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MckMama Drama - Including the Fire - Merge

The Archivist

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Slightly OT but I saw some talk on MWOP about "another" without pity site....anyone know what they're talking about? Apparently they're banned from mentioning it by name over there? What's the story?

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Slightly OT but I saw some talk on MWOP about "another" without pity site....anyone know what they're talking about? Apparently they're banned from mentioning it by name over there? What's the story?

I think they mean this: bullieswithoutpity.blogspot.com

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I think they mean this: bullieswithoutpity.blogspot.com

Is that crazy Barb?

FWIW McM supposedly has new digs, 3500 sq ft according to MWOP. Once the crazies get a cult following I tend to lose interest in them. I like them bright and fresh like when ThatWife was writing letters to her dead baby :lol:

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I read MWOP, but I don't find them all that crazy. Pissed off and cynical maybe, but a lot of them have the right to be, they've been emotionally manipulated and ripped off by a scam artist. BWOP is another kettle of fish altogether, as is crazyBarb.

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I read MWOP, but I don't find them all that crazy. Pissed off and cynical maybe, but a lot of them have the right to be, they've been emotionally manipulated and ripped off by a scam artist. BWOP is another kettle of fish altogether, as is crazyBarb.


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What is it with the fundies and MLM scams? First Stacy falls for Young Living and their essential oil pyramid scheme, now it's McK and diet pills. WTF?

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I have been following MWoP, which I never did until a couple months ago, and I think it is less crazy than it has been in the past, though I do still sometimes find they get too nitpicky and obsessive. But the bankruptcy thing, and MckMama's business practices are pretty scandalous and deserve some critical attention.

It seems totally in character for MckMama to be hawking MLM diet pills. Love it.

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Ah, one of my favorite internet trainwrecks.

MWOP is its own beast, but their admin does do her best to keep it down. I did see the new house. Wow.

JM is quite a con artist. Too bad she can't harnass her abiities for ggood, and that it seems she is one of those charmed people whose comeuppance far too many are awaiting, gleefully.

Poor children.

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So, if I've been following closely enough:

- dodgy 'charity' with no outside evaluation of fund usage and program efficiency, in which donations go mostly to wages, and airfares send folks over for poverty tourism, not many actual development projects

- MLM cards, back a few months ago

- almost child porn modelling opportunity!!! website where your work is unpaid

- MLM diet pills

Did I miss any other direct scams to the readers?

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I sort of hesitate to make this post, because you may all be sick of all things MWOP (I'm kind of sick of it myself, sometimes) - but this whole [link=http://freejinger.org/viewtopic.php?f=8&t=7780]bankruptcy trainwreck[/link] is continuing to make INTERNET HISTORY.

Why? Well, not only have the fans of the blogger in question (MckMama) written letters to the judge blaming the "hater blog" (MWOP) for her going broke - one fan has now written a second letter to the judge in the bankruptcy case...because she feels a commenter on MWOP made a "veiled death threat" to her by comparing her to the obsessed fan in Eminem's song "Stan."

You have to read the crazy for yourself:

http://mwopblog.com/wp-content/uploads/ ... dacted.pdf

See Page 4 for the good stuff. Although the rest of it is pretty whacked-out too.

In case it hasn't quite sunk in yet, let me recap:

A bankruptcy judge is receiving letters from fans of a mommy-blogger filing for bankruptcy about mean comments on the internet.

For real.

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They were not even mean comments aimed at MckMama!

This judge has to be ruing the day he chose law. "Why didn't I choose something simple like nuclear physics????"

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Just want to quote some of the letter directly to this thread, because no one should be denied the glory of reading this if they don't want to open a pdf:

Dear Judge O'Brien,

I apologize to the Court for writing once again. However, I felt that it was important to inform Your

Honor that a veiled death threat was posted on the MWOP blog on February 10, 2012 at

approximately 10:30 p.m. in regards to me. A person with the screen name "Gorilla Toes"

(reference to Jennifer McKinney's use of Vibram sneakers) posted the remark. Over the next day,

19 others on this blog "liked" the death threat. I would like the Court to be aware that this site has

a system in place that anyone in their community can "flag" a remark for review. Not only wasn't

that done, it was left up and remains posted on the site at the mailing of this letter. Also of note,

the site has a moderator who goes by the screen name "MWOP Anja" who has allowed the threat

to remain posted to the general public.


8. On 2-10-2012 under the posting of "Full Throttle" at approximately 10:30p.m. I came across a

message for me posted on the MWOP blog. Gorilla Toes posts:

"BMM=Stan (Eminem's song ... Google it if you don't know it)

I'm your BIGGEST FAN !!"

Well my first inclination was to ignore it just thinking it was another jab, but my curiosity got the

better of me and I did have to "Google it" since I hadn't a clue as to what the song was about. I'm

a 54 year old woman and truth be told, I don't listen to rap music. I quickly checked out the words,

write ups as to the meaning of the song & watched a YouTube video of it. At first I was thinking

that they were stating I was an obsessed Jennifer McKinney "fan", but that quickly changed when I

re-read the post above. At this point it was clear to me that Gorilla Toes was stating that she was

indeed "my biggest fan". That changed the meaning of the above post significantly.


9. The song is about an obsessed fan of a singer who writes to his idol and becomes more and

more frustrated and angry when he gets no response. The fan becomes more unhinged as the

song continues and ends up in a murder/suicide with "Stan" driving down the road drunk &

drugged with his pregnant girlfriend tied up in the trunk and drives off a bridge.


While I believe the chances of this being anything more than a "mind game" are quite slim, I felt it

important to document it for several reasons:

A. It's just plain wrong.

B. To have a public record of it.

C. To showcase the severity of the bullying that is being levied against Jennifer McKinney and

anyone that reads her blog/Facebook account.

D. There is a real "fringe factor" element to some of the people associated with this hater blog.

Given the times we live in, you just never know.

Truer words were never spoken.

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This judge has to be ruing the day he chose law. "Why didn't I choose something simple like nuclear physics????"

No kidding! "Hey judge,now they're being mean to meeeee!!!! You see, this is really all about meeeeeee!!!!! I just tried to help, because that's the kind of person IIIIIIIIIII am!!!! Did I mention how important all this makes meeeeeeee!!!!! feel?!!!?!!!!?!!!?

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I have no response for this. :shock: None. My entire life of learning social behaviour has not prepared me for the internet and the crazy.

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Honestly. Honestly. This poor judge. Bankruptcy courts do not normally bring the crazy. He was probably all thrilled -- federal court - no family law really. He's not doing criminal cases. He thought he was riding easy street. Instead he gets MWOP and McMamma. Poor guy.

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I think the judge makes copies and sends them to all his judge friends for a good laugh.

And no bringing Eminem into this at all. Mess with my man and there is going to be a problem.

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Holy crap these people are crazy. She sent him a list of people who friend requested her on Facebook? Because she is suspicious? Just deny them.

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Whoa. I think the woman who wrote that letter has some legitimate mental issues. Very sad. She sounds like she needs help...

That said, I feel worse for the judge. What does she think her tattling is going to do? Is the judge going to hunt down every MWOP poster and turn them over his knee? I mean seriously, WTF?

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I dropped into MWOP today rather than giving Jen any click$. Apparently she's having a 'fat freezing' procedure. MWOP estimates (I take this with a shaker full of salt) that her income is in excess of $5K a month. Does she not know that any thing she makes since the filing is subject to the BK?

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