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MckMama Drama - Including the Fire - Merge

The Archivist

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heh. good points, all!

(as to previous point about whether or not Israel was at the Waffle House counter, i took that as sarcasm on her part, too.)

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Was she ever fundie? I just thoughht she had a somewhat larger than normal family

I think she's just a baby collector......

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Was she ever fundie? I just thoughht she had a somewhat larger than normal family

I think she had a "season" where she wanted to be fundie. I think after the domestic violence incidents she starting practicing "submission" to her husband. She was also linked to Focus on the Family, which is a fundy favorite, but it didn't last very long.


I think she's just a baby collector......

I agree with that point.

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It does look like her dh at the end but he looks way to far away to be part the group. Are you guys friends with her on fb or something?

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Yeah, I think she's out of her fundie season. There was a time when she was reading "Created to be His Helpmeet" by Debi Pearl. That pretty much fizzled out. It seems like most of what she does is try to latch on to some sort of mommy trend/group or another with a large online following. She's done the cloth diapers, crunchy granola/organic eating, raw milk, homeschool, "sustainable" farming, artsy, fundie- submissive wife, missionary, mom-of-many, etc. . . . She changes themes more often than she changes her underwear.

She hasn't filed for divorce, just legal separation-- that makes sense with the bankruptcy pending. I get the sense of Izzy as pretty passive and not that bright. I think he'd have a hard time fighting her in court for the kids-- especially with his domestic violence record, his seeming lack of sophistication, lack of money for a lawyer, lack of motivation. Plus, and I'm speculating, but it seems like he might be kind of enjoy the break from the total chaos of his life w/ McKmama.

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It does look like her dh at the end but he looks way to far away to be part the group. Are you guys friends with her on fb or something?

No, her facebook fan page is open. It has been a slow day at work,and I have been sucked into the train-wreck (AGAIN, ugh) of Mckmama and MWOP.

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Looks like she deleted the facebook post.

No, it's still there if you're talking about the one where she writes about winning the trip.

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Was she ever fundie? I just thoughht she had a somewhat larger than normal family

Well, she blogged about beating her 18 month old with a wooden spoon, but I think she has moved on from that....like others have said, she seemed to just have a fundie phase and is now more of a regular evangelical christian.

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Well, she blogged about beating her 18 month old with a wooden spoon, but I think she has moved on from that....like others have said, she seemed to just have a fundie phase and is now more of a regular evangelical christian.

Didn't she also say something about how you can always save a marriage even if the husband abused the kids? and the wife wouldn't get abused if she would just submit to him?

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Well, she blogged about beating her 18 month old with a wooden spoon, but I think she has moved on from that....like others have said, she seemed to just have a fundie phase and is now more of a regular evangelical christian.

:shock: What now?

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No, it's still there if you're talking about the one where she writes about winning the trip.

The one about the hotel, that had all the drama in the comments, appears to be gone.

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She had a post up about Susan G. Komen reversing their position on PP and how indignant she was cuz of the babeez.

Then she bragged about not taking ads from someone remotely affiliated with PP. Love to hear the morality and principaled Christian positions coming out of that mouth.

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She had a post up about Susan G. Komen reversing their position on PP and how indignant she was cuz of the babeez.

Then she bragged about not taking ads from someone remotely affiliated with PP. Love to hear the morality and principaled Christian positions coming out of that mouth.

I swear to Cthulhu, women like her and Brandy need to give up these RTL positions, get really (not faux) crunchy granola, smoke some herb and come to Boregonia. They need to lighten up a bit and quit being such up tight morality police. :banana-stoner:

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Didn't she also say something about how you can always save a marriage even if the husband abused the kids? and the wife wouldn't get abused if she would just submit to him?

Yes, yes she did. I think she talked about that in comments to a post, but I don't remember....

The hitting of babies she talked about WAY back before her blog was popular (this was when big mac and nuggie were smaller). The post might be removed now, I have no idea. I don't really feel lie clicking through her blog to find it.

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"Big Mac, at nearly 3 and a half, is most certainly not a baby. And MckNugget has been willfully disobeying for at least 3 or 4 months and the ability to deliberately sin disqualifies him as a baby as well. "

Deliberately SIN? For fugs sake, a child that can't even talk full sentences and is not toilet trained is SINNING? I'd call her a see you net tuesday but I LOVE the female body part. So I'll just call her a steaming pile of crap. Of course she can't control a 2 year old without beating him. Her most recent post is so full of Drug Love she makes Bob Marley look Mormon. Buy my drugs!

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http://web.archive.org/web/201006161004 ... itle-this/

(Don't worry, it's filtered through the Wayback Machine, so you won't be giving her any clicks. I believe the original post is gone now.)

Ugh, I can't even get through it. She clearly hates that poor second boy and the way she blogs about having to hit him so much more just makes me sick.

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So I'm guessin' when she's not hopped up on her diet pills, she's carrying a ton of guilt over beating the kids. And all of her freekin' writing about bonding, that kinda smelled of santorum but now that I've read the back story its all falling into place.

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Reading the bits of this thread I could make it through make me really glad I've never been able to read more than a sentence written by Jennifer. I've never followed her, but know more than I care to about her because of others. Fundies make me cranky, people like her make me fear for humanity.

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The one about the hotel, that had all the drama in the comments, appears to be gone.

No, it's still there with all the comments. The damn timeline format makes it seem like posts have disappeared, you have to click on "show more recent stories", which is right before March 2012.

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