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MckMama Drama - Including the Fire - Merge

The Archivist

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No, it's still there with all the comments. The damn timeline format makes it seem like posts have disappeared, you have to click on "show more recent stories", which is right before March 2012.

Oh how odd, thanks. I never knew that about facebook timeline. Seems like a weird way to lay things out.

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Ugh, I can't even get through it. She clearly hates that poor second boy and the way she blogs about having to hit him so much more just makes me sick.


And what a loaded statement, to call my boys “babies,†as if to make my spanking of them seem even more heinous. Big Mac, at nearly 3 and a half, is most certainly not a baby. And MckNugget has been willfully disobeying for at least 3 or 4 months and the ability to deliberately sin disqualifies him as a baby as well.

A 20 month old toddler is NOT a sinner. What the hell, this is insane. :twisted:

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A 20 month old toddler is NOT a sinner. What the hell, this is insane. :twisted:

Definitely nuts. A 20-month-old disobeying is being developmentally appropriate, he is not "deliberately sinning." To deliberately sin you'd have to have some understanding of the difference between right and wrong, the meaning of sin, etc. Somebody mentioned above that they think Mckmama feels bad for how she treated the kids - I don't buy it. That woman justifies every single thing she has ever done. She is awful.

Also, does anyone else think her most recent post (on the diet pills) reads like more plagiarism? It doesn't sound like her usual tone.

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Ugh, I can't even get through it. She clearly hates that poor second boy and the way she blogs about having to hit him so much more just makes me sick.

And he was only 20 months old when she wrote that. How the fuck can a 20 month old BABY (because that's what a 20 month old is) deliberately sin?

Good god what a bitch.

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Oh how odd, thanks. I never knew that about facebook timeline. Seems like a weird way to lay things out.

I agree. I hate timeline.

Thanks Nurse Nell. I didn't know that either. I'm still hanging on to the old format.

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Because I'm lame, I'm reading through the archives of MWoP. How does Jennifer keep posting? She's so bad at life.

Also, it took me until yesterday to find out that MSC didn't mean "my stupid children"

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The latest from the bankruptcy hearing:

Regarding the McKinney's departure from the farm:

They did not pay for the trash removal service, which apparently was part of the lease, and instead let it pile up in one of the outbuildings. In addition they left behind their refrigerator and did not clean it out; the landlord had to deal with the rotting food when he returned to the property.

They also did not switch the electricity to their names as agreed, but instead were running up the electric bill under the previous tenant's identity. When the electric company came out to the house to turn off the electricity they were surprised to discover the McKinney's living there, as they thought the house was empty. At most the McKinney's paid a $100 deposit towards switching the service over, but did not pay the bill for the many months of electricity they used while on the farm.

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where are you getting that info from?

Also who watches the kids when shes taking others photos? People keep asking she ignores them. She has finally admitted that yes the kids are missing a few days of school. School hasn't been on break the entire time (duh). Shes so stupid taking all those sublements does she not get that her new diet alone is what is causing the weight loss? While on the road I highly doubt she is having the meals claims to eat daily.

Does daddy have a blog?

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where are you getting that info from?

Also who watches the kids when shes taking others photos? People keep asking she ignores them. She has finally admitted that yes the kids are missing a few days of school. School hasn't been on break the entire time (duh). Shes so stupid taking all those sublements does she not get that her new diet alone is what is causing the weight loss? While on the road I highly doubt she is having the meals claims to eat daily.

Does daddy have a blog?

MWOP's admin has posted it. She has access to the court documents, and the landlord at "the farm" testified to the state it was left in. I'm assuming the documents themselves should be up soon.

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MWOP's admin has posted it. She has access to the court documents, and the landlord at "the farm" testified to the state it was left in. I'm assuming the documents themselves should be up soon.

oh ok thanks! they have been on the road 2 weeks now.

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That pyramid diet scheme she's involved with has given her a free trip to Utah.....

Oh jeez, seriously? She shits and it comes out gold. WHEN WILL IT END???

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Oh jeez, seriously? She shits and it comes out gold. WHEN WILL IT END???

When she dies from that speed she's taking to lose weight.

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Is there a link to the document?

Not yet. Again, from the admin:

I'm mired in bankruptcy work right now, otherwise I'd do a full post (or two or three) on their The Farm antics and the creditors meeting. It's on the list, I promise :)

She's done a good job of getting things up in a timely fashion, considering she has a real life to worry about. So I trust they'll be up eventually.

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Not only does she keep on posting, she apparently has legions of followers who think she's great. That frightens me.

QFT. People need to wake the frick up and rub some of their brain cells together. How can anyone admire that...self absorbed egomaniacal wreck of a human being?!?!?!?

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:shock: :o

What is wrong with these people?!

Sigh, it might be easier to list what's not wrong with them. :(

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Anyone else would be charged with Theft of Electrical Service.

She'd best be careful with truthfullness on the bankruptcy stuff as federal prosecutors routinely indict folks for lying on their bankruptcy forms.

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Anyone else would be charged with Theft of Electrical Service.

She'd best be careful with truthfullness on the bankruptcy stuff as federal prosecutors routinely indict folks for lying on their bankruptcy forms.


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Something is about to be "breaking news" at Mwop.

I believe the admin is promising a post about the bankruptcy hearing tonight.

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