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MckMama Drama - Including the Fire - Merge

The Archivist

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To me it looks like the bathing suit is just too big and it's baggy, or it sagged really bad when it got wet, still not attractive, but not as bad as too small.

I'm pretty conservative when it comes to full body shots of little girls in swim suits just cause its the Netz. But I recognize that she would lose money from her sheeple if it weren't for the photos of her kids. I just think she's an accident waiting to happen and I do hope none of her children are ever victimized.

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I'm pretty conservative when it comes to full body shots of little girls in swim suits just cause its the Netz. But I recognize that she would lose money from her sheeple if it weren't for the photos of her kids. I just think she's an accident waiting to happen and I do hope none of her children are ever victimized.

I agree totally. She has way too much out there about her kids, and I'd be really uncomfortable posting a picture on my very controlled facebook of my niece in a swimsuit like that, much less a totally open blog.

Those kids are going to have a lot to work through as it is.

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She's such a mess. So much to comment on. But I think it's pretty dangerous of her to recommend her diet pills to pregnant or nursing women. She should not do that. They should consult with their dr, not believe Mckmama when she says they are great prenatal pills. I can't believe she'd be willing to put others in danger like that all to make a little money. She's constantly pimping out those pills. Someone commented earlier they can't afford the pills because they have bills to pay and kids to feed and she commented that signing up to sell the pills could help her with that! Unreal.

Also, she seems to be bi-polar and on a huge hiiiiggghhh right now. The crazy diet pills can't help either. Hopefully when she crashes they are back 'home'. Those poor kids.

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ok, I have to ask- what keywords does she use?

She uses words that would appeal to pedophiles, also known as chicken hawks. Off the top of my head: naked, chub, sumo wrestling, little boys. Those don't seem too terrible until you realize that in one post she included the words "naked sumo wrestling" for a picture of her two youngest sons, both naked and genital areas touching, though hidden, the older son in a bow tie and his hair in pigtails. She even went so far as to name a chick "Chub" so that if anyone entered the words "chicken hawk chub boy" she'd be among the top listings. It's one of those things that once seen cannot be unseen. Once you know the key words pedophiles and pederasts use to find legal but suggestive pictures of children it is clear she is driving traffic to her site using her children in an unacceptable manner.

And then there was the time she made all of them line up in a barn and recite how it is that babies are made. I believe the eldest was 6 at the time and she kept making them repeat the words "penis" and vagina." When poor Kieran said the vagina went into the penis, she corrected him. It was easily in the top 20 of unsettling things I have seen online.

Kieran is also often naked. A lot. She recently posted a picture of Kieran naked when he was at home sick. His knee was up near his shoulders, but while you could not see anything, it was a suggestive pic. I think the words boy, home, and sick were used, possibly bed as well, and again, on their own those words are not bad. In a picture of a naked 7-year-old boy in his bed with his knee to his shoulder, they are horrible. In an entry about "mattress surfing" Kieran is off to the side and all you can see are his legs and feet but MckMama made sure to let everyone know Kieran was naked. You would not have known had she not said, but now she's got "mattress," "kids" and "naked" in a post, making sure that very bad people can easily find those pictures. They won't see anything but as some pedophiles have explained, the suggestion of nudity is as appealing as the actual thing. When you bring up the word naked as much as MckMama does in entries about children, it's bizarre.

It's even more bizarre when you take into account how many people have told her that she is courting pedophiles with her actions. She does not stop. There is nothing that will make that woman stop posting naked upon naked pictures of her kids with upsetting tags. Her own fans have begged her to stop but she won't.

As many times as she has been told, as many times as the example of the Spohr family has been brought up to her (the Spohr's deceased daughter's pictures, innocent though possibly in a bathing suit or a sudsy bath picture, were found on a pedophile's computer in the UK and she was contacted through Scotland Yard), and she will not stop.

The first time is an innocent mistake. The second time you can chalk up to forgetting. The third is sheer idiocy and the fourth means you're doing it on purpose. Jennifer is e-pimping her kids either for clicks or for other reasons I don't care to speculate about.

