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MckMama Drama - Including the Fire - Merge

The Archivist

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Damn, what did you post?

You know, when I took vacations with my kids I never took my computer with us and I never went on line. I've had a personal computer since the 80's so I was on line but just felt vacations needed to be internet free. Even now when I travel alone I do take a laptop but I only go on at the end of the day to check email. MckMama is spending way too much time on line, she should be spending it with her kids.

She had posted a response regarding the hotel. I mentioned that it was likely the sheeple were paying for it and even after running up a 6 figure debt she was still spending like water. Then I mentioned that the BK court would probably be interested in screen caps of her FB page.

I was a bit slow on the uptake due to a hangover or I would have copied it all.

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I was a bit slow on the uptake due to a hangover or I would have copied it all.

Oh. I wish you'd have done that. You know, if I'd filed for bankruptcy I'd die of mortification to begin with, and I would be going no where. I don't see how she can live like she does. It's like she thinks she's entitled and deserves it. I swear she has no conscience.

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Oh. I wish you'd have done that. You know, if I'd filed for bankruptcy I'd die of mortification to begin with, and I would be going no where. I don't see how she can live like she does. It's like she thinks she's entitled and deserves it. I swear she has no conscience.

I hope she does get her chain yanked by the BK trustee. Even the 'perks' like free hotels or lodgings while on a 'business trip' would be subject to the BK court.

The fact that her sheeple justify her behavior and financially support her makes me nuts. And her continual dishonesty is not really endearing either.

Edited to add: Her shit about 'bonding' with her kids makes me want to chew glass. Fuck how many years does it take to bond? WTF?

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Oh. I wish you'd have done that. You know, if I'd filed for bankruptcy I'd die of mortification to begin with, and I would be going no where. I don't see how she can live like she does. It's like she thinks she's entitled and deserves it. I swear she has no conscience.

No conscience wrapped in a huge sense of entitlement. I don't think there is any shame in having to file for bankruptcy for the average and honest person, but in MckMama's case...she should be ashamed for so much.

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I hope she does get her chain yanked by the BK trustee. Even the 'perks' like free hotels or lodgings while on a 'business trip' would be subject to the BK court.

The fact that her sheeple justify her behavior and financially support her makes me nuts. And her continual dishonesty is not really endearing either.

Edited to add: Her shit about 'bonding' with her kids makes me want to chew glass. Fuck how many years does it take to bond? WTF?

The medical bills she won't even try to pay is what gets me more than anything. Doctors/nurses/all the other medical staff work fucking hard for their patients and shes taking a fucking free ride on them while going on vacations and buying shit.

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I don't think there is any shame in having to file for bankruptcy for the average and honest person, but in MckMama's case...she should be ashamed for so much.

No, sometimes you have to file for bankruptcy, esp in today's economy. It would really embarrass me personally though, I sure wouldn't be practically bragging about it, or living it up.

BTW, I love your avatar.

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Dude. According to the Twitter, she's staying at the Ballantyne Hotel (a mere three miles from where I sit at this very minute). Also? It's the most expensive hotel in town, after the Ritz-Carlton. Geez.

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Dude. According to the Twitter, she's staying at the Ballantyne Hotel (a mere three miles from where I sit at this very minute). Also? It's the most expensive hotel in town, after the Ritz-Carlton. Geez.

She had claimed earlier it was a 'perk', thats MM code talk for 'a sheeple is picking up my tab'.

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Love her most recent comment:

Know what IS a crime, though? Telling lies about someone or trying to make them look bad by sharing false information. It's called defamation. Just filing all this info for my lawyer, thanks! ;)

:shock: umm, alrighty then.

I also love the next commenter accusing people of stalking her. :roll:

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I love her latest comment about removing someone's personal information. She signs her comment "MckMama's Admin", like she has a staff monitoring her FB.

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I love her latest comment about removing someone's personal information. She signs her comment "MckMama's Admin", like she has a staff monitoring her FB.

She does have someone to help her out....

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I guess that would be another one of her sheeple working for free because she is so poor.

acording to mwop she pays her 300 dollars to admin, plus another person.

and she's not poor.

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I just downloaded the PDF describing the diet pills and crap she's selling and DAMN. People believe this stuff? That "ignite" 8-day thing she's selling people has 6 different products for you to use every day (and, of course, they recommend you keep using all of them for at least 90 days!), including a thing called "Cheat," which is described as follows:

An all natural fiber product from a Japanese root called Konnyaku. You simply sprinkle cheat on your food. When it hits your stomach it expands and creates a viscous gel that literally traps 25% of the food you just ate eliminating it without your body ever absorbing the calories. Think of Cheat as a credit card that gives you a 25% discount on everything you buy. Somehow I don't think you would ever forget to use it.

Sounds wonderful. Sign me up. :gag:

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Oooo, she has her internet lawyers at the ready! Watch out guys. ;)

MckMama That's not a crime. It's also not what I've done. Know what IS a crime, though? Telling lies about someone or trying to make them look bad by sharing false information. It's called defamation. Just filing all this info for my lawyer, thanks! ;)
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her lawyer is probably someone who passed the bar with the help of college plus (minus) !

a lot of people who are bitched that she's eating out a lot, but i'd rather she do that than feed the kids some of the crap she's dreamed up and feels may be edible (i.e. cold fried eggs with ranch dressing), or hunks up whatever she finds in the clearance bin then calls it a salad.

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She's just such an ugly person (on the inside). I got the ragies reading her on FB being all sarcastic and obnoxious and then asking how her tone wasn't Christ-like. Maybe you should get off your iPhone and read your bible and you can figure it out, sweetheart.

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Someone totally schooled her when they replied that TRUTH was a defense to defamation and pointed out that defamation is a civil claim and not a crime.

People keep asking her how many days the kids are missing school and she keeps giving them slippery answers. Someone finally

pointed out that she's lying about it.

There is something seriously wrong with her....

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Someone made a comment about her needing to wash all the kids clothes in hot water after they got home to eliminate the potential for bedbugs. :lol: :lol: Gotta love the irony.

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Here's what I don't understand in all this - why doesn't MckDouchey protect his damn kids?! He has legal rights as their father - he can stop her from dragging them all over the country, pulling them out of school for weeks at a time, etc. Why doesn't he get off his duff and DO something for his children?!

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Here's what I don't understand in all this - why doesn't MckDouchey protect his damn kids?! He has legal rights as their father - he can stop her from dragging them all over the country, pulling them out of school for weeks at a time, etc. Why doesn't he get off his duff and DO something for his children?!

He's either totally burned out, or doesn't care.

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Well, the crazy train has officially left the station. Nice little novella of a rant in her FB comments.

Yup, and I will say that I do worry about those kids when she gets this nuts.

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