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MckMama Drama - Including the Fire - Merge

The Archivist

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I read about this yest. Why does she need to shave her pubes? And who needs to know this? TMI with a :puke-front:

IDK, when McDaddy was still with her she bragged about not shaving anything, under arms, legs, etc., now that he is gone maybe other than woman at the gym she goes to are staring, otherwise I don't see why she bothers!

And, just so I don't sound judgey, I don't shave anything on my body, haven't for over 14 years.


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IDK, when McDaddy was still with her she bragged about not shaving anything, under arms, legs, etc., now that he is gone maybe other than woman at the gym she goes to are staring, otherwise I don't see why she bothers!

And, just so I don't sound judgey, I don't shave anything on my body, haven't for over 14 years.


I went through periods of shaving, waxing and doing nothing. The beauty of menopause for me is only the hair on my upper lip and head continue to grow :lol:

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I've just recently jumped on the McKmama bandwagon via mwop... but from what I understand, the poster whose "name" is Roobi actually knows JHSM and is friends with her? I don't know how I feel about that....

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IDK, when McDaddy was still with her she bragged about not shaving anything, under arms, legs, etc., now that he is gone maybe other than woman at the gym she goes to are staring, otherwise I don't see why she bothers!

And, just so I don't sound judgey, I don't shave anything on my body, haven't for over 14 years.


Or there is a new guy in the picture!

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I've just recently jumped on the McKmama bandwagon via mwop... but from what I understand, the poster whose "name" is Roobi actually knows JHSM and is friends with her? I don't know how I feel about that....

The impression I got is that she is a "friend of a friend." She knows her in person, but I don't believe is close to her.

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I am a recent mwop follower (won't give her clicks) and so I'm aware that she doesn't think that the rules (ANY rules!) apply to her.

I know this is armchair psychiatry, but IMO, she's a classic narcissistic sociopath. She seems to think that she can always charm her way out of any consequences.

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I know this is armchair psychiatry, but IMO, she's a classic narcissistic sociopath. She seems to think that she can always charm her way out of any consequences.

i'm a psychologist and i agree with you! i feel so bad for her kids...

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I noticed on that PDF that Mckmama had a lawyer for the child support case, but Mckdaddy didn't. I wonder if he can't afford one.

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States are starting to pass laws that disqualify lottery winners from taking food stamps and medicaid. It blows my mind that there are people out there that feel entitled to these kind of programs because they don't have the straight W2 income that would automatically disqualify them. If she really is pulling $10,000/month in just from pushing diet pills, and her blog income on top of that, there is no reason on God's green earth why she should qualify for any sort of state aid, single parent or not.

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States are starting to pass laws that disqualify lottery winners from taking food stamps and medicaid. It blows my mind that there are people out there that feel entitled to these kind of programs because they don't have the straight W2 income that would automatically disqualify them. If she really is pulling $10,000/month in just from pushing diet pills, and her blog income on top of that, there is no reason on God's green earth why she should qualify for any sort of state aid, single parent or not.

This is not so much in defense of Jennifer, but to point out that just because she is now a "Platinum Director" and allegedly is pulling in $10K a month, that doesn't mean she's actually pulling down that money. I occasionally go over and read PinkTruth.com and pulling down that level of money on a regular basis is hard. You have to keep harassing your downline for more, keep bringing in fresh meat to make up for the people who are going to drop out, etc., etc., etc. I honestly don't know if Jennifer has it in her to keep that up. She might drop it like a hot potato once she figures out how much work it's going to be. I'd also note that you have to pay for your own business expenses out of the money you make. Like that Xyng conference? She's likely having to pay to get there, for example. Seriously, PinkTruth.com is an education in how this stuff works and how very few people actually make money in MLM.

Long story short, I don't think the kids should suffer just because McKMama managed to get a one month $10K Xyngaringadinga payday. And, to be blunt, given that one of her kids has in the past suffered medical issues and insurance companies are loath to take risks, it could cost her thousands a month in private insurance to insure just the kids. This isn't like winning the lotto, because I've said that if I won the lotto, I'd probably have to keep my job just for the insurance benefits alone, given the raft of health conditions I have (all of which are treatable but insurance companies don't like people like me). I really don't blame her.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Anja from MWOP has new info regarding the bankruptcy:

The judge has now ruled that the exemptions are disallowed.

then this:

There were assets that she did not disclose on her original filing. She disclosed them on the amended filing, but marked them as exempt. The trustee essentially disagreed that the assets should be exempt, and today the judge agreed with him.


