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Who is your least favorite Duggar offspring?


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Honestly, I can't blame any of the children for their obnoxious attitude. Their parents have taken the scare tactic to the extreme that they think the world is filled with nothing but secular things. These are the same people who think this country was founded on Christian faith when in reality it was founded to seek religious freedom. They think that being at home is the best thing and being under authority is best for all young girls when it is the entire opposite. They all think having their hand held until they have someone else to take over (marriage) is healthy and think that rock climbing and mountain climbing in skirts and flip flops is perfectly acceptable to prove a point to critics when it's just not safe.

Even though Michelle and JB are not siblings, they are definitely my least favorite. Although they claim they are accepting towards others and put a smile on their face for people who have "secular" views, they still spew out the "holier than thou" attitude. Those cheesy smiles and sweet talking voice doesn't fool anyone.

Some people do get fooled by the cheesy smiles and sweet talking. I have seen people on other sites and forums speak of Boob and Mullett as if they are the greatest people in the world. TLC has aided in fooling people. They don't release or air certain about the Duggars' beliefs to the public. TLC has a fooled a lot of gulliable mainstream Christians. I remember lurking on a Christian site in which many people disliked the Duggars over time because they saw a lot of things that didn't seem right. There are some who love Michelle's little girl voice. I agree the Duggars definitely use scare tactics to control their kids. I remember crining when I saw one of the girls climbing in a skirt and flip flops. I also was annoyed with Jana and Jill's attitudes about not being able to wear skirts while volunteering with the FD.

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I just read this to my husband and we're mouthing "prune" to each other and laughing hysterically. Not attractive.

it just makes me think of the hershey squirts!

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It's hard to pick only one!

Josiah - He's Smuggar Jr. EXACTLY like Josh in every way - smugness/arrogance/attitude. ACK! The world can't handle another Josh!

Jill - She has drank WAY too much koolaid. Wake up, woman! I am also sick of her being the talking head.

John-David - Dumb as a stump. (And Joseph's not far behind him.)

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All of these kids are growing up (or in the case of Josh, grew up) in an home cult environment (which is not a fun road to travel - I know because part of my childhood was spent in one, only my family was New Age rather than fundie) and have had large portions of their lives filmed and broadcast to the nation. Hell, some of them have had their entire lives, including birth, presented on tv. You can even buy DVDs. Some of them may seem whiny, stuck up, smug, or as having many other annoying/negative traits, but that's kind of part of being a kid and growing up. (I know I wasn't overly refined at 13, for example.) They just happen to have their less flattering moments caught on tape. The religious weirdness doesn't help anything, either. Therefore, I'll reserve judgment for Jim Bob and Michelle only, for whom I have a lot of criticism.

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Who was the little brat that rode a bicycle inside a store? I know it's not really his fault that his parents are too lazy to teach him discipline and too sexist to expect good behavior from a boy anyway. But riding a bike inside a store is just unacceptable and about the worst thing a kid can do that doesn't involve violence, IMO. He should have been taught the difference between things he owns and things he doesn't own, although I see how that can be hard when you don't even get your own bed and you have to share literally everything (do they share or pass down underwear in that family?) He should have also been taught the difference between inside and outside toys, and again that is something he's just not getting at home. It just irritates me so much to see a kid a ride a bike around a store, even though this was mostly his parents' fault.

There was also one kid who made a big deal about finding Skittles in a cabinet and that irritated me but I don't know why. I think he just had an irritating voice.

For the adult kids, I like John David the least. He comes across as shy and reserved, but I have no doubt that he's as bad as his Dad, but better at hiding it.

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@Bananacat I agree!

I hate how Duggar fans always comment on how polite and well behaved the children are. Do they watch the show?! My personal pet peeve was bringing the howlers on Say Yes to the Dress. They did not behave at all. If I had been one of the women there that day I would have been livid. I'm a firm believer in not bringing your children to restaurants, stores, etc if they can't behave.

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I think most of the kids are pretty darn cute. They have some issues; they clearly need more parental guidance. Their mischief could largely be blamed on the fact that they get attention for it (from camera men) and also, most kids try that stuff, like climbing on counters, until their parents tell them not to.

I'll take the younger, spunkier Duggars over the little robots they had a few years ago. I remember watching the specials and feeling very uncomfortable with how robotic and un-childlike the kids were.

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I still feel more or less the same about the kids as I did before I met them but if I can not name Josh(who is 10 times worse in RL) then it would have to be some of the younger howlers. Those boys were as wild as you see on but then again some of those young boys were very calm and polite. Meaning they also had some smarts and were giving thoughtful answers politely.

Jessa and Jinger got on my nerves a wee bit but at the same time I liked them. Maybe its my never having a daughter myself but I got a very tiny bit of mean girl vibe off of them.

Johannah is wild and wonderful and needs to be reined in before she is completely out of control in her late teens. Not her will broken but taught some manners to her siblings and others.

I still want to go on record that Josh and Anna are as bad as J-Boob and DQ but without the social grace and polish as they have. If I were stuck on a life raft with Josh in the middle of the ocean surrounded by sharks.... well if I couldn't heft his large butt out then I would be will to haul my large butt out and take my chances with the sharks.

