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MckMama Drama - Including the Fire - Merge

The Archivist

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I haven’t told you guys yet, but may as well let you in on the news that my left foot has been numb since shortly after my accident and, yes, that’s kind of freaking me out.

I wonder where this is leading.

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is she still pregnant?

I don't think she was ever pregnant after Lachlan, was she? She has the 5 kids and that's it as far as I knew. That woman has more "oops" babies than you can shake a stick at though so who knows.

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I don't think she was ever pregnant after Lachlan, was she? She has the 5 kids and that's it as far as I knew. That woman has more "oops" babies than you can shake a stick at though so who knows.

I thought she was talking about morning sickness and then everyone speculated she would say she miscarried in the accident?

Anyway, so how does this work if you divorce while you're filing for bankruptcy?

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An MS scare. More vague and good for a long drawn out drama.

Oh yes, use MS. I will personally go kick her ample butt if she goes down that road, and be calling bs on any lie she tells, in that regard. It is more than tingly feet.

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Injuries in tissue can sometimes affect the nerves while there is inflammation. I managed to jam a piece of rebar into my foot several months ago and it had a numb spot for a month or so. That's not a medical opinion, just anecdata. I am sure MckMama has some horrible syndrome or disease :roll:

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Oh yes yes yes!! MS would be a good one. Someone very close to me is an MS specialist.

God, I hope she deletes those posts before the ebil public school system teaches her kids how to read.

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Another letter has been publicized by the person who wrote it:

https://www.facebook.com/media/set/?set ... 640&type=3

(not breaking because this person chose to make her profile public so people can read the letter, and b/c Facebook doesn't show referrers)

This whole episode may actually be the most crazy thing I've ever seen happen on the internet. Discuss.

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Another letter has been publicized by the person who wrote it:

https://www.facebook.com/media/set/?set ... 640&type=3

(not breaking because this person chose to make her profile public so people can read the letter, and b/c Facebook doesn't show referrers)

This whole episode may actually be the most crazy thing I've ever seen happen on the internet. Discuss.

That letter is almost as long as the bankruptcy papers, isn't it? Woah. Utter insanity. :?

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Another letter has been publicized by the person who wrote it:

https://www.facebook.com/media/set/?set ... 640&type=3

(not breaking because this person chose to make her profile public so people can read the letter, and b/c Facebook doesn't show referrers)

This whole episode may actually be the most crazy thing I've ever seen happen on the internet. Discuss.

If you take out the sheer weirdness that has been Scientology vs. the Internet (coming up on two decades of fun and games), I would tend to agree. On just an individual basis, I can't think of a more insane clusterf***, and I've seen quite a few.

Edited to add comments from a friend who is a former judicial clerk: "none of those people seem to have the foggiest clue that judges are neither amused nor influenced by piles o' shite sent by random asshats." and "has this idiot ever heard of a PDF?"

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It's rather ironic she was assigned to Judge O'Brien. I know of him and have met him once in a non-legal setting. He's had weird religious people appear before him before, earning him the title of a dastardly Jesuit. If MckMama loses she'll be the next one accusing him of being a Jesuit out to rule against non-Catholics.

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I cannot even begin to wade through that! I made it to page 12 of 38. These people are just as crazy as MckMama!

I especially love how this woman sees MWOP as a conspiracy to steal MckMama's loyal readers for profit! It's definitely MWOP's fault MckMama had to file bankruptcy, not poor financial choices/overspending! Nope...definitely MWOP. :doh:

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I can't imagine wanting to go to her BK hearing, but as long as they are strictly spectators, I don't really see a problem with it. I would hope that they have every intention of not engaging her or her lawyers. Going to watch would be one thing, harassing behavior would be another thing completely.

I will admit, however, that the lengths some of the MWOPers are going to in order to watch the proceedings seem a bit extreme to me.

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The few letters I read from the mwopers were pointing out things relevant to the bankruptcy, like non-disclosed income. Bankruptcy are public proceedings, so I don't find it too creepy that folks are watching them. Writing letters is a bit beyond what most folks do, but the ones I've seen are well reasoned and factual. The non-mwop letters are pretty crazy and beside the point.

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The few letters I read from the mwopers were pointing out things relevant to the bankruptcy, like non-disclosed income. Bankruptcy are public proceedings, so I don't find it too creepy that folks are watching them. Writing letters is a bit beyond what most folks do, but the ones I've seen are well reasoned and factual. The non-mwop letters are pretty crazy and beside the point.

If I knew of someone abusing the bankruptcy system, I would be tempted to write a letter to the judge. I think MckMama is perjuring herself (are disclosures sworn statements?).

I love Penelope.

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