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IDK, when McDaddy was still with her she bragged about not shaving anything, under arms, legs, etc., now that he is gone maybe other than woman at the gym she goes to are staring, otherwise I don't see why she bothers!

And, just so I don't sound judgey, I don't shave anything on my body, haven't for over 14 years.


Is she already looking for a new McDaddy? One who prefers hairless privates?

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Anja from MWOP has new info regarding the bankruptcy:

then this:


Oh I do hope he sells the domains. I wonder if the trustee with find ALL the paypal accounts.

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Oh I do hope he sells the domains. I wonder if the trustee with find ALL the paypal accounts.

Who would buy them? Is there a market for "mycharmingkidsDOTnet" ? (don't click there, don't give Jen money)

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Who would buy them? Is there a market for "mycharmingkidsDOTnet" ? (don't click there, don't give Jen money)

Someone on the mwop site pointed out that someone would buy it for the clicks -- just to redirect it to somewhere else. I have no idea how that works... my internet literacy goes as far as: when I turn on my computer, it functions.

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Long story short, I don't think the kids should suffer just because McKMama managed to get a one month $10K Xyngaringadinga payday. And, to be blunt, given that one of her kids has in the past suffered medical issues and insurance companies are loath to take risks, it could cost her thousands a month in private insurance to insure just the kids. This isn't like winning the lotto, because I've said that if I won the lotto, I'd probably have to keep my job just for the insurance benefits alone, given the raft of health conditions I have (all of which are treatable but insurance companies don't like people like me). I really don't blame her.

I would agree if this was a one-time thing, but she has made six figures (at least) for the past several years. She is still earning that or very near it if you read her meeting with the trustee.

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I would agree if this was a one-time thing, but she has made six figures (at least) for the past several years. She is still earning that or very near it if you read her meeting with the trustee.

I'm thinking that she's not going to be making anywhere near that once the trustee and the IRS get through with her.

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Long story short, I don't think the kids should suffer just because McKMama managed to get a one month $10K Xyngaringadinga payday. And, to be blunt, given that one of her kids has in the past suffered medical issues and insurance companies are loath to take risks, it could cost her thousands a month in private insurance to insure just the kids. This isn't like winning the lotto, because I've said that if I won the lotto, I'd probably have to keep my job just for the insurance benefits alone, given the raft of health conditions I have (all of which are treatable but insurance companies don't like people like me). I really don't blame her.

I think those children can survive very well without a new pair of $40 shoes every two days and brand new clothes every time she wants to take a photo of them for her blog. Really how would they have known the difference between a $100 Grayco stroller and the $1000 cadillac she had?

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I don't know why but I've always gotten the feeling that Israel is very passive and wouldn't kick up a fuss if she took the kids out of state and thus out of his hair. This 72 hour thing just gives him more of a reason to blame his un-involovement with the kids on anything aside from his own laziness. Meanwhile she basically uses her kids as props on her blog for the $clicks$ because her following is largely composed of moms who find her life glamorous compared to their day-to-day lives. (Lord knows my life is less active given that we live on a shoestring budget and well within our means)

I think they both are extremely selfish and egotistical and I weep for their children's future.

Word on the street is that Jennifer McKinney Sauls is now working on a new blog. A weightloss and exercise blog. Yes, the overweight Jennifer Mckinney Saula is now an expert on weightloss and exercise. She has changed her last name to Sauls in order to shed the McKmess she created as Jennifer McKinney. How dumb does she think people really are?

If you go to a blog called The [sNORT] Files she has a great post on there about photoshop and how Jennifer McKinney Sauls has photoshopped all her recent "look how skinney I am" pictures. The wench hasn't actually lost any inches at all.

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I think those children can survive very well without a new pair of $40 shoes every two days and brand new clothes every time she wants to take a photo of them for her blog. Really how would they have known the difference between a $100 Grayco stroller and the $1000 cadillac she had?

Yeah, but the kids had no choice in buying that stuff, right? Should they suffer because their greedy grifter of a mama has her priorities screwed up? I'd rather the children have health insurance and see a doctor regularly than rely on the emergency room and have their irresponsible mama stiff the hospital. At my doctor, at least they require the co-pay before the doctor will see you. It's also my understanding that BadgerCare is on a sliding scale, i.e., if she's got some money, she will be paying some sort of premium.

Children should not be held hostage to their parents' greed and stupidity. Even if the parent is McKMama.

