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MckMama Drama - Including the Fire - Merge

The Archivist

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HOLY CRAP that list of creditors is insane. I don't know how people live like that. I'd lose my mind.

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Also, the amended petition has changed from Ch 7 to Ch 13 which means debts will have to be repaid, I believe in monthly installments in an amount ordered by the court. I could be wrong, but i think the court collects the monthly amount and disburses the money to the creditors. Someone please correct me if I'm mistaken

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HOLY CRAP that list of creditors is insane. I don't know how people live like that. I'd lose my mind.

Well, when you lack morals.....

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HOLY CRAP that list of creditors is insane. I don't know how people live like that. I'd lose my mind.

I am speechless. What the hell were they thinking?

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Also, the amended petition has changed from Ch 7 to Ch 13 which means debts will have to be repaid, I believe in monthly installments in an amount ordered by the court. I could be wrong, but i think the court collects the monthly amount and disburses the money to the creditors. Someone please correct me if I'm mistaken

I think that is the case...and I think it's right. It's not like they got into trouble with their medical bills (though that was part of it) - they just lived a ridiculous consumerist lifestyle that they couldn't afford. They *should* have to pay for that.

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Who knows. She's probably just baiting for clicks.

And she better hope she gets them. That list of creditors -- good god.

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Well said the Archivist. Thank god I had no food or drink nearby when reading - it would have ended up all over the keyboard/screen for sure.

I have tried to stay relatively clear of the Mckmama drama - but I do lurk on both MWOP and MckMama's site for the laughs. The transcript has certainly fueled my interest now though. Snark on!

But in all seriousness, I feel for her kids, they didn't ask for crazy parents. :S

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Wow. Her language is so oddly stilted - "I'm quite certain I did x, y z" etc. Who talks like that?

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Wow. Her language is so oddly stilted - "I'm quite certain I did x, y z" etc. Who talks like that?

Someone who is lying.

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Wow, I've just finished reading the whole thing and she is fucked surely. I don't know much about bankruptcy laws in the US (or UK come to that) but surely there is enough gaps in the whole thing that will make the court take a very close look at her finances. The whole Amazon affiliate thing; she is lying through her teeth with that. Her blog shows she started a year ago and not in December as she states under oath.

Does anyone here know what is likely to happen?

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I cannot believe she had the nerve to tell the trustee "[My domain name] is not yours to sell."

TR: Sorry you misunderstood. I OWN your ass, bitch!

(My paraphrase)

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This thread introduced me to this train wreck. Reading last night, it appears that their bankruptcy has already been modified from a Chapter 7, which is where your debt is erased, to a Chapter 13, which means you MUST repay the debt--over 5 years, at the descretion of the trustee.

However, the amended forms modified her income from the $55K she was claiming to $130Ks (can't remember the exact number). That alone will bump them from a Chapter 7 to a Chapter 13. You can only get a Chapter 7 if you are at or under the median income for your family size in your area. Her ammended income declaration takes them over the income requirement for Chapter 7.

What CAN happen if the trustee decides you have commited deliberate fraud is that your bankruptcy can be rejected entirely. Or, though I think it rarely happens, you can be charged for the fraud.

That said, my mother commited deliberate bankruptcy fraud. We submitted information to the trustee regarding it and her trustee basically said that since she was in Chapter 13 and all of her debts would be paid off within 5 years, he didn't care. He also didn't care that part of why she deliberately went into bankruptcy was because it was counted against her alimony to my Dad and now he raises the kids with almost NO income while she gets to live high on the hog because she deliberately underworked until her repayment arrangement was determined and then doubled her income--leaving her plenty to live on herself.

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TR: But your domain name, there’s a lot of people that follow your blog, correct?

JM: Yes, correct.

TR: And they identify it with that domain name, don’t they?

JM: Right.

TR: So it has value?

JM: I guess. I had never thought about it that way.

Just started reading the transcript but there's no way she can actually BELIEVE anyone is going to buy this? It's obviously a monetized blog. I hate people who think they are the only slick ones in the world.

ETA: Especially when we get to this!

JM: To put their ads, square ad, on the side of my blog.

TR: Okay, so how long have you been doing that?

JM: Oh I’ve always been doing that for years; that’s how I first started making money on my blog.

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WoW it does sound as if she is Mcscrewed and the trustee is very much on the ball. FWIW I think the separation is a scam tied into the BK. It raises their living expenses. Since the BK has moved from a 7 to a 13 I think we can all look forward to new online scams from her as a means of generating the income needed to make the payments.

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WoW it does sound as if she is Mcscrewed and the trustee is very much on the ball. FWIW I think the separation is a scam tied into the BK. It raises their living expenses. Since the BK has moved from a 7 to a 13 I think we can all look forward to new online scams from her as a means of generating the income needed to make the payments.

I suspect you are right.

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Alright. We can be here a long time. In fact if we don’t get any straight answers we’re going to be here a long time.


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Alright. We can be here a long time. In fact if we don’t get any straight answers we’re going to be here a long time.


I like how he called out her BS. She is completely off her frickin rocker if she thinks her domain name is only worth $10 because that's what she pays for it. She is a lying liar OR an idiot. Or maybe both.

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Oh wow. It's obvious that she is squirming in that meeting. That was a very uncomfortable read, so I can imagine what it was like to be in that room.

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I like how he called out her BS. She is completely off her frickin rocker if she thinks her domain name is only worth $10 because that's what she pays for it. She is a lying liar OR an idiot. Or maybe both.

I have a friend who long ago saw the worth of buying domain names at $10 each, choosing well known businesses and personalities. This was in the mid 90's. She held on to the names and then sold them for much more than the $10 she paid. She tried to get me to do it but I said no, not having the vision she did.

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I would love to find out how much she had/has in her PayPal account. If I'm not mistaken, in some part of the transcript she says she paid the $12000 for the RV out of her PayPal account. Holy crap.

And on the latest paperwork, she's listing that account's value as "unknown."

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