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MckMama Drama - Including the Fire - Merge

The Archivist

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It's so satisfying to see so many people recognising her for what she is. I can understand why people at mwop sent letters to the investigators, even if people think it's creepy. It would have been so frustrating to see her continue to get away with swindling and deceiving, swindling and deceiving.

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I can understand blogging when a child has a medical issue. It can make everything feel less real, and like you're screaming it out instead of holding it in. I have a friend whose two children both got the same rare illness, and one just died, and her daughter isn't doing well. I have another friend who has one child with the same rare illness. (I met one through the other, and they met through online support. I didn't just happen to stumble upon these people.) They blog to help them keep their thoughts straight and because the support they receive helps tremendously. And I was a very sick child, but that was in the pre-blog days.

But MckMama's kids were always sick with illnesses that had no common cause It felt too coincidental, and if you have kids who are so sick, taking trips across the US with them all the time makes it more unbelievable. One of the friends I mentioned above took a family try to a cabin resort set up specifically for families with sick children who have special needs. Unfortunately her son ended up in the hospital while there. Now family trips are her husband taking the older children somewhere fairly local for the weekend while she stays home with the sick one. They aren't packing him up and taking him all over the US every other month.

I don't know if MckMama set out to do what she did, or if she started small and got swept up. But what's hard to deny, with the evidence being in her own blog, which I don't count as heresy, is that, however it started, it didn't end well. Like Octomom, she racked up debts with no actual plan to pay them, and now expects to get out of them. I don't fault people if a job loss happens, or a medical emergency, even if the person didn't have insurance (only fools think that everyone can afford insurance, but the reality is not everyone can pay hundreds of dollars a month for a plan that has such a high deductible that having insurance at all is pointless). But buying houses and cars and taking trips without the financial means at the time to pay back the debts is just irresponsible. And that's what she did.

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Wow. WOW. I just read some of the transcripts with the trustee. Being caught in lies like that, she'll be lucky if she isn't fined for lying. And I doubt the debts will be discharged when she has several thousand a month in income that she is concealing.

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Look on the postive side- if she goes to prison for fraud, when Zsu and PP want another family vacation they can go visit her.

:laughing-rolling: It's a good thing I wasn't drinking anything.

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Not sure, but I think she started selling that junk after the filing. Regardless, she is accountable to report any significant changes in income until the BK case is closed.

I think someone found and posted that she was one of the top five distributors for the speed she's hocking all over the interwebs.

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That's a interesting theory. I was wondering what her motive might be, but I hadn't even thought of that.

My first thought when I read about the name change was that Jennifer McKinney is going to try and reinvent herself with a new name. I am sure she is hoping that bunches and piles of new readers will never guess who she previously was. she's changing the name, changing her look (or so she says she's lost 60 lbs.)

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You know, she made a TON of money. In fact, she apparently made MORE money after she was given the left foot of fellowship by BlogHer after the plagiarism episode. She could have paid her current bills, got on debt-repayment plans, and negotiated down her hospital bills. And she could have paid her taxes. But no, she didn't do any of that. She stiffed her landlord, she stiffed the utility company, she stiffed hospitals and doctors and other bills so she could basically just toodle around and do her thing. And now she's in the middle of a bankruptcy that for all the world looks like is not going to end well for her, as well as a divorce.

She's been strangling the goose that laid her golden eggs for a couple of years now. This really isn't going to end well.

Edited riffle.

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She has already purchased new domains under her maiden name. Happened weeks ago.

It had to have happened between when I posted and did the search and now. It would've been fun to sit on those. But alas.

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It had to have happened between when I posted and did the search and now. It would've been fun to sit on those. But alas.

Yea I was considering squatting after the BK hearing but I'm a lazy old bitch.

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You know, she made a TON of money. In fact, she apparently made MORE money after she was given the left foot of fellowship by BlogHer after the plagiarism episode. She could have paid her current bills, got on debt-repayment plans, and negotiated down her hospital bills. And she could have paid her taxes. But no, she didn't do any of that. She stiffed her landlord, she stiffed the utility company, she stiffed hospitals and doctors and other bills so she could basically just toodle around and do her thing. And now she's in the middle of a bankruptcy that for all the world looks like is not going to end well for her, as well as a divorce.

She's been strangling the goose that laid her golden eggs for a couple of years now. This really isn't going to end well.

Edited riffle.

I just don't get what you spend that kind of money ON if it's not bills and rent and shit...?

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This is what confuses me the most as well. Clearly she wasn't paying any bills even on the farm so where the heck did all the money go? If she's stashing it somewhere why file bankruptcy and risk prosecution for lying? Obviously she has no problem ignoring creditors and going about her merry way with thousands upon thousands at her disposal, so why not continue? She's pretty much being paid under the table through Paypal anyway so there was really no way for her creditors to get a hold of what she owed them while she was crying broke....that is until she filed for bankruptcy and made her debts the Trustees business (and potential profit).

This is the dumbest thing I've seen in a long time. It's like she wants to ruin herself and won't stop until she completes the mission.

