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MckMama Drama - Including the Fire - Merge

The Archivist

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She is a drama creating queen. She reminds me of my mother, and also why I no longer talk to my mother.

Hope the kids are placed in a public school and day care soon so they get some stability, as Jenniffer tries to create new accidents to drum up blog clicks.

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MWOP is saying apparently MckMammas sister posted on Facebook a response to all the prayers. http://mwopblog.com/2012/02/week-in-rev ... qus_thread


I just want to thank all of you for your thoughts, concerns and prayers for my sister! I just got done talking to her and they are still trying to figure out the next best step. Some of her internal organs were damaged in the accident but overall she is stable! I know it could have been much worse so I am so thankful she is doing well. So as of right now we don't know the next steps the doctors want to take, but she is resting well and her pain is under control. Again, thanks for all your thoughts and prayers!!

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Once again, I would bet the house it's no coincidence the "horrible accident" happened on the way to the bankrupcy hearing.

If they weren't planning another scam all along, or if she wasn't desperate to find a way out of court that day, why didn't her supposedly-soon-to-be hubby show up at the hearing?

I keep waiting for karma to catch up to her in a big way, all the while knowing it won't; some scammers seem to get away with it all their lives.

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Interesting to see that her pal who is doing adm on facebook has been deleting comments from last night. :lol: Nothing like a little perspective.

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She is pregnant again? Why on earth would anyone voluntarily continue to have babies when facing bankruptcy and living in that....house? It did not look safe to me. And I would worry about lead paint in a house that old and run down.

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She is pregnant again? Why on earth would anyone voluntarily continue to have babies when facing bankruptcy and living in that....house? It did not look safe to me. And I would worry about lead paint in a house that old and run down.

She's not pregnant, at least as far as we know. She was posting about feeling sick in the mornings, and given her penchant for pregnancy and drama, there was some speculation that in the aftermath of this next hospital stay, she would announce a pregnancy and/or miscarriage.

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Interesting to see that her pal who is doing adm on facebook has been deleting comments from last night. :lol: Nothing like a little perspective.

What sort of comments is she deleting?

I still don't understand why she was broken down in the first place...did I miss something? Both running out of gas and having a tire blow out were mentioned on this thread yesterday. :?

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And I just want to say, at one point I was extremely overwhelmed with my 3 young kids. My husband is military and was gone constantly. I would sit there and dream of a nice little hospital stay, say getting a tubal ligation or something not too terribly painful, just to get room service and a break from them. But I never actually did it! The fact that she does, repeatedly, is how I know she's way overwhelmed and trying to escape her miserable life. That chick needs some good help.

My dream invovles me checking myself into the mental ward where you get a guarenteed 3 day stay and good drugs. :lol:

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List of common behaviors from the Wikipedia entry on Munchausen by Internet:

*Medical literature from websites or textbooks is often duplicated or discussed in great detail.

*The length and severity of purported physical ailments conflicts with user behavior...

*Symptoms of ailments may be exaggerated as they correspond to a user's misunderstanding of the nature of an illness.

*Grave situations and increasingly critical prognoses are interspersed with "miraculous" recoveries.

*A user's posts eventually reveal contradictory information or claims that are implausible...

*When attention and sympathy decreases to focus on other members of the group, a user may announce that other dire events have transpired...

*When faced with insufficient expressions of attention or sympathy, a forum member claims this as a cause that symptoms worsen or do not improve.

*A user resists contact beyond the Internet, by telephone or personal visit, often claiming bizarre reasons for not being able to accept such contact.

*Further emergencies are described with inappropriate happiness, designed to garner immediate reactions.

*Other forum members post on behalf of a user, exhibiting identical writing styles, spelling errors, and language idiosyncrasies, suggesting that the user has created fictitious identities to move the conversation in their direction.

Just for future reference.

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My dream invovles me checking myself into the mental ward where you get a guarenteed 3 day stay and good drugs. :lol:

phew! I thought I was the only one with these kinds of thoughts intruding into my joyous motherhood. :banana-explosion:

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She's home. (Thank you FB - I refuse to give her a click but can't seem to pull myself away...)

What I cannot figure out are the fans! One woman suggested that an on-line account be set up so everyone can contribute and help out with her medical bills/car repairs/new car seats etc...

How so people get so attached to internet people...would this same person giver her neighbour 20$ if they were in a crash? Maybe - but probably not.

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She's home. (Thank you FB - I refuse to give her a click but can't seem to pull myself away...)

What I cannot figure out are the fans! One woman suggested that an on-line account be set up so everyone can contribute and help out with her medical bills/car repairs/new car seats etc...

How so people get so attached to internet people...would this same person giver her neighbour 20$ if they were in a crash? Maybe - but probably not.

Her leghumpers literally throw money at her. I wonder if she'll report it as income to the BK court?

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DOn't be so quick to dog cruappy old farmhouses. I live in a small crappy farm house with my kids and I love it thanksverymuch.

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DOn't be so quick to dog cruappy old farmhouses. I live in a small crappy farm house with my kids and I love it thanksverymuch.

Is it infested with bedbugs like Mck's?

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DOn't be so quick to dog cruappy old farmhouses. I live in a small crappy farm house with my kids and I love it thanksverymuch.

Have you run up almost a half million in debt while making 3/4 of a million? Did you file a BK on the debt?

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You know what's actually the best thing about MckMama? Her Number One Fan, Barb.

She's basically MckTaryn. Taryn + stalker tendencies.

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DOn't be so quick to dog cruappy old farmhouses. I live in a small crappy farm house with my kids and I love it thanksverymuch.

Did you lose several houses to bankruptcy before moving to your farm house?

Did you brag about living "the simple life"?

Do you leave your kids for long poverty tours for your "blog"?

Do you have a blog, wherein, you exploit your children, your husband, your "followers" for your real God, the almighty dollar, under the mantle of being a mommy blogger for Jesus?

Do you run to the ER and twat about it all day long, under the guise of being an "admin"?

Did you answer no to all of the above questions? Then no one is meaning to disrespect your home. Mine is humble, but I make my payments, and I don't lie for money, and when it runs out, conveniently declare BK.

I have very unhappy thoughts about this creature. Poor kids.

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Every time someone types "BK" I think of Burger King and get hungry.

Me too, I'm dieting and could really go for their millioncalorie original chicken sandwich w/cheese.

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You know what's actually the best thing about MckMama? Her Number One Fan, Barb.

She's basically MckTaryn. Taryn + stalker tendencies.

You nailed it completely, she is the icing on the McKrazyCake.

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phew! I thought I was the only one with these kinds of thoughts intruding into my joyous motherhood. :banana-explosion:

Nope, not at all. I was hospitalized for a month before having my youngest, and more than a few times during her first year I secretly wished to be back in the hospital!

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Nope, not at all. I was hospitalized for a month before having my youngest, and more than a few times during her first year I secretly wished to be back in the hospital!

Hell, I dreamed of a short term jail stay, (in canada where they're nicer), and my fantasy included a jail system that allowed martha stewart and people magazines.

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Holy fucknoodles. I was posting in reply to the post that said she was worrying about lead paint and such. Not all farmhouses have lead paint, and anyway, if you cover it up and don;t sand it you are fine. And don't let your kids eat the chips. I do get my kiddos tested and have yet to get a positive result.

As far as the other bombardment questions, no no, fuck no, repeat ad Nausem. I live in a crappy old farmhouse because it is PAID FOR, thanks very much, well damn near close so that I am not in danger of losing it. As far as bedbugs, no. Not that either. Although I have a cat that will scratch the screens and let in mosquitoes in the summer months.

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