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MckMama Drama - Including the Fire - Merge

The Archivist

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I'm getting mine done this weekend. Guess I'm a sheeple and totally copying her! I hope mine doesn't get infected but I bet hers will...

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(according to her facebook) Who's placing bets on it getting infected and her ending up deathly ill/ in the er or something?

Yes, she will have a big infected nose piercing and she will sue the establishment when she got her nose pierced. Just before she is to have her nose amputated, there will be a miraculous recovery. This will also coincide with her missing her court hearing on the bankruptcy.

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actually I think it was pink hair....and I've clearly spent to much time on this crazy.

She had surgery for kidney stones? When was that? We are experts on kidney stones(dh rather) and I've NEVER had them even suggest surgery first thing.

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actually I think it was pink hair....and I've clearly spent to much time on this crazy.

She had surgery for kidney stones? When was that? We are experts on kidney stones(dh rather) and I've NEVER had them even suggest surgery first thing.

I think she had imaginary surgery. :lol:

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Um, is that really her in the FB picture? With all of her attitude and sense of entitlement, I pictured her as some cheerleader/Mean Girl/Sandra Lee hybrid....

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Um, is that really her in the FB picture? With all of her attitude and sense of entitlement, I pictured her as some cheerleader/Mean Girl/Sandra Lee hybrid....

yes that her... she calls it her poodle look. Read that somewhere in the blog I'm not calling her that. Lots of photos of herself in her blog to most certainly is her.

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actually I think it was pink hair....and I've clearly spent to much time on this crazy.

She had surgery for kidney stones? When was that? We are experts on kidney stones(dh rather) and I've NEVER had them even suggest surgery first thing.

Yeah I've had stones too, but on one of the family trips she ended up in the ER having surgery the day she went in to put a stent in. Then she took a picture of it and posted it when it was taken out. mycharmingkids.net/2011/07/the-wicked-stent/

Yeah, I once suffered with stones for a month before they passed, only a little talk about doing something more than waiting, and that was scoping and ultrasound. And I was pretty sick by the end of the time, but mainly exhausted. The rest of the times I've had them they passed a lot faster.

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Damn, now I'm banned from posting on her page. All I did was post that just the fear of staph or MRSA was enough to keep me from getting my nose pierced. And that I preferred paying my bills first before spending money on something I wanted.

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actually I think it was pink hair....and I've clearly spent to much time on this crazy.

She had surgery for kidney stones? When was that? We are experts on kidney stones(dh rather) and I've NEVER had them even suggest surgery first thing.

I had surgery suggested as soon as I saw my Urologist. I also had 15 stones (just on the left) that weren't passing and could barely walk.

I'm new to this MckLady and have no idea what her issues are though, beyond it looking like she is suggesting truck stop speed on her site as a diet pill.

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I had surgery suggested as soon as I saw my Urologist. I also had 15 stones (just on the left) that weren't passing and could barely walk.

I'm new to this MckLady and have no idea what her issues are though, beyond it looking like she is suggesting truck stop speed on her site as a diet pill.

I also had surgery for my first (and hopefully my last) kidney stone - it was more like sludge than an actual large stone, but I was in excruciating pain. My kidney had started to well, so they went in and roto-rootered my pipes, so to speak. I've had more surgeries than I can count (including brain surgery), but this was by far the worst to recover from!

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Yeah I've had stones too, but on one of the family trips she ended up in the ER having surgery the day she went in to put a stent in. Then she took a picture of it and posted it when it was taken out. mycharmingkids.net/2011/07/the-wicked-stent/

Yeah, I once suffered with stones for a month before they passed, only a little talk about doing something more than waiting, and that was scoping and ultrasound. And I was pretty sick by the end of the time, but mainly exhausted. The rest of the times I've had them they passed a lot faster.

I went into the ER on a Saturday of Labor Day weekend. After they discovered it was kidney stones, I was kept in the hospital because my WBC was high. They removed them the next morning (Sunday morning of a holiday weekend); apparently I would have never passed it on my own. So a quick timeline isn't necessarily suspect, but I would imagine it's more on the rare side.

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And that I preferred paying my bills first before spending money on something I wanted.