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there is pretty much zero chance of her re-inventing herself under her maiden name. The folks at MWOP are totally on to her.

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there is pretty much zero chance of her re-inventing herself under her maiden name. The folks at MWOP are totally on to her.

I'm wondering if she would try inventing something entirely new. Not that I want to give her any ideas.

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i dunno. i mean, on the one hand, it would sure be nice to start all over (you'd think, if you were she).

OTOH, she needs to stay recognizable in order to make money. I seriously doubt she could start over and gain any cache in today's over-flooded blog market.

I really cannot imagine that the MWOPers wouldn't find her and out her loudly, should she attempt a fresh start. Those people, while interesting, seem to spend a LOT of time digging around in MckMama's life.

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Jennifersauls.com and .net have not yet been taken, neither have Jenniferhowe.com and .net.

She WILL be up to something though.

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This is what confuses me the most as well. Clearly she wasn't paying any bills even on the farm so where the heck did all the money go? If she's stashing it somewhere why file bankruptcy and risk prosecution for lying? Obviously she has no problem ignoring creditors and going about her merry way with thousands upon thousands at her disposal, so why not continue? She's pretty much being paid under the table through Paypal anyway so there was really no way for her creditors to get a hold of what she owed them while she was crying broke....that is until she filed for bankruptcy and made her debts the Trustees business (and potential profit).

This is the dumbest thing I've seen in a long time. It's like she wants to ruin herself and won't stop until she completes the mission.

I think MWOP'ers speculate she having her father hang on to her money, then he "loans" her money that is less then the amount you have to report to the IRS, I think its 11,500 or something along those lines. -> not my opinion, just what I've read on MWOP.

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I think MWOP'ers speculate she having her father hang on to her money, then he "loans" her money that is less then the amount you have to report to the IRS, I think its 11,500 or something along those lines. -> not my opinion, just what I've read on MWOP.

It's been like 3 years since I used to do deposits this large, but iirc, it's 10k? It was a pain in the ass having to fill out the paperwork to make such large deposits from the weekends.

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i dunno. i mean, on the one hand, it would sure be nice to start all over (you'd think, if you were she).

OTOH, she needs to stay recognizable in order to make money. I seriously doubt she could start over and gain any cache in today's over-flooded blog market.

I really cannot imagine that the MWOPers wouldn't find her and out her loudly, should she attempt a fresh start. Those people, while interesting, seem to spend a LOT of time digging around in MckMama's life.

If she were to be honest about what she's done and try to start over on an honest path, I think people would forgive her enough to support her honest endeavors. But the question is, will she stay away from what she did wrong in the first place and be honest here on out, or will she go back down the path that led here? With how much she's lying to the trustee, it doesn't look like she wants to take an honest path, and that's going to hurt her more than before the bankruptcy. Nothing, it seems, will make her honest.

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If she were to be honest about what she's done and try to start over on an honest path, I think people would forgive her enough to support her honest endeavors. But the question is, will she stay away from what she did wrong in the first place and be honest here on out, or will she go back down the path that led here?

I doubt she will head back on the right path, because she is pushing diet pills that will cure anything from being fat, to migraines and anxiety and as someone who takes meds for social anxiety and panic attacks I would like to smack her right upside the head!!

From her FB page...

MckMama I'd love to email you the ingredients, Rhonda Stover! I have never taken any "diet pills" before, but I do know that many make people jittery. These have not done that for me at all, probably because they are more natural and health focused than others. I haven't heard any of "my girls" mention jitters, either. Quite the opposite, actually. Many of them are going OFF anxiety meds after starting the products and lost (myself included) are quite calmed by them...and sleep much better at night. Hope that helps! Let me know if you want me to email you ingredient lists!

Then there were a bunch of post from women asking since they have migraines will this help them...bitch!


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It's been like 3 years since I used to do deposits this large, but iirc, it's 10k? It was a pain in the ass having to fill out the paperwork to make such large deposits from the weekends.

I worked in retail before and after 9/11, and part of the Homeland Security stuff afterward involved an IRS form that we had to fill out for any purchase that exceeded $10,000 and was made with cash or check. I'm assuming any single transaction at a bank would require the form as well.

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I doubt she will head back on the right path, because she is pushing diet pills that will cure anything from being fat, to migraines and anxiety and as someone who takes meds for social anxiety and panic attacks I would like to smack her right upside the head!!

From her FB page...

MckMama I'd love to email you the ingredients, Rhonda Stover! I have never taken any "diet pills" before, but I do know that many make people jittery. These have not done that for me at all, probably because they are more natural and health focused than others. I haven't heard any of "my girls" mention jitters, either. Quite the opposite, actually. Many of them are going OFF anxiety meds after starting the products and lost (myself included) are quite calmed by them...and sleep much better at night. Hope that helps! Let me know if you want me to email you ingredient lists!

Then there were a bunch of post from women asking since they have migraines will this help them...bitch!


My god, she sounds outright dangerous.

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