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She uses words that would appeal to pedophiles, also known as chicken hawks. Off the top of my head: naked, chub, sumo wrestling, little boys. Those don't seem too terrible until you realize that in one post she included the words "naked sumo wrestling" for a picture of her two youngest sons, both naked and genital areas touching, though hidden, the older son in a bow tie and his hair in pigtails. She even went so far as to name a chick "Chub" so that if anyone entered the words "chicken hawk chub boy" she'd be among the top listings. It's one of those things that once seen cannot be unseen. Once you know the key words pedophiles and pederasts use to find legal but suggestive pictures of children it is clear she is driving traffic to her site using her children in an unacceptable manner.

And then there was the time she made all of them line up in a barn and recite how it is that babies are made. I believe the eldest was 6 at the time and she kept making them repeat the words "penis" and vagina." When poor Kieran said the vagina went into the penis, she corrected him. It was easily in the top 20 of unsettling things I have seen online.

Kieran is also often naked. A lot. She recently posted a picture of Kieran naked when he was at home sick. His knee was up near his shoulders, but while you could not see anything, it was a suggestive pic. I think the words boy, home, and sick were used, possibly bed as well, and again, on their own those words are not bad. In a picture of a naked 7-year-old boy in his bed with his knee to his shoulder, they are horrible. In an entry about "mattress surfing" Kieran is off to the side and all you can see are his legs and feet but MckMama made sure to let everyone know Kieran was naked. You would not have known had she not said, but now she's got "mattress," "kids" and "naked" in a post, making sure that very bad people can easily find those pictures. They won't see anything but as some pedophiles have explained, the suggestion of nudity is as appealing as the actual thing. When you bring up the word naked as much as MckMama does in entries about children, it's bizarre.

It's even more bizarre when you take into account how many people have told her that she is courting pedophiles with her actions. She does not stop. There is nothing that will make that woman stop posting naked upon naked pictures of her kids with upsetting tags. Her own fans have begged her to stop but she won't.

As many times as she has been told, as many times as the example of the Spohr family has been brought up to her (the Spohr's deceased daughter's pictures, innocent though possibly in a bathing suit or a sudsy bath picture, were found on a pedophile's computer in the UK and she was contacted through Scotland Yard), and she will not stop.

The first time is an innocent mistake. The second time you can chalk up to forgetting. The third is sheer idiocy and the fourth means you're doing it on purpose. Jennifer is e-pimping her kids either for clicks or for other reasons I don't care to speculate about.

This is horrifying. How can anyone use their children in such a way? My stepfather is an abusive piece of shit, but he would never have done something like that with my sister (his biological daughter). He's always been protective of her. My mom used to do these glamour shots of my sister and I when we were little, with curled hair and tons of makeup, and she did take naked bathtub pictures of us, but she'd always take those photos on polaroid so that there wouldn't be a risk of anybody using them as masturbatory material.

I get paranoid about pictures of my son being on facebook and have my account locked down. My husband and I have also requested that our friends ask our permission before posting pictures of him, and if they do, they need to have strict privacy settings. And these are pictures of our baby, fully clothed. It's mostly because we have an unusual surname and I don't want anybody to be able to find us and kidnap him. I know a lot of people would think we are overly paranoid about this, but we just don't want to take risks with our son, especially for something he wouldn't benefit from or find enjoyment in.

I think most parents would be completely disgusted and infuriated if they knew that someone was masturbating over pictures of their children, but to actually court that? I never really followed McMama, but my God, she is a monster. The scary thing is that it sounds like she gives out a lot of personal details, so I don't think it would be too difficult for someone to track her down. That's so scary. :(

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This is horrifying. How can anyone use their children in such a way? My stepfather is an abusive piece of shit, but he would never have done something like that with my sister (his biological daughter). He's always been protective of her. My mom used to do these glamour shots of my sister and I when we were little, with curled hair and tons of makeup, and she did take naked bathtub pictures of us, but she'd always take those photos on polaroid so that there wouldn't be a risk of anybody using them as masturbatory material.

