Free Jinger, and when I bent over to be photographed with Juterus I'd pull it out and hold it over her head. :lol:

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