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Who is your least favorite Duggar offspring?


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...but if I can not name Josh(who is 10 times worse in RL)...


I'll give Joy a pass, because in this last year and a half, she's been torn from her best friend, Josiah, as they both now train for their adult, gender-specific roles. She's not close with the older sisters, save Jill, who I think was her buddy when she was younger.

Jessa and now Jinger are oozing diva, which is not attractive in ANY family or setting. I feel Jinger's game since she's likely close to "graduating" from the SOTDRT.

I feel for James and possibly Jackson. He would be entering second grade at a public school and that's the age where a teacher consults the school for observation and contacts the parents about testing, if the expert(s) feel there is a need. They'll go in sooner if the child is showing absolutely NO focus; I don't know enough about Jackson to judge, but man, from what they show, he might have been recommended for testing sooner. I had a girl in my class whose parents finally got over the denial and now that she's properly medicated, it's night and day. She's sweet, a helper and a leader where before she wandered, did not focus and did no work.

Agree that James likely has something going on; why bring him back to the house with Jackson and Justin (who is the sweetest kid in that family) if he too couldn't focus (and he turns 10 tomorrow). My brother was ADHD and I can tell you what will happen if James doesn't get help...it's not pretty.

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Poor James. ADHD or not, he is urgently in need of more attentive parenting. As are they all.

They're all so trapped that I wouldn't feel right snarking on any of the kids. And as much as Amy is annoying, I suspect that TLC edit to highlight her obnoxiousness as a way to contrast her with the 'keeping sweet' attitude beaten into the four eldest girls.

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I don't give Amy a pass at all. She's just as sanctimonious and hypocritical on her facebook wall. The cutsey quotes/lyrics make me want to pull my hair out. She's the biggest phony POS of the bunch because she's essentially giving the lemming fanbase what they want to hear.

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Smuggar. 'Nuff said.

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Josh because he has left the house but decided to sell out his own family to reality tv just like his father.

As for James' booklet hiding in the storage closet episode, it has always bother me. The booklet he was holding was the exact same one a homeschooling friend of mine gave me to use with my 4 year old daughter! It was helping with starting to learn to read. James was like 9? when the episode aired so I was shocked he was that far behind.

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Smuggar, Jessa, and Jinger for some reason. I detect a hint of diva in those two girls. I don't know what to think of Anna though. Are her and smugger a package deal? :eusa-snooty:

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Considering she couldn't answer the question "Do you get along well with Josh's sisters?" without looking to The Great Joshua for an answer and then spluttering out a "Uhh I think we get along great... I guess... I hope!", yeah, I'd say they are a packaged deal.

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Guest Anonymous

I'm not going to tell anyone what or who they can snark on, but I do think that kids should be left alone. They can't help the situations they are in, at least when they are younger.

Kids are off bounds for me too, I give them all a pass. Would like to lock Jimboob and Daddy Maxwell up together for a week or so though and let hem irritate the tits off each other. :evil:

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