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Michelle's favorite Duggar?


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Josh for sure but since he is out of the house, I will say Jill. I think she is the child an ATI parent would dream of.

I think Hannie was #1 for awhile but after having 3 more girls so quickly the girl thing wore off. My MIL had over 20 kids (13 biological and the rest adopted so I guess the Duggars would not count her as beating them). My MIL had 5 boys in a row and then a girl. She would say it didn't matter what sex they baby was but I finally got her to admit she wanted a girl and that she favored that daughter because she had to deal with 5 active boys waiting for her. I always felt bad because my husband was the 5th boy!

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I don't know about the kids but I think Jimbob is her favorite. He gets to be her buddy forever weather he's weaned or not. The way she looks at him when he talks is the same look that my German Shepherd gives hot dogs, she just can't resist them.

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Josh is her favourite son. Reasons: He was first born son, well-behaved and easily brainwashed.

Josie is her favourite girl. Reasons: It truly was a miracle she survived and has faced tons of obstcles, Michelle HAD to interact with Josie and got more on-on-one bonding time than with any of the others since Josh.

Jana and JD are prob special in their own way to her since they came right after she miscarried and went all ultra-fundy.

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