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Yeah, but the kids had no choice in buying that stuff, right? Should they suffer because their greedy grifter of a mama has her priorities screwed up? I'd rather the children have health insurance and see a doctor regularly than rely on the emergency room and have their irresponsible mama stiff the hospital. At my doctor, at least they require the co-pay before the doctor will see you. It's also my understanding that BadgerCare is on a sliding scale, i.e., if she's got some money, she will be paying some sort of premium.

Children should not be held hostage to their parents' greed and stupidity. Even if the parent is McKMama.

I don't think anyone wants the kids to suffer. I would venture that everyone here wants them to have a healthy food to eat, a safe home to live in, warm clothes to wear, and a decent education. This does not, however, mean they need matching Mini Boden outfits and dozens of trips every year. They do not need the nicest house in the nicest neighborhood, and they don't need $1000 strollers. They don't need them and they won't suffer without them.

Their parents have made some very foolish choices and unfortunately they will see the fall out of that. I very much blame Jennifer. Very recently she told the court that she would NOT be traveling in the near future. She immediately went on the infamous spring break trip and is planning more as we speak. She bought a shit load of exercise clothes, shoes, and weight loss crap right after filing for bankruptcy, and she bought herself new sheets for Mother's Day. She stiffs landlords, doctors, and pretty much anyone else she can INCLUDING the IRS. She has outright lied to try to cover her assets, and in the meantime she's out shopping like nobody's business. Fuck that. Jennifer needs to join the real world where you get a job and actually work for what you get....and then you live within your means. It's not the job of the tax payers to maintain the lavish lifestyle Jennifer has established for herself and her children. Children don't need that anyway. They need stability, which they don't have with her.

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Yeah, but the kids had no choice in buying that stuff, right? Should they suffer because their greedy grifter of a mama has her priorities screwed up? I'd rather the children have health insurance and see a doctor regularly than rely on the emergency room and have their irresponsible mama stiff the hospital. At my doctor, at least they require the co-pay before the doctor will see you. It's also my understanding that BadgerCare is on a sliding scale, i.e., if she's got some money, she will be paying some sort of premium.

Children should not be held hostage to their parents' greed and stupidity. Even if the parent is McKMama.

I hope the divorce decree orders her to maintain health insurance on her children. She needs to be held responsible. If she has money for all of this other crap (stuff most of us would never dream of buying), then she can damn well get health insurance for her children.

Again, I do not want to see the children suffer, but they will not suffer if the court seizes that expensive stroller Mcmama is pushing around town. My kids did just fine in a $150 twin stroller from Target.

I will also lmao if they sell her domain...she lied through her teeth about the value. $10 my ass. I wish the trustee could buy it for $10.

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I don't think anyone wants the kids to suffer. I would venture that everyone here wants them to have a healthy food to eat, a safe home to live in, warm clothes to wear, and a decent education. This does not, however, mean they need matching Mini Boden outfits and dozens of trips every year. They do not need the nicest house in the nicest neighborhood, and they don't need $1000 strollers. They don't need them and they won't suffer without them.

Their parents have made some very foolish choices and unfortunately they will see the fall out of that. I very much blame Jennifer. Very recently she told the court that she would NOT be traveling in the near future. She immediately went on the infamous spring break trip and is planning more as we speak. She bought a shit load of exercise clothes, shoes, and weight loss crap right after filing for bankruptcy, and she bought herself new sheets for Mother's Day. She stiffs landlords, doctors, and pretty much anyone else she can INCLUDING the IRS. She has outright lied to try to cover her assets, and in the meantime she's out shopping like nobody's business. Fuck that. Jennifer needs to join the real world where you get a job and actually work for what you get....and then you live within your means. It's not the job of the tax payers to maintain the lavish lifestyle Jennifer has established for herself and her children. Children don't need that anyway. They need stability, which they don't have with her.

You made the point better than I could Koala. TY

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My issue is that she wants the state to cover her children's health care *right now* while she is still pulling in five figures a month. Maybe she will see a loss in blogging income in the future, and if that happens she should apply for benefits then. I am willing to bet she is applying for food stamps as well. Not because she needs money, but because she needs money for gadgets and clothes. When you apply for benefits in my state as an independent contractor, you are asked to show a bank record of deposits along with a profit and loss sheet. She has so many bank accounts that the trustee is wading in them, so it would be really easy for her to show the records from just one of them and apply based on $500 a month income.

Not that I begrudge her children health insurance and food, but it really makes people on public assistance look bad. The stereotype of the mom hiding income so she can get benefits is almost as strong as the one about the black welfare queen with 10 kids by 18 different daddies. Except the first stereotype really happens. I don't want a woman with designer shoes and a $1000 stroller becoming the new face of poverty in the US.

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