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MckMama Drama - Including the Fire - Merge

The Archivist

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LoL the trustee asked about the goats. :lol: Its pretty obvious he's watching the web page.

That crazy chick, barb or whatever her name is did a good job helping him out with the information.

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I cannot believe she had the nerve to tell the trustee "[My domain name] is not yours to sell."

TR: Sorry you misunderstood. I OWN your ass, bitch!

(My paraphrase)


This quote also made me laugh:

JM: No. We are done with farm animals.

Yeah, I bet!

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LoL the trustee asked about the goats. :lol: Its pretty obvious he's watching the web page.

He referred to it a couple times - in reference to the affiliate links and to her mentioning that her photo "classes" were all booked up (while presumably not claiming the income from them).

I agree that the whole separation thing is a way to try to scam the BK court. The timing is just too convenient and even at the beginning it seems like some of the things posted were setting up for an eventual reconciliation.

What's going to be ironic is if she screws herself out of being able to file by hiding so much income. In Chapter 13, you have to prove that you have enough income coming in to cover the bankruptcy payment and your stated expenses. If not, they won't approve it. By hiding the ad revenue and other income she's making (I wonder is he reported her Xynga commissions yet) and inflating her living expenses with things like health insurance payments they don't actually make, she may end up claiming she doesn't make enough to support her living expenses even under a bankruptcy plan. In that case, they won't just lower the payment - they'll either force her to sell some shit off or they'll dismiss is and leave her open to lawsuits and collections.

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As amusing as reading the transcript was, some of the regulars on MWOP are paranoid as shit.

Yeah, I generally don't read there unless it's mentioned here. Some of them are more insane than she is.

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I'm kind of surprised it went to a Chapter 13--it's sometimes called a Wage Earner's Bankruptcy. And since neither of them appears to have W-2 income to garnish, it seems kind of dicey. I'm all in favor of making people who CAN repay their debts actually do it, though.

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I'm kind of surprised it went to a Chapter 13--it's sometimes called a Wage Earner's Bankruptcy. And since neither of them appears to have W-2 income to garnish, it seems kind of dicey. I'm all in favor of making people who CAN repay their debts actually do it, though.

It can be forced if your income is above a certain level. It also lets you keep more assets than Chapter 7, I think. They may have had to do it once her online earnings and PayPal were added in.

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It's my feeling McM took some advice from her online buddies and now its biting her in the ass. Even if she is stashing content to be moved to another site, she has still underestimated a lot of things. Rule #1: The interwebnetz never forget.

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She will probably owe the IRS for unclaimed income as well. Seems she is in a world of trouble for her bad behavior. Klassy.

Well it looks like she owes taxes from 2006. Is there a cut off in the US? Or can the IRS come after you until you pay?

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The IRS will come after you for life. As the old saw goes, nothing is certain except for death and taxes. My dad had money taken out of his social security check. He only owed $100 when he died and the IRS went after his estate. So the short answer is, Yes the IRS will be glued to her for life just accruing interest until she pays up. Bankruptcy or not!

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Well it looks like she owes taxes from 2006. Is there a cut off in the US? Or can the IRS come after you until you pay?

I don't think she's paid taxes since 2006. That's a lot of unpaid taxes.

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I don't think she's paid taxes since 2006. That's a lot of unpaid taxes.

Right. It looks like there are at least 4 years of unpaid federal income tax.

I kind of hope they throw her in jail for tax evasion, fraud, and perjury. It would be sad for the kids, of course, but that woman needs some serious consequences for her lies. I think she's a narcissistic sociopath.

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I ran her domains through a few sites that calculate value and each one came back between $1400 and $2000

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I ran her domains through a few sites that calculate value and each one came back between $1400 and $2000

Theoretically they might be worth that much, or even more. But the reason they are worth that much is because of the clicks she gets. If the domain is sold then Mckmama will no longer be blogging there and the clicks will be gone, therefore the value will drop dramatically.

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Based on clicks and current ad revenue only, they may be worth even more than that, but I could see someone paying $2000-$5000 easily. There's a domain I've been wanting that's up for auction now for $20,000+ (started at $8,000), and it ranks much lower than MckMama's site.

A large part of the value is not just in her blogging, but because of all of the backlinks and most people will leave up links to the site in forums, old pages and posts, etc, which automatically gives any sort of page higher rankings and drives traffic to it (meaning more ad revenue and a being able to charge more when participating in ad networks that require a certain PageRank or Alexa rating).

Yes, the audience and value will drop once MckMama and her drama are no longer there, but there are many people who will pay several thousand dollars to get any domain name that's PR4 with an Alexa ranking under 50k (ranks moderately high in Google and draws a lot of traffic).

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I don't know why I keep being astounded by her sheer arogance, but I do.

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Oh my. When you look at it, she was writing checks left, right and center, she has money coming in from all over the place, she hasn't got a clue how much she has and how much she owes, her finances are in a mess. There is no wonder she's gone bankrupt.

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Apparently, they are still filing for Ch. 7. The Ch.13 shown on the first page only of the amended submission was apparently a typo by the attorney's office.

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Someone on MWoP just found proof she pretends to be other people while commenting on her facebook after putting her email address (not the mckmama one) into facebook search. MckMama is beyond nutty... like all her idiots supporting her aren't enough to come to her aid.

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I noticed on her FB page someone asked if she received the gift card they sent her.....that's just so sad. Her minions.

Also, she's getting a little desperate sounding peddling that pyramid scheme/ MLM scam speed/meth potion she's taking for weight loss.

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Guest Anonymous

Can someone explain to me how she makes money off of how many clicks she gets on her website? Is it the advertisers who pay her? How does that work?

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Oh my. When you look at it, she was writing checks left, right and center, she has money coming in from all over the place, she hasn't got a clue how much she has and how much she owes, her finances are in a mess. There is no wonder she's gone bankrupt.

In one part of that transcript she said she wasn't getting any money from the affiliate links but then in another she got a check for like 500/1000 dollars from affiliate links. Shes a lunatic who can't keep a single word she says straight.

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