I get paranoid about pictures of my son being on facebook and have my account locked down. My husband and I have also requested that our friends ask our permission before posting pictures of him, and if they do, they need to have strict privacy settings. And these are pictures of our baby, fully clothed. It's mostly because we have an unusual surname and I don't want anybody to be able to find us and kidnap him. I know a lot of people would think we are overly paranoid about this, but we just don't want to take risks with our son, especially for something he wouldn't benefit from or find enjoyment in.

I think most parents would be completely disgusted and infuriated if they knew that someone was masturbating over pictures of their children, but to actually court that? I never really followed McMama, but my God, she is a monster. The scary thing is that it sounds like she gives out a lot of personal details, so I don't think it would be too difficult for someone to track her down. That's so scary. :(

They aren't children to her they are accessories and pawns in her little game.

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This whole train wreck just breaks my heart for her kids. Have they ever experienced even a moment of stability and security in their lives?

I just feel worse for those kids every day. Their lives are chaos. I keep comparing it to my own childhood; I lived in the same house from birth to college, and I was in the same school district for kindergarten all the way through high school graduation. Maybe that's not typical, either, but it was the polar opposite of what they live, and having that predictability and stability was wonderful. I wish they could experience that.

I was happy when she announced she was enrolling them in school, but then she yanks them right back out again? I thought their trip was just going to be for their spring break but it's already been way longer. If they're really moving again, I wonder if she'll enroll them in a new school or just go back to homeschooling (which she didn't seem to be doing much of).

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Whoever said she's bipolar - you are RIGHT on target. The way she's acting is textbook manic.

I just hope it doesn't get any worse. She should not be caring for children right now. SHe's in no state to be even caring for herself.

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Fake names inspired by food from McDonalds...Flurry, McNugget, etc. :shock:

Except for Stellan.

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Except for Stellan.

yes because he is the miracle child and they are proud just to have him alive.

So she posts naked pic of the oldest yet he is the one who looks like a girl? Nice one! So the creeps think they are looking at a undressed female. This is all very disturbing.

I am so opposite of this chick......we have always kept our kids in the same school. We have some in a different district so we have to drive them there. That district was just higher in state standards and less bullying drugs ect.. Even though its a pain weve been doing it for 14 years its whats best for the kids. My youngest does attend the district we reside in it best meets her special needs.

We lived in the same home for 18 yrs......only moved because we HAD to the city confessed that our neighborhood was full of empty mines we had gas leaks..and the entire neighborhood was sinking. I hated my kids had to adjust to a new home after so many years.

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Did anyone see an episode of one of those 20/20 type shows that was on several years ago, about a family who had a pay-to-view site with pictures of their little girl dressed in swimwear? They basically courted pedophiles. The girl had to do live chats with the men sometimes, and the men would pay extra to send the little girl different outfits that the parents would then put on the girl, take photos of, and post on the site. It was nauseating. McKmama is exploiting her kids in much the same way, only she gets paid by people clicking on her site rather than subscribing. If she weren't so morally repugnant and endangering/damaging to her children, her scheming and scamming would be almost comical. She reminds me of a greedy cartoon character that can physically see bags of money in front of her eyes, ala Scrooge MckDuck.

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The oldest isn't a girl?

I know, I thought for the longest time he was a girl.

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I feel sick reading that, physically nauseous. I've always seen the whole mommy blogging industry as a form of whoring out your family and kids, but this really is an actual conscious WHORING out of her children. My mind is boggled.

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Its not 'post' BK. She's only had a creditors hearing. There has been no motion for discharge yet.

I'm aware, thanks.

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I'm aware, thanks.

I didn't know there was a WOP site! So she makes money off people reading her blog? How did I miss that fact? Does she run adds or what?

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Those poor kids, their bedrooms just look so barren. You would think with five kids she would have brought some books or stuffed animals or something to make their spaces feel more like home, but those bedroom shelves were practically empty. To me, that's the heartbreaking thing - not only do these kids have to bounce around from place to place, willy-nilly, but their nomadic lifestyle means they can't take much with them so they don't even have anything to remind them of 'home'.

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