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MckMama Drama - Including the Fire - Merge

The Archivist

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"Dear Judge,

I'm sorry I'm bothering the court so much, but I'M TOTALLY NOT AN OBSESSED FAN OF MCKMAMA. Also, death threats!!1 And people live near me! omggggggg

Love, MckMama's biggest fan"

That's what I got out of the letter.

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That poor, poor judge. The law surrounds you with some nutty people, but usually they're actually parties to the case. And people wonder why I say I will never, ever be a lawyer... (I have a law degree, but am not admitted to practice and work in academia).

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Poor judge,

It's Nats backward maybe it had to relate to bugs or something.

I know that's probably not how you spell that type of but I got a kick out of it.

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Whoa. I think the woman who wrote that letter has some legitimate mental issues. Very sad. She sounds like she needs help...

That said, I feel worse for the judge. What does she think her tattling is going to do? Is the judge going to hunt down every MWOP poster and turn them over his knee? I mean seriously, WTF?

Hahaha, no kidding! What the hell?!

I agree that this woman has definitely got some major mental health problems.

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The crazy lady in question (not Mckmama) sent a 3 volume, spiral bound screed that involved peoples "mean comments" from mwop... and here people thing that the naysayers have no life.

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The crazy lady in question (not Mckmama) sent a 3 volume, spiral bound screed that involved peoples "mean comments" from mwop... and here people thing that the naysayers have no life.

Oh I think we think all of them are nutz.

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I still don't understand what any of this has to do with freaking bankruptcy? Why are these crazy people getting involved in McMama's bankruptcy?

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I still don't understand what any of this has to do with freaking bankruptcy? Why are these crazy people getting involved in McMama's bankruptcy?

Some of the MWOPers decided she was lying in her bankruptcy filing and took it upon themselves to "clear things up." I'm not sure why they couldn't just leave things to the attorneys and the court.

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Some of the MWOPers decided she was lying in her bankruptcy filing and took it upon themselves to "clear things up." I'm not sure why they couldn't just leave things to the attorneys and the court.

Wow, that's just getting overly involved! So the MWOPers got involved, then McMama's supporters got involved?

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  • 1 month later...
Before I give her the click$, is this about her moving again? Or the current RV trip?

It's just a basically incoherent rant about her husband, sort of in the format of that old barenaked ladies song "It's been one week" or whatever. She is just....completely nuts. In true Mckmama fashion she talks about getting on her knees before Jesus but ends up blaming poor "Prince Charming" in the end.

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It's just a basically incoherent rant about her husband, sort of in the format of that old barenaked ladies song "It's been one week" or whatever. She is just....completely nuts. In true Mckmama fashion she talks about getting on her knees before Jesus but ends up blaming poor "Prince Charming" in the end.

I think she really has some problems that require professional help. Apparently they are moving again after this trip. There goes the stability of school for the kids.

I'm guessing (now that I made the song connection) her acolytes are lapping this merde right up.

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So, what? Is she quoting Bare Naked Ladies lyrics + ranting about her failing marriage to bring in more reader$?

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Apparently they are moving again after this trip. There goes the stability of school for the kids.

Are they really? Good lord, those poor babies. :( They have lost so, so much. I truly hope she is lying (as she usually is) about McDaddy (can't believe I just typed that :shock: ) not seeing the kids. That's just tragic.

I think she was here the other day. They went to the zoo, and believe me it isn't cheap. I want to know how she can afford all of this. I mean really, my husband and I take our family on a 7 day vacation to Florida every summer. We generally spend about 4,000-4,500 for everything. We save all year for it. We live in a tiny house (never upgrading), my mini van is paid off, and we watch our budget. We STILL have to save for our vacation. There are no spontaneous road trips. How does Mcmama (who runs around charging people a fortune for her pics, but otherwise has no job AND IS FILING FOR BANKRUPTCY) able to afford this? Her house is top notch (WAY nicer than mine) and yet SHE HAS NO REAL JOB. Wonder what the bankruptcy trustee thinks of this bullshit?

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I daresay her next housing choice will be a lot more um, humble.

Apparently she was only paying 500 in rent at this latest place that she's leaving....

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Apparently she was only paying 500 in rent at this latest place that she's leaving....

Wow....that's crazy. I guess one of the sheeple hooked her up.

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Before I give her the click$, is this about her moving again? Or the current RV trip?

You can read without giving her clicks here: feeds.feedburner.com/mycharmingkids/FlYV

Current post is about her leaving her husband, when she clearly stated he left her.

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Apparently she was only paying 500 in rent at this latest place that she's leaving....

And the rent included two visits a week from a MAID.

ETA: I think -

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And the rent included two visits a week from a MAID.

Could someone kindly hook me up with a link to this info? I haven't browsed MWOP in weeks and apparently I missed all the fun reveals. Or at least tell me which "discuss" date it was and the name to Ctrl+F. Thanks!

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Could someone kindly hook me up with a link to this info? I haven't browsed MWOP in weeks and apparently I missed all the fun reveals. Or at least tell me which "discuss" date it was and the name to Ctrl+F. Thanks!

http://mwopblog.com/2012/04/week-in-rev ... qus_thread

Its been very interesting.Its a train wreck I cant stop watching. I really wish she would get treatment for her social media addiction/internet addiction. It could save her marriage and hopefully make her a better mother.

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