That's what got you. Paying bills may work for you and your family, but... ;)

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yes that her... she calls it her poodle look. Read that somewhere in the blog I'm not calling her that. Lots of photos of herself in her blog to most certainly is her.

Nah, she doesn't call it her poodle look, she thinks it's divine. She just said that the hair left on the floor when getting it cut looked like a poodle. Sorry, you misunderstood. :D

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Nah, she doesn't call it her poodle look, she thinks it's divine. She just said that the hair left on the floor when getting it cut looked like a poodle. Sorry, you misunderstood. :D

We'll I've got news for her...she's got it assbackwards.

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That's what got you. Paying bills may work for you and your family, but... ;)

And I even filed my taxes long before today's deadline. Doncha just hate responsible people. 8-)

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I understand the crazy, the lying and lies to cover lies, and the "begging for bucks". But there is one thing I don't understand about Mckmama. So many people are on to her schtick and there is so much "ammo" out there that I don't understand why there hasn't been a "come to Jesus" meeting (aptly titled, dontcha think). Why hasn't she been formally called on the carpet, informed of her shortcomings and been told to shape up or ship out?

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Well, I got my nose pierced a 15 months ago at the age of 34, after wanting it since I was 14. I never stopped wanting it. Part f purging the QF/Fundie crap we lived in for so long was finally doing it for ME. It wasn't an impulse though. I went with 2 friends, also exudus members of conservative theological Christainity.

However, given all of the impulsive behaviors going on in this blog, I don't see how that wasn't one more impulse (though my piercing only cost me $35 so it wasn't exactly expensive imo).

Also, if a professional photographer were booking shoots and traveling for them, wouldn't they be making arrangements MONTHS in advance? The photographer who used to do our family portraits (with a Fine Arts degree in Photography and international awards for her work) used to book up her travel gigs a YEAR in advance. I don't see how it's professional if you plan it and execute it in less than two months just because you WANT to travel.

My roommate hates the 'buy expensive digital camera equipment and hang your shingle out as a photographer' mindset. She was working on a Fine Arts degree before kids and now that she's going back to a career, she's switching majors because there's no job market for a prorfessional photography with a degree due to that mindset these days.

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My roommate hates the 'buy expensive digital camera equipment and hang your shingle out as a photographer' mindset. She was working on a Fine Arts degree before kids and now that she's going back to a career, she's switching majors because there's no job market for a prorfessional photography with a degree due to that mindset these days.

I hate it as well, mostly because I have a (relatively) expensive digital camera, enjoy photography, and don't advertise as a pro because I'm not. Never taken any classes on it, just me and my camera out doing our thing - which is mostly flowers, the kid and the cats. I have done a few weddings, but only for people who couldn't afford to hire a pro/didn't want to budget for it. Yet people keep asking when I'm going to start doing it for business because why else have the setup?

Because I don't want to be like any of the trainwreck photogs we discuss here, for starters.

I can only imagine what the frustration level is like for someone who actually trained in the field.

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I'm super confused because she says now S has Strep.. they went swimming and karate, yesterday they were at the Y daycare and nose piercing? She is dragging them all over the place AFTER S is seen at dr today and dx with Strep. Usually I let my kids stay home and rest for a few days but hey I guess I just put my kids needs first to much. Flurry is the only one who hasn't got it now Jenn says she thinks she already had it weeks ago and it went away on yet they have company coming in tomorrow.

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I'm super confused because she says now S has Strep.. they went swimming and karate, yesterday they were at the Y daycare and nose piercing? She is dragging them all over the place AFTER S is seen at dr today and dx with Strep. Usually I let my kids stay home and rest for a few days but hey I guess I just put my kids needs first to much. Flurry is the only one who hasn't got it now Jenn says she thinks she already had it weeks ago and it went away on yet they have company coming in tomorrow.

But who knows if anything she writes is the truth! With strep you need to stay home until you've completed 24 hours of antibiotics.

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Yes, you have to quarrantine for 24 hours of antibiotics with strep. I missed my brother's wedding because my entire family came down with strep just before it and I wouldn't risk exposing all of his guests to our strep. Figured that would ruin a wedding AND a honeymoon if I was so callous as to pull that stunt.

All of the immunocompromised people who cannot quarrantine themselves thank her ever so much for casually hauling strep infected children all over to kingdom-come!

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