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MckMama Drama - Including the Fire - Merge

The Archivist

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When I first read it today I thought 'Paranoid much?".

I'm gathering that the writer is a McM leghumper who feels Jen is being persecuted. She's actually bringing attention to McM's blog income inadvertently as well as to the change in marital circumstances.

A BK judge/trustee, could not order a cease and desist on MWOP. MWOP has done that in the past and can do so again, isn't anyone wondering why she hasn't? Its all about the click$.

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OMG. This poor bankruptcy judge! He didn't know what he was in for! I think what happened is that McMama Without Pity readers think they found inconsistencies in McMama's bankruptcy petition and it sounds like at least a few of them wrote letters to the judge detailing McMama's history on the interwebz and her financial stuff and whatever (who knows what all they put in there!). So this McMama reader wrote this letter in response to those letters, basically saying, I guess, that the MWoP readers have a vendetta against McMama and can't be taken seriously, etc, etc. When internet and Real Life meet.

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Oh, I see. That makes sense. The letter writer posted in the OP sounds a bit deranged to me... :?

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So basically one of her sheeple wrote to the judge and played tattletale on MWOP. Yeah, sure, the judge will TOTALLY give Mckmama a break now! Now the judge or trustees or whoever have all the links to Mckmama's financial failures and shadiness. Nice going, sheeple!

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I'd be really interested to see letters sent by MWOP readers, if there are any (it seems there are - people keep referring to them.) I agree that this letter-writer sound deranged - as though the judge is going to give a big whoop that someone is "bullying" MckMama online with a blog. DRAMAZ!!!!!1!

The only thing that should really interest the judge are the facts of the case - which, as far as MWOP reader are concerned, seem to include that maybe she didn't disclose her income from blogging when she filed her bankruptcy. If they want to be mean and talk about her Christmas panties, that's sort of immaterial to whether or not she accurately described her income.

ETA: If you get the "database error" message when clicking the links, it's only because traffic to MWOP has spiked since this latest round of drama began. If you try again later, you will eventually get through.

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Yes, you can. And here are the two letters previously sent to the judge, presumably from MWOP readers themselves:

http://mwopblog.com/wp-content/uploads/ ... dacted.pdf

http://mwopblog.com/wp-content/uploads/ ... dacted.pdf

So...those people involved themselves in the bankruptcy proceedings first. I guess that explains more of why this latest letter was written.

Not sure how I feel - on the one hand, it is kind of nuts to get involved in a blogger's bankruptcy, as a reader. On the other hand, they are actually pointing out discrepancies in her filing, and the documents are publicly available. And yet again...that's just kind of crazy.

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Maybe it's me, but I don't understand what they hope to accomplish with those letters. It's not as if MckMama is on trial or in any trouble (or is she?). I've never filed bankruptcy, but I'm pretty sure character witnesses aren't needed.

And what's the Christmas Panties thing? Do tell.

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I'm getting a message that says "Database error" when I try to go to the blog. Darn. This sounds interesting!

Keep refreshing, their server is throttling their traffic because they've been getting so many hits since Jennifer and Israel separated.

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Seriously, while I get, philosophically, what the orginal letter senders were attempting to do, this isn't child abuse. And bankruptcy judges see crazy all the damn time...

I just think this is crossing the lines. And creepy. And just, I dont know, almost famewhoring themselves!

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Seriously, while I get, philosophically, what the orginal letter senders were attempting to do, this isn't child abuse. And bankruptcy judges see crazy all the damn time...

I just think this is crossing the lines. And creepy. And just, I dont know, almost famewhoring themselves!

Agree. I find mwop just as bizarre as mckmama herself, but in a different way. The whole thing is completely nuts. I actively dislike mckmama bc I think she's hurting her children. Mwop I just find weirdly fascinating.

Edited for damn you autocorrect

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Fascinating, if only for the insight it gives into how fundies monetize their blogs. Would love to see an analysis of others' blogs.

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MWOP is rather cumbersome. I'm wondering how they did the work around the original cease and desist? But it is as interesting as McM and a bit more bizarre in some ways. From what I understand some of the folks that do post on MWOP were burned by McM, gift cards, money donations, poorly conducted photo shoots.

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MWOP is rather cumbersome. I'm wondering how they did the work around the original cease and desist? But it is as interesting as McM and a bit more bizarre in some ways. From what I understand some of the folks that do post on MWOP were burned by McM, gift cards, money donations, poorly conducted photo shoots.

I hear that. I felt a bit duped by Mckmama (started reading when she was pregnant with Stellan) and I never gave her money or anything. I only read the mwop comments once in a while but they seem to be a pretty tight knit community complete with their own lingo, inside jokes, etc. Some of their conspiracy theories are just INSANE and honestly it's a bit tough to figure out what their goal is. Mck's life is in shambles. She has accepted her share of the blame. What more do they want? For her to stop blogging? I actually think that would be a bad decision at this point bc it is her income. I'd like her to stop exploiting her children but I don't really see how mwop is working towards that goal.

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MWOP is rather cumbersome. I'm wondering how they did the work around the original cease and desist? But it is as interesting as McM and a bit more bizarre in some ways. From what I understand some of the folks that do post on MWOP were burned by McM, gift cards, money donations, poorly conducted photo shoots.

Mckmama never sent the cease and desist (at least not that I'm aware of). For some reason I recall it was Shaun Groves from Compassion Intl?

I think it's really weird that anyone would send a letter to the judge, to be honest. I think some of those gals get a little too involved. But that's just me, and I haven't been burned like some of them have.

