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I am officially done watching the Duggars


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They claim they are on a mission to show what good Christians they are. This is their ministry. but in reality they are just preaching ot the choir they are showing other Christians how great they are but they are not converting very many.

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I felt the same way. I got into them hardcore (they were my gateway fundies unfortunately) when I was pregnant with my first and when my second was born a preemie, I watched all the Josie episodes to keep my morale up. I had the books, had all the seasons on DVD, the whole 9 yards until the Jason incident and the Jubilee fiasco. I have a bunch of ridiculous fundie friends who still LOVE and obsess over them, especially Michelle and how ~strong and courageous she is to share this part of her life with the world. I just roll my eyes now and keep thinking how I seriously need new friends. :| Anyway I refuse to watch this new season, there is absolutely nothing genuine left about this family, my eyes were opened after the whole "right response game" thing Jill answered on one of the Q&A episodes. Those children and erm...adults...have no real unique thoughts. What a sad life.

Wait what?! I haven't had cable in a while, so I missed this. Please explain!

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I have watched some Youtube videos, but not the show. I find their exploitation of their children totally appalling.

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Not having cable helps enormously in this regard. Can't watch it, but the post-episode snark is endlessly more entertaining/interesting anyway.

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Wait what?! I haven't had cable in a while, so I missed this. Please explain!

It's somewhere in this episode. They ask what games they like to play, and Jill explains that they play the "Right Response" game. It is basically where you ask a question off guard and they have to make sure they have the "right response"- aka the right kool aid drinking answer.

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