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MckMama Drama - Including the Fire - Merge

The Archivist

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I'm very glad those kids are going to get a chance to go to school. I think homeschooling is awesome, but not the way she was doing it. Having her kids out in the world will make Mckmama more accountable.

BTW, did anyone else notice that Jaynee Lockwood was on the live chat??? She's my favorite fundie and I'm kind of shocked she would associate with a scam artist like Mckmama.

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UMMMM OMG! (blonde whiney voice).

MCKMAMA enrolled her kids in real school.

Wow. Is she living with or will be living with family? If she is, then she would actually have to homeschool them and not fool around all day doing nonsense. Probably why she's putting them in school.

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I think putting the kids in school is the first responsible, adult decision she's made in a LONG time.

Besides, it will give her more time to spend online.

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Besides, it will give her more time to spend online.

For all we know, her bankruptcy lawyer could have told her to get a job for some reason or another. As a result, the kids are in school. I could be wrong.

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For all we know, her bankruptcy lawyer could have told her to get a job for some reason or another. As a result, the kids are in school. I could be wrong.

She was pretty adamant that she would not go back to teaching. What else do you think she is qualified to do? I think she actually has a masters.

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She was pretty adamant that she would not go back to teaching. What else do you think she is qualified to do? I think she actually has a masters.

Her teaching certificate has probably expired anyway.

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Besides, it will give her more time to spend online.

That's pretty much what she said. She seemed to imply that the extra time she had available would be used making more money off her blog, and having another photography class. I was thinking she might get a job, but I guess not.

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I think her blog has always been her full time job. The problem is she lost her baby sitter (her husband). I hope they boys have a smooth transition to school. It had to have been a really hard decision for her. But definitely the right one!

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She could teach more photography. My friend attended a workshop with her. She apparently cried and bitched about her husband while she marched her class around town and told them to look for interesting things to shoot for $300.

On second thought, choose a new profession.

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She was pretty adamant that she would not go back to teaching. What else do you think she is qualified to do? I think she actually has a masters.

Her MN teaching license expired in 2006. She could get a 1 year temporary license but to teach beyond that she'll need 125 hours of continuing education. Her license was from k thru 12, visual arts.

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She was pretty adamant that she would not go back to teaching. What else do you think she is qualified to do? I think she actually has a masters.

She doesn't have a masters. She as a BA from a small Bible college and she taught art at a private school where she did not need to have a teaching credential.

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She doesn't have a masters. She as a BA from a small Bible college and she taught art at a private school where she did not need to have a teaching credential.

Northwestern College is an accredited college with many non-Bible majors. I have worked with people who graduated from it. She did have a valid MN teaching license so she could have taught in a public school if she had wanted to.

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I am, of course, not shocked that the Queen of Oversharing would put up a post like this: mycharmingkids.net/2012/02/happy-medium/

But this is absolutely heartbreaking and SO inappropriate. How dare she publicize her children's grief like this. The photo of the second boy just kills me. Poor little guy.

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Hey,she's good at coaxing adorable expressions out of children. She could get a job easily at one of those places that specializes in kids portraits.

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Her comments to the kids about their father choosing to have no contact with them are down right painful. I hope it was just her drama coming out and she handled the situation differently IRL. These are young kids that really don't need to be pawns in their parents dramatic marriage, nor do they need to read about it ten years down the line.

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Her comments to the kids about their father choosing to have no contact with them are down right painful. I hope it was just her drama coming out and she handled the situation differently IRL. These are young kids that really don't need to be pawns in their parents dramatic marriage, nor do they need to read about it ten years down the line.

She keeps using the defense of "it's the truth." Guess what lady, we protect our kids from ALL kinds of truths. She has been gone from the family longer than 2wks in the past. Why couldn't she just tell them Dad was on a trip, and wait until they know what they're going to do before breaking the kids' hearts and telling them their dad is "choosing" to leave them and "choosing" not to speak to them, etc? Or what about, if she doesn't want to lie, simply saying "Daddy is having a really hard time right now. You know how sometimes when you're sad you just want to be alone? That can happen to grown ups too. He needs some time alone and I will tell you as soon as I know anything about when he will be ready to see people again." I dunno. I've never had to deal with this but she seems to be failing 1) in telling the kids and 2) in sharing the poor kids' grief with the entire world.

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She keeps using the defense of "it's the truth." Guess what lady, we protect our kids from ALL kinds of truths. She has been gone from the family longer than 2wks in the past. Why couldn't she just tell them Dad was on a trip, and wait until they know what they're going to do before breaking the kids' hearts and telling them their dad is "choosing" to leave them and "choosing" not to speak to them, etc? Or what about, if she doesn't want to lie, simply saying "Daddy is having a really hard time right now. You know how sometimes when you're sad you just want to be alone? That can happen to grown ups too. He needs some time alone and I will tell you as soon as I know anything about when he will be ready to see people again." I dunno. I've never had to deal with this but she seems to be failing 1) in telling the kids and 2) in sharing the poor kids' grief with the entire world.


This just seems unecessarily cruel imho. My current SO is the parent of a lovely child whose mother just decided she didn't want to be a mother. You can sure as fuck bet that he's not sharing that with child.

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She keeps using the defense of "it's the truth." Guess what lady, we protect our kids from ALL kinds of truths. She has been gone from the family longer than 2wks in the past. Why couldn't she just tell them Dad was on a trip, and wait until they know what they're going to do before breaking the kids' hearts and telling them their dad is "choosing" to leave them and "choosing" not to speak to them, etc? Or what about, if she doesn't want to lie, simply saying "Daddy is having a really hard time right now. You know how sometimes when you're sad you just want to be alone? That can happen to grown ups too. He needs some time alone and I will tell you as soon as I know anything about when he will be ready to see people again." I dunno. I've never had to deal with this but she seems to be failing 1) in telling the kids and 2) in sharing the poor kids' grief with the entire world.

I agree eleventy Beeks. This is just more exploitation of the children. Naturally none of us know what is really going on with them, but bloody hell, lie to the kids. All the sob sisters on her blog are applauding this attention whore for maximizing the kids pain and confusion. WTF? They all need their fucking heads examined. She's absolutely shameless. Not just what she says but what the leghumpers write. I don't know McDaddy from Jack Squat but, her kids will all be able to read the nasty ass comments she leaves up.

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I've been following the latest round of drama with mckmama and mwopblog.com regarding the car accident (there's another thread on that below) as well as her bankruptcy.

Today, a letter from one of MckMama's fans was filed with the judge overseeing her bankruptcy proceedings - http://mwopblog.com/2012/02/week-in-rev ... -439011950

Here's the letter:

http://mwopblog.com/wp-content/uploads/ ... dacted.pdf

Yes, someone did just write a letter to a judge that included words like "yuckypoop", "shitbrix", and "Christmas panties."

I don't quite know what to think.

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