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I'm not sure exactly what she told them, but I was advised to be honest with my children when their Dad abandoned them. Of course, my ass of an ex-husband actually told them they were mistakes, and he didn't want to be a husband or father when we announced our divorce. I was shocked and tried to repair the damage in the moment, but in subsequent therapy have been advised that its okay to say Daddy has chosen to live another life. I don't like the woman's views, but I've been where she is and am reluctant to cast too many stones. She may have been advised by a therapist to be honest with her children, especially if there is a zero likelihood that Daddy Hamburger will ever be coming home. But good grief, she shouldn't be posting about it on a blog, she should be sitting in family therapy with her kids working through it with someone who understands child development better than she. I also am hesitant to comment on a BK, I know that I ended up with huge mountains of debt my ex-husband ran up, that I didn't know existed, until my lawyer started digging into things. I'm still digging my way out his shit and will be for a few more years.

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I'm not sure exactly what she told them, but I was advised to be honest with my children when their Dad abandoned them. Of course, my ass of an ex-husband actually told them they were mistakes, and he didn't want to be a husband or father when we announced our divorce. I was shocked and tried to repair the damage in the moment, but in subsequent therapy have been advised that its okay to say Daddy has chosen to live another life. I don't like the woman's views, but I've been where she is and am reluctant to cast too many stones. She may have been advised by a therapist to be honest with her children, especially if there is a zero likelihood that Daddy Hamburger will ever be coming home. But good grief, she shouldn't be posting about it on a blog, she should be sitting in family therapy with her kids working through it with someone who understands child development better than she. I also am hesitant to comment on a BK, I know that I ended up with huge mountains of debt my ex-husband ran up, that I didn't know existed, until my lawyer started digging into things. I'm still digging my way out his shit and will be for a few more years.

I'm sorry you're going through that - I cannot imagine. Mck seems different as he's only been gone a couple of weeks and she has repeatedly said they might get back together. Also, and who knows if this is true but it sounds like Mck, somebody posted on her Facebook claiming to personally know both of tthem, said Israel is working hours away and wants to see the kids but has no transportation to get them and that Mck refuses to drive the kids out there. Also says the split was completely mutual. Mck quickly deleted that comment.

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I have a lot of mixed feelings about MWOP and MckMama herself.

At first, I really thought MWOP was cray-cray, and they really were. Before the C&D, and the new site, I felt like they took things too far just out of spite, and it was primarily about gossip, though sometimes got clumsily involved in her real life and started BS on MckMama's websites.

But after the reinvention of the new MWOP site, I feel like they are moderated a lot better, they make a concerted effort NOT to harass MckMama on her own turf, and they have made pretty solid points about her bankruptcy proceedings. And they have every right to, in my opinion, as taxpayers and citizens, observe and comment on public proceedings like that.

That said, I do personally think it's a bit overinvolved to write letters to the judge, etc., though I guess I can understand why they have.

On the other side of the coin, I think MckMama herself is beyond crazy, and her fans are just hopelessly naive crybabies. That third letter written tattling on MWOP to the judge is the height of entitled soccer mom petulance (no offense to present soccer moms) and didn't make any points that were materially relevant to the bankruptcy case. It was purely an emotional appeal based on claims of bullying, whereas the first two letters actually pointed out sources of income and assets that had not been disclosed by MckMama in the (publicly available) bankruptcy documents.

Most of her fans seem to not really understand how the internet works, how publicly available info is public, how people who put themselves forth as public figures open themselves up to scrutiny and criticism. It's really embarrassing to see grown women misunderstanding these very basic facts of life.

I don't condone bullying, and I don't think it's nice to say mean things about other people in public, no matter how well-justified - but you know what? Saying mean things, in and of itself, on a completely separate website, has no real bearing on MckMama's life if she wouldn't choose to engage in the drama. But she does, repeatedly, and her readers don't seem to understand that - that some of the drama is a choice on MckMama's part, and she's not just a passive victim of persecution.

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Thanks for the added info, if the split was a mutual split, they should have been at the therapist's office learning how to help children deal with the news and mutually decided on what to say before hand. I had about 24 hours notice before the kids found out, but even in 24 hours I had a crisis counselor present when we broke the news to our kids. From what you say about visitation, it sounds like she may be using the kids to blackmail her husband into returning home. I wish she could understand that this could be her ticket to a better life. I thought I was in a good place, but getting out helped me value myself again and I didn't even know I had lost my self worth. The woman needs a therapist. I do think her car accident sound like an attempted suicide or an attempt to illicit sympathy from her husband. Something isn't quite ringing true.

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Thanks for the added info, if the split was a mutual split, they should have been at the therapist's office learning how to help children deal with the news and mutually decided on what to say before hand. I had about 24 hours notice before the kids found out, but even in 24 hours I had a crisis counselor present when we broke the news to our kids. From what you say about visitation, it sounds like she may be using the kids to blackmail her husband into returning home. I wish she could understand that this could be her ticket to a better life. I thought I was in a good place, but getting out helped me value myself again and I didn't even know I had lost my self worth. The woman needs a therapist. I do think her car accident sound like an attempted suicide or an attempt to illicit sympathy from her husband. Something isn't quite ringing true.

My first thought as well. She does see a therapist, but unfortunately it's her psycho christian marriage counselor who told her God can even fix pedophiles so domestic violence is really no reason to leave.

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You know, only the titles pschologust and pschiatrist require a liscense to practice in most states. So any old idiot could be out their hanging up a sign that says therapist and people could be duped into thinking they've got the support of siomeone duly trained.

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