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MckMama Drama - Including the Fire - Merge

The Archivist

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I don't really think she is/was pregnant. I am smelling a giant nasty rat with the "car accident" and I suspect it is part of a plotline.

It will be the most expensive miscarriage in history if she has it!

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Um...so did her tire blow out, or did she run out of gas? Both were mentioned on this thread. :?

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Or sue someone for wrongful death...

Actually the more I thought about it and her pathology I realized that her morning sickness was just a set up for the con. Ergo not a real pregnancy. So she couldn't do the wrongful death without producing proof of pregnancy or the kotex.

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Or sue someone for wrongful death...

Has she been implying that she was pregnant? I read her stuff on and off because she makes me ill.

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Actually the more I thought about it and her pathology I realized that her morning sickness was just a set up for the con. Ergo not a real pregnancy. So she couldn't do the wrongful death without producing proof of pregnancy or the kotex.

She couldnt win... but she could sue!

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I am still seeing shades of Dooce in this, just like with the separation. Dooce mentioned on her separation post that she had contemplated suicide.

I am thinking this is MckMama's bid for "suicide contemplation" as another ticky-box on the checklist of How to be a Cool Mommyblogger in Crisis.

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People (namely, current/former ER workers) at MWOP pointed out that if there was even a question of serious injury following a car accident--and if she "might have to have surgery" as this "admin" seems to be claiming, it was surely serious enough--she'd be strapped to a backboard with her neck stabilized, etc. Certainly unable to call/text updates to family, "admins," and blog readers.

And who the hell would be thinking to update blog readers following a serious car accident and just prior to impromptu surgery following said accident?

I smell a rat.

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She posted a bit about being sick in the morning. But all I know of her I get from here or MWOP.

Ohhhhhh. This may be an attempt to get her husband back. Kids not in the car, smashes the car, claims someone rammed her from behind and took off.

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And who the hell would be thinking to update blog readers following a serious car accident and just prior to impromptu surgery following said accident?

This is the biggest, and simplest, red flag to me. The level of detail shown by the "updaters" (they posted not only to her blog, but also her Facebook page) and the multiple clarifications given after the initial post is totally unrealistic for a real emergency.

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This is the biggest, and simplest, red flag to me. The level of detail shown by the "updaters" (they posted not only to her blog, but also her Facebook page) and the multiple clarifications given after the initial post is totally unrealistic for a real emergency.

Its interesting that there are no further updates. That means that the followers are gonna keep coming back and clicking$

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Its interesting that there are no further updates. That means that the followers are gonna keep coming back and clicking$

But of course. If it had followed the usual course of a real blogger emergency, it would've been silence THEN followed by an update. Interest and pageviews would have waned during a random silent period. You wouldn't get as many clicks for the silence that way. Now that the gauntlet has been thrown, she can make money directly from NOT blogging to her heart's content.

I don't believe for one hot minute that this actually happened. I might almost be willing to believe there was a really minor accident that she has used as fodder for a more dramatic plotline...but you know what? I really doubt that there's even the tiniest kernel of truth to this. I think this whole thing stinks to high heaven.

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@MortonFan - yes.

Also, guess who's also praying? Mrs. "I told my husband I was pregnant with a hard-boiled egg on the floor!" Ha, ha - such a small bloggy world!

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When I got into an accident in 2010, I didn't blog or facebook it because I was in too much pain. It took me quite a while before I could sit comfortably and blog. I definitely wouldn't have been able to tweet or blog from the scene because ems was pretty adamant about strapping me down and stuff. Even before they got there, we were all too out-of-it from the shock and pain to think about posting anywhere. Too each his own I guess.

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Mckmama was injured in a car accident and is in the hospital. Somebody posted to her blog asking for prayer. Is it horrible that my first thought was that this was no accident?

Nope! Becuase that is what came shoting out of my mouth as soon as I read it! I wonder how much she will make off this......

:angry-screaming: I dislike her sooooooooooooooooo hard!

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Hmmm, single car accident. If she was a guy, I'd think suicide attempt. But because she's female, I'm thinking the sham "pregnancy" has gone on too long, and now she needs a way to dig out from under it.

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Doesn't she always end up in hospital when something difficult is happening to her? There was some controversy about something... and in the middle of it, she went to the hospital because of kidney stones or something like that?

Can anybody remember? I don't follow her blog, but according to people on MWOP, she uses illness as a way to get away from things. (And get more click$)

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Doesn't she always end up in hospital when something difficult is happening to her? There was some controversy about something... and in the middle of it, she went to the hospital because of kidney stones or something like that?

Can anybody remember? I don't follow her blog, but according to people on MWOP, she uses illness as a way to get away from things. (And get more click$)

Basically, yeah. This summer when they toured around in their rv, she had a string of hospital visits starting in California and hitting various states all the way home to Minnesota. She revealed at one point that her husband and kids had traveled on home without her and she was going to meet them at home when she got out of the hospital. But it really goes back further than that, she's always had little medical dramas here and there that involve some type of hospital stay for her (aka vacation).

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And I just want to say, at one point I was extremely overwhelmed with my 3 young kids. My husband is military and was gone constantly. I would sit there and dream of a nice little hospital stay, say getting a tubal ligation or something not too terribly painful, just to get room service and a break from them. But I never actually did it! The fact that she does, repeatedly, is how I know she's way overwhelmed and trying to escape her miserable life. That chick needs some good help.

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I think it's embarrassing to announce medical issues in such a public manner. I really hope she is safe and healthy, but I wish that for everyone. I would encourage her to seek some mental health help, specifically in dealing with stress. And perhaps a good family doctor... for prevention:whistle:

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