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MckMama Drama - Including the Fire - Merge

The Archivist

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Can someone explain to me how she makes money off of how many clicks she gets on her website? Is it the advertisers who pay her? How does that work?

Once you get big enough, advertisers (usually via ad networks, like BlogHer, SayMedia, Google Ads) will pay to just post ads on your blog. The more views you get in a day, the more money you get. For a starting blogger, typically you have Google ads, and you are only paid if people actually click on the ad.

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Can someone explain to me how she makes money off of how many clicks she gets on her website? Is it the advertisers who pay her? How does that work?

Hierarchy is like this:

Start with Google Ad-sense, get paid per click.

If you're a niche blogger, next you move up to "sponsors" - you get paid by individual businesses for ad banners. Several different kinds of them, and usually you manage them via wordpress' back end.

Next you start integrating regular Google Ad networks. Google, BlogHer and other ad networks pay more for the number of readers (unique hits). Sometimes Google isn't as profitable as the sponsors if you've got some really motivated sponsors who need access to your target market.

When you bring on sponsors, you usually bring in sponsored post type things. These are ads as blog posts, and these fetch a pretty penny on certain websites.

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I'm kind of surprised it went to a Chapter 13--it's sometimes called a Wage Earner's Bankruptcy. And since neither of them appears to have W-2 income to garnish, it seems kind of dicey. I'm all in favor of making people who CAN repay their debts actually do it, though.

Apparently the Chapter 13 was made in error at her attorney's office and they are still filing for Chapter 7. Regardless os what they are filing it is all a big train wreck.

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What are the chances, realistically, that they deny their bankruptcy petition. It's clear they intentionally did not indicate many major sources of income, and the trustee seems aware of this as well. I'm just wondering how often a bankruptcy like this one is denied?

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What are the chances, realistically, that they deny their bankruptcy petition. It's clear they intentionally did not indicate many major sources of income, and the trustee seems aware of this as well. I'm just wondering how often a bankruptcy like this one is denied?

I have a feeling if they were filing Chapter 13 the trustee would let it through as they would be forced to repay and live on an alloted amount assigned by the trustee/judge and supposedly all would be good. Surely plenty of people will be watching her to see if she is making more money on top of the allotted amount assigned for living expenses each moth and reported her to the court if she is.

Chapter 7, I don't beleive she can get away with. If you read the rules and regulations of filing Chapter 7 she has broken all of them, and technically she should go to federal prison--I wonder if she is even aware of this fact? I do not see prison in her immdediate future, but surely the IRS is going to be making her life a living hell, and even the FBI for fraud? Who knows the can of worms she has opened herself up to trying to avoid paying her debt.

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I just wish people would stop hashtagging her on Twitter about the Bankruptcy and Allie Worthington, she is fucking TRENDING because of all the snark, i.e., getting more and more clicks on her website!! I am not saying it is coming from here, I posted the same damn thing on MOWP!!

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She had so much money coming in from so many different sources it's insane. If she had half of a brain she would have hired somebody to manage it all for her and she never would have been in this mess.

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(according to her facebook) Who's placing bets on it getting infected and her ending up deathly ill/ in the er or something?

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Fair enough, if she wants to. I have mine done. But I'd spend money on paying back her 750,000$ worth of debt before using it on frivilous things like that. But that's just me.

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Her new ammended income puts her too high for Chapter 7. One of the papers stated she needed to be under $110K and her newest income declaration (which judging by the transcript still appears to be false) puts her income at $130Ks. That disqualifies them for Chapter 7.

Also, if the trustee is watching her blog, which I assume he has to be at this point, then she has clearly demonstrated her little journey while in the middle of her bankruptcy which reveals she has MONEY to accomplish that two week trip around the southern US.

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:roll: she used to have the nose done and blue hair and design tats, etc. I bet some hair dye is coming up next. Shea trying to be that free spirit mckdouchey fell in love with....

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Her new ammended income puts her too high for Chapter 7. One of the papers stated she needed to be under $110K and her newest income declaration (which judging by the transcript still appears to be false) puts her income at $130Ks. That disqualifies them for Chapter 7.

Also, if the trustee is watching her blog, which I assume he has to be at this point, then she has clearly demonstrated her little journey while in the middle of her bankruptcy which reveals she has MONEY to accomplish that two week trip around the southern US.

About the trip, of she actually was doing a bunch of photo shoots, it could be a money maker. I have a photographer friend who will travel from her home in a rural area, fly to San Francisco and stay for a week. For her, it is more profitable to do that than do shoots at home. Of course, my friend leaves her child at home and works all day, only taking time off on occasional evenings. She isn't sightseeing along the way.

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About the trip, of she actually was doing a bunch of photo shoots, it could be a money maker. I have a photographer friend who will travel from her home in a rural area, fly to San Francisco and stay for a week. For her, it is more profitable to do that than do shoots at home. Of course, my friend leaves her child at home and works all day, only taking time off on occasional evenings. She isn't sightseeing along the way.

And she's probably a true professional photographer. My son is a professional photographer, he has a college degree in photography. Too many people today get a fancy camera and consider themselves a photographer. I think MckMama is in that class.

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So much money coming in and no bills or taxes getting paid. And 2011 wasn't even her most popular year. That would be... 2009? When Stellan was sick? How do you make so much and have nothing to show for it but debt? It is galling.

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And she's probably a true professional photographer. My son is a professional photographer, he has a college degree in photography. Too many people today get a fancy camera and consider themselves a photographer. I think MckMama is in that class.

This- my sister has a degree in fine arts with a lot of it focused on photography- and we've discussed the fact that a lot of people get an expensive digital camera and call themselves a photographer. I think they get away with it because they don't have to develop the film, so they can get many more shots and just keep the best. This wouldn't have been possible in the past.

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She may have one more expense to explain to the trustee. It seems that she got her nose pierced today! Now, is that considered a need or a want? Or a sign of being a rebellious teenager adult?

She mentioned that she wanted it done earlier today, and tonight, voila! I wonder if her predisposition towards instant gratification / "I want, I get" could have something to do with her financial situation :roll:

Edited for stupidity. (I didn't see the Mckmama nose-piercing thread)

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Considering she's the only person I know who has surgery the same day as having kidney stone pain, I agree that there will be an infection and hospitalization. (just in time for the next bankruptcy hearing.)

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