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Josh grates on my nerves sometimes because he comes across as arrogant, but I don't know if I'd go so far as to say that I dislike him. I don't really dislike any of the other kids. Jessa sometimes comes across as aloof -- and maybe even cold -- but I like that she's somewhat spunky and outspoken, so that kind of balances things out.

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I'm in the minority in that I don't dislike any of the kids. Josh iritates me but lately, I've begun to feel sorry for him. He is stuck in his world.

Because I have a teen girl who is going through a smart mouth phase, I don't find the girls as annoying as some might. Its when they spout the party line that my heart hurts for them.

Jordyn needs more love and attention.

Those boys are wild but the fact that there are so many makes them seem even worse.

Jim Bob seems to like his kids more then Michelle. On occasion, I've seen him show what appears to be honest affection for them. I'm not saying that makes me like him, just that I think that he does, in his way, care for his kids

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I generally like them all, even Josh, who, to me, comes across as a reasonably nice guy who unfortunately suffers from chronic foot-in-mouth disease. The only one who really drives me bonkers is Michelle.


That's how I feel for the most part about the Duggars. I don't dislike them as people, just some of their actions and the things that they have said publically. If I had to choose which Duggar I dislike, I would say Michelle, with Amy a distant second. Her "FU Internet" comments on the show and the way she speaks have begun to grate on my nerves, as well as her obvious lack of parenting when it comes to her children, but that has bothered me for a long while anyway. It amazes me how she gets "Mother Of The Year" awards when she really doesn't act like a mother..she's pretty much a walking, talking uterus to me lol.

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I thought we didn't snark on children on FJ? Shouldn't the under-18 offspring be out of bounds for this sort of criticism?

I think the Duggars became fair game when they put their children on national television for years on end...

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I know you said off-spring, but my least favorite Duggar is Michelle. Her blithe attitude toward her kids and her "look at me! I have 19 kids!" lifestyle drives me up the wall.

As far as the kids--for the most part I feel sorry for them cuz of the way they were raised. Except maybe Josh--his smuggy attitude over-rides my sympathy for him.

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*One of the Olsen twins (Ashley, I think) said in an interview a few years ago that when she knew she was being photographed, she and her sister would silently say the word "prune" because it made their lips plump out and their cheekbones more prominent. Link! http://gawker.com/5015862/the-olsen-twi ... ag=defamer


Snookie does that too, when she's photographed, and it looks ridiculous. Picture after picture, it's the same ridiculous expression.

I always wondered what's the point of posing for the picture if you are going to make yourself look so unattractive, but now I get it.

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I thought we didn't snark on children on FJ? Shouldn't the under-18 offspring be out of bounds for this sort of criticism?

I'm not going to tell anyone what or who they can snark on, but I do think that kids should be left alone. They can't help the situations they are in, at least when they are younger.

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I think commenting on a child's behavior is different than commenting on say, their looks or hinting at their sexual orientation. It's a fine line, for sure.

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I look at all the little kids and see hunger for attention. I remember, in I think, the Little Rock season, someone was going somewhere and all the "littles" were begging, just begging to go along. Certainly that's typical of the age group, but it was truly pathetic to see their faces.

I lived for years with my son's misdiagnosis--i never, ever had a problem giving him meds, just believed what I was told. I do wish the Duggars would have James evaluated and medicated--it will give him a whole new life. As for Jackson--he seems very typical to me of the boys I remember in kindergarten. I'm 50 on my next birthday, and back before education started at conception, lots of boys were like him. I think he'll be ok. I have homeschooled and I can say SOME kids thrive with little structure--but those who do generally have VERY loving, hands-on, attentive parents. Mine needed structure--not "school at home" with little desks and all that b.s. but enough of a schedule to say we get up "by" X time. We do X subjects on our own and ask for help as needed, we have read-aloud at X time and lunch at X time. In spite of the huge Maxwell schedule, the Duggars do not seem to have an structure at all. This leads to VERY insecure kids when parenting isn't so hands-on.

While I think they DO likely eat better than we see, DIET is a concern for those kids (as it is sadly for MOST American kids--the Duggars are hardly unique in that). Little kids need more frequent smaller meals. No child has a "need" for umpteen packets of ramen noodles no matter how much they like them!

Kids raising kids--no different in the Duggar family than a welfare family. Sadly this is Gothard's real legacy--kids who are forced to "work" mom and dad "out of a job" so they can be selfish and keep procreating......sick.

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I would say Amy. she is not raised in the cult but just seems so stupid!

Exactly. She is so annoying and dump. And she is a fame whore. Is she doing anything else than beeing on the show every now and then and posting stupid things on facebook? I know she has that little country career thing going on, but honestly how old is she? 23? Isn't that the age where you should probably do something to live on your own like studying or having a real job?

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She'll be 25 in September. So yeah, Amy, it's time to grow up.

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I do wish the Duggars would have James evaluated and medicated--it will give him a whole new life.

Sorry to go off topic, but what do people think is wrong with him? I do watch the programme, but don't take too much notice of the younger children.

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James is the one they have to stick in a closet by himself because he can't focus on his school work and the one who hides his booklets so he doesn't have to work on them.

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