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Duggars on the Pro-Life Band Wagon


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Is Santorum there with them? It would be wonderful to print out a screen shot of all of Joshies stuff including the crap about Catholics, take it and then ask his opinion of it.

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It's too bad they can't see past the long hair.

Years ago a little Duggar asked if I was a boy. I had very long hair and don't look particularly masculine, so I'm guessing it was the pants that did it. I wasn't offended because it was a kid, though. I'm surprised the adults couldn't tell that your son was a boy.

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I like your style. Be sure to get some FJ gear to wear.

I think if I was Gratefuls pal I would have had a little file card in my pocket that said Free Jinger, and when I bent over to be photographed with Juterus I'd pull it out and hold it over her head.

I'm in the Tampa Bay area. Hopefully they'll come close enough for me to see them. Bonus points to anybody from the hive vagina that wants to join me.

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I'm in the Tampa Bay area. Hopefully they'll come close enough for me to see them. Bonus points to anybody from the hive vagina that wants to join me.

Oh please consider a glitter bomb.

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No, we did not tell either of the parents that he's not a girl. I didn't want to embarass him, and the look he gave them was so.. well. Obvious. Any parents on this board know the look I'm talking about. However, Dim and J'Chelle remained unfazed and I let it go for the sake of my boy. I really wish I could show you guys a pic of my son without making it public (impossible, I know). He is 10, so he's barely hitting puberty, but he's definitely masculine looking. He looks just like my brothers did as kids.. we have strong genes.

Hannie knew he was a boy. I just asked him, as he's not asleep yet. He also has added these gems to the conversation: Tell your internet people I said whatsup. I got to play with the crazy people's kids, and the kids aren't so crazy yet. I hope they won't be. Mom, do you think the fun girl (I believe he means Hannie) will get to leave her house? (me: she leaves her house all the time buddy. when you saw her she wasn't at her house) No I mean in the world we live in. Will she get to come here to our world?

Kids have a way of putting things.

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Please, please print out screenshots of Joshies instagrams and ask about them if you go Visionoyahweh! I would love to see them squirm.

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Oh please consider a glitter bomb.

I think glitter bombs are kind of cruel and unproductive. I'd like to be the (loud) voice of reason. It would also likely be the only voice of reason the kids are likely to hear. I'd rather see JB&M's reaction to point blank questions about their lies. I know it will be all robotic smiles, but it might make good youtube fodder.

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I think glitter bombs are kind of cruel and unproductive. I'd like to be the (loud) voice of reason. It would also likely be the only voice of reason the kids are likely to hear. I'd rather see JB&M's reaction to point blank questions about their lies. I know it will be all robotic smiles, but it might make good youtube fodder.

I will concede the point. And look forward to a youtube. :D

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I truly wanted to just lay it on them.. I'm a lesbian with a lifelong partner raising my biological son, who they think is a girl. I couldn't bring myself to do that though. My boy is smart and tough, but I'm not looking to scar him for life. After seeimg them in person, they seem so dimwitted and just..statuesque..that I don't think they would have a reaction. I'm picturing it like robots, kind of shutting down from the question because their brains cannot compute such a "radical" lifestyle

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Oh dear G-d, there's an article on RH Reality Check speculating that JimBob is so gung-ho about following Santorum because he is hoping to be selected as his VP running mate. I can see JimBob having such a plan, but I'm sure it would be a long shot.

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Oh dear G-d, there's an article on RH Reality Check speculating that JimBob is so gung-ho about following Santorum because he is hoping to be selected as his VP running mate. I can see JimBob having such a plan, but I'm sure it would be a long shot.

Is there a planet on which that is even a remote possibility? Fuckabee, I could see, but the boob? Seriously doubt it.

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I must say the whole Duggar/Santorum match seems odd. Then coupled with how aggressive they are being, following him around and campaigning for him and such, all seems like the have a invested interest in this, all of a sudden. I don't remember them being this gun-ho with their politics before? So who knows what could be going down behind the scenes... I've never known the Duggars to do anything where they didn't get something from! Very self-serving in my opinion.

