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MckMama Drama - Including the Fire - Merge

The Archivist

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She made $148K in 2011 and only declared the $59K in her regular bank accounts. She tried to hide all of her Paypal income and blog ad income. She also gave away assests left and right immediately around the time she filed for bankruptcy. She really IS off her rocker. You can't make your life that public and then try to defraud the bankruptcy courts.

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More bankruptcy court details.

Edit to add; there's testimony from the farm landlord. Makes interesting reading. The words 'scam' and 'lied to' are mentioned.

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I wonder if the landlord was there for the entire meeting? If he was, he has more self control than I do. I think I would have started pounding my head about when they started talking about how much money they were bringing in while living at the farm.

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So let me get this straight, they basically shafted their land lord by not paying over $1000 worth of gas, undisclosed amount of utilities and left a nasty/nonworking fridge there and asked for $100 for it. They then shamelessly request to leave 10 boxes there in storage, without paying a storage fee, until April and this shmuck agrees??!! I am completely and utterly stunned at how people let them off the hook when they have been shat upon by these people! Do they fart hypnotic gas that puts people under their spell? I can think of no other reason for that landlord to be anything but rabidly angry at them.

IM and JM are sociopathic and disgustingly self entitled. My jaw hit the floor reading what her income was through paypal alone. She made more than I will make this year as a Resident. In her paypal alone, we aren't talking about anything else. And she is utterly screwed since they found out her paypal income, they are going to take her to the cleaners.

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And, I don't even think they've found all her paypal accounts - MWOP dug up two others under email addresses she uses.

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All of her mm-hmmms and yeps are driving me nuts! This is a semi-formal proceeding under oath in front of a judicial official. A simple yes will suffice, crazypants!

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OK pardon me for not keeping up with the crazy but is the paypal money just donations????

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OK pardon me for not keeping up with the crazy but is the paypal money just donations????

She says its mostly fees from her photography business, which includes classes.

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So let me get this straight, they basically shafted their land lord by not paying over $1000 worth of gas, undisclosed amount of utilities and left a nasty/nonworking fridge there and asked for $100 for it. They then shamelessly request to leave 10 boxes there in storage, without paying a storage fee, until April and this shmuck agrees??!! I am completely and utterly stunned at how people let them off the hook when they have been shat upon by these people! Do they fart hypnotic gas that puts people under their spell? I can think of no other reason for that landlord to be anything but rabidly angry at them.

IM and JM are sociopathic and disgustingly self entitled. My jaw hit the floor reading what her income was through paypal alone. She made more than I will make this year as a Resident. In her paypal alone, we aren't talking about anything else. And she is utterly screwed since they found out her paypal income, they are going to take her to the cleaners.

I think the landlord should have just thrown the boxes out.

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Holy crap, these people are unbelievable.

I know the majority of her followers are bible thumpers so I guess they just tell themselves "Jesus forgives." ??? I don't understand this about Christianity in general - it seems to give people a pass to be assholes because Jesus has already forgiven and paid for all our sins and we ALL sin so there ya go. It seems to let awful people like this off the hook and all they have to do is act contrite.

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I think the landlord should have just thrown the boxes out.

He's probably afraid they'll come back to the farm and damage something if he pisses them off.

Holy crap, these people are unbelievable.

I know the majority of her followers are bible thumpers so I guess they just tell themselves "Jesus forgives." ??? I don't understand this about Christianity in general - it seems to give people a pass to be assholes because Jesus has already forgiven and paid for all our sins and we ALL sin so there ya go. It seems to let awful people like this off the hook and all they have to do is act contrite.

I've been thanked by fundie-lites, because a Jew died for their sins. It made me feel dirty inside. Like I wanted to shower, but I also wanted to put very modest clothes on at the same time. I have nothing to say about people who use Christianity defend her. They must just throw "Jesus" out there as a catch-all word when they can't think of anything else to say.

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She makes a ridiculous amount of money doing nothing! I'm shocked that someone could be given so much money and yet refuse to pay a fricking bill! Even while still making tens of thousands of dollars, she refused to pay the gas bill at her $500/month rental.

I say "she" and "her" instead of "they" because obviously she was getting and sending all of the money while her husband was mentally living on another planet enjoying everything they were "grifted" (gift+ grifter)

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Yes, she made on the paypal what I make in a whole year (if you add in my housing allowance and other allowances, that is) for bad photography.

I love the whole "someone's gonna get busted" feeling of reading those transcripts. I have sympathy for people who need to file for bankruptcy because of medical bills, or even just bad decisions, but no sympathy for people who try to scam on the system. How stupid does she think people are?

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Just checked the comments on MWOP and saw this

To clear it up: The trustee is petitioning the courts to be the attorney on this case to go after the McKinneys to seize assets and fight their claims of exemptions. Mr. Doeling is a practicing attorney in the law firm listed. He is going after them. Hoo-ray!

Looks like the Mckmama trainwreck might just be ending.

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More bankruptcy court details.

Edit to add; there's testimony from the farm landlord. Makes interesting reading. The words 'scam' and 'lied to' are mentioned.

Edited by admin to add info to title

Could you post a link to the testimony? I'm horrible at navigating MWoP. Thanks :)

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Just checked the comments on MWOP and saw this

Looks like the Mckmama trainwreck might just be ending.

Karma is a bitch.

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I'm thinking this is going to end real bad for Mckscammer. I just hate that 5 innocent children are going to be standing beside her when the shit hits the fan. I wish to god some of the family would step up.

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Wow, I really feel sorry for their former landlord SH. I just can't imagine living like Mckmamma does...it must be exhausting trying to keep up with all the lies and scams.

PS: thanks for the links!

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so if they are getting a lawyer to help the trustee get the assets.....i wonder how long that will take? Bye bye to the sisters car she never transfered title to.

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The shit is starting to hit the fan right now with the trustee petitioning the court for the authority to seize the MckAssets.

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