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Oh dear G-d, there's an article on RH Reality Check speculating that JimBob is so gung-ho about following Santorum because he is hoping to be selected as his VP running mate. I can see JimBob having such a plan, but I'm sure it would be a long shot.

I hope this is the case. As long as JB and the other QF'ers are this delusional they'll never get AYWHERE in politics. Maybe Tonitown dog catcher, if they're extremely lucky.

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I must say the whole Duggar/Santorum match seems odd. Then coupled with how aggressive they are being, following him around and campaigning for him and such, all seems like the have a invested interest in this, all of a sudden. I don't remember them being this gun-ho with their politics before? So who knows what could be going down behind the scenes... I've never known the Duggars to do anything where they didn't get something from! Very self-serving in my opinion.

They're getting attention, which is what they want the most.

I also imagine they're getting some brownie points with Gothard and other fundies to protect their image that they're becoming too "worldly" or whatever. Santorum cannot possibly be of this world... maybe another one, but not from this one. I refuse to believe it.

I doubt Jim Boob is looking at a run for VP or any national office. I think, however, that he's aware the TLC gravy train is moving on and he'll need to make money somehow. To do that, he'll go for another round in Arkansas state politics, and possibly give Josh or John-David a leg up in their own future political careers.

I also think there's a chance that Boob and Juterus are hoping for potential suitors on the campaign trail, to marry off at least one of the J'slaves (not all four at the same time though, then Michelle would ACTUALLY have to do something!) to keep the TLC money coming. Either that or they're hoping for a new season, which will definitely make people pay attention to Santorum, and the Duggars actually would vote for Santorum and want people to vote for him.

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If Jim Boob ever becomes VP (which I do doubt) I will be going to live with my relatives in Canada. Oh, America, why give religious freedom to these loonies?

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Oh dear G-d, there's an article on RH Reality Check speculating that JimBob is so gung-ho about following Santorum because he is hoping to be selected as his VP running mate. I can see JimBob having such a plan, but I'm sure it would be a long shot.

Fuck. No.

I have relatives (that I am close with) in Kazakhstan, Poland and Israel, and I will gladly move to any of the above just to escape VP Jim-Bob. I have less close relatives in the Ukraine and France, but I am sure they would take me in just out of sympathy if we had a VP named Jim-Bob. Hell, I will drag my kids to Scotland and crash on JesusFightClub's couch. (sorry, JFC, but I know your sweet communist heart would not turn away teh baybeez)

Seriously, it is only a matter of time before Santorum and Duggar outlaw Judaism and whisky, the two things I care most about.

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Did they get this involved with Huckabee's campaign, too? Did they also show up uninvited then?

During the last presidential campaign, JimBob was out to support Fuckabee. I seem to recall an incident where he also showed up at someone else's event to heckle that person about being soft on abortion. I want to say Romney was the heckelee, but it's been a long time.

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It was Romney. His people then offered JB some pizza, which he declined. Betcha Smuggar wouldn't have turned it down :D

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I have relatives (that I am close with) in Kazakhstan, Poland and Israel, and I will gladly move to any of the above just to escape VP Jim-Bob. I have less close relatives in the Ukraine and France, but I am sure they would take me in just out of sympathy if we had a VP named Jim-Bob. Hell, I will drag my kids to Scotland and crash on JesusFightClub's couch. (sorry, JFC, but I know your sweet communist heart would not turn away teh baybeez)

Small world - my Peace Corps service was in Kazakhstan.

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Small world - my Peace Corps service was in Kazakhstan.

Oooh, cool. For some reason Kazakhstan is one of the countries I've been fascinated with for years (along with three others; I've made it to two now, but not Kazakhstan). Kind of an odd country to be interested in, I know. I've thought about doing Peace Corps, and I've read that since I have some background in Russian I'd have a good chance of getting assigned to somewhere in Western Asia. I know this isn't the place, but I'd love to hear more about your experience.

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The Duggars ARE the pro-life bandwagon.

I love this!!!

This sentence has been going through my head ALL DAY. :)

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