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MckMama Drama - Including the Fire - Merge

The Archivist

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Another question for those familiar with bankruptcy laws:

How far of a reach does the court have? It is speculated that she's hiding money with her father or possibly her sister. She admitted that her sister is essentially an employee but was vague about her duties and income... not to mention that her sister "bought" a car from her that was less than the payoff total. Could the bankruptcy courts go after her sister's financial records/car in a fishing expedition of sorts to find money from Jennifer Howe Sauls McKinney?

I believe so, yes. I'm sure the Court and the IRS both have forensic accounting specialists who are experts at finding fraudulently hidden money.

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I believe so, yes. I'm sure the Court and the IRS both have forensic accounting specialists who are experts at finding fraudulently hidden money.

I think she will be in deep doodoo if the BK is denied, and likely it will be. Existing creditors can sue and levy on remaining assets and make life very very difficult for her. And the IRS will make it impossible for her to continue for profit blogging.

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Has anyone thought of the IRS? You can bet your bottom dollar she hasn't been reporting all her blogging and ad money all this time. If the trustee wants to he can certainly forward her file to the IRS for a look-see. She could end up in bigger trouble with them than even the bankrupcy court.

They owe a boatload of money to the IRS and from what I understand, at one time had a repayment plan of $1,000 per month. Supposedly, she ended up having the payment reduced to $100 per month with her wordsmithing and poor-mouthing.

In the creditor's meeting transcript, the Trustee asked her if she intended on filing her 2011 tax return in a timely manner. I am certain that the IRS has been informed. If she faces any fraud/tax evasion charges, that is where she could be in the most trouble.

And yet she posted or twittered or something last night that she has "peace like a river". She is a lying tool.

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Not being that familiar withMcKmama, I'm catching up on the MWOP blog. OMG. This woman is positively certifiable. She reminds me of a fundie Penelope Trunk.

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They owe a boatload of money to the IRS and from what I understand, at one time had a repayment plan of $1,000 per month. Supposedly, she ended up having the payment reduced to $100 per month with her wordsmithing and poor-mouthing.

In the creditor's meeting transcript, the Trustee asked her if she intended on filing her 2011 tax return in a timely manner. I am certain that the IRS has been informed. If she faces any fraud/tax evasion charges, that is where she could be in the most trouble.

And yet she posted or twittered or something last night that she has "peace like a river". She is a lying tool.

This ^^^^^, they owe back taxes for YEARS, so she is already on the IRS radar.


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She has managed to lie and scam her way through life so far, I imagine she is sure this will blow over and she will come out on top.

I feel bad for her husband. He does not seem so bright, and I bet he was unaware of how much she was making and spending. I cannot imagine him knowingly letting her rack up almost a million in debt without saying a word about it.

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It's possible that he didn't actually KNOW how much debt they had - if she was handling the finances, she might not have said anything about it.

I know for a while they were separated because of physical (?) abuse on his part, and there was a restraining order. Does anyone remember when that was, and what the finances were like at the time? Was it around the time of a foreclosure or other disaster?

Agreed that she probably thinks she can just wiggle out of this, but she can't. The bankruptcy courts have very close ties to the IRS and she's already on the IRS radar for unreported income. I would not be surprised even a teensy tiny bit if they call her in for an audit.

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She has managed to lie and scam her way through life so far, I imagine she is sure this will blow over and she will come out on top.

I feel bad for her husband. He does not seem so bright, and I bet he was unaware of how much she was making and spending. I cannot imagine him knowingly letting her rack up almost a million in debt without saying a word about it.

But think about it, now the cat's out of the bag as far as their income. He could probably get spousal support. :lol:

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It's possible that he didn't actually KNOW how much debt they had - if she was handling the finances, she might not have said anything about it.

I know for a while they were separated because of physical (?) abuse on his part, and there was a restraining order. Does anyone remember when that was, and what the finances were like at the time? Was it around the time of a foreclosure or other disaster?

Agreed that she probably thinks she can just wiggle out of this, but she can't. The bankruptcy courts have very close ties to the IRS and she's already on the IRS radar for unreported income. I would not be surprised even a teensy tiny bit if they call her in for an audit.

I think that was when stellan was a baby. But she admitted that she was the one who was physically abusive not him she just pinned it on him. She's a tool.

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http://www.sequenceinc.com/fraudfiles/2 ... ent-198843

UPDATE #1 – Child Support:

For those wondering what will happen regarding child support, a good summary of Wisconsin’s law is found here: http://www.dadsdivorce.com/component/co ... ticle/336/

The first consideration is placement of the children. If custody is awarded 50/50, there is not necessarily any child support due from either parent to the other. Child support MAY be due in such a case if there is a great disparity in the incomes of the parents.

If placement is unequal, the party with the lesser share of time generally will have to pay child support. From the article linked above:

Child support is determined by DCF 150. If the party with less placement has less than 25% of placement with the children, or less than 92 overnights per year, the party will pay child support to the other parent a percentage of his or her gross monthly income as follows: 17% for one child, 25% for 2 children, 29% for 3 children, 31% for 4 children and 34% for 5 or more children. If the party with less placement has more than 25% of placement or more than 92 overnights per year, support is determined by a shared placement formula which takes into consideration the earnings of both parties and the number of overnights.

Although typically the party with less placement pays support, in a shared placement scenario, the party with more placement may be the payor considering the formula is based on the earnings of both parties. DCF 150 also provides for alternative formulas in the event a payor is a high wage earner or earning below poverty. The use of DCF 150 provides an amount of child support that is presumed to be correct, but the court may deviate from these guidelines in appropriate circumstances. The award is subject to change so long as the obligation to support remains. It may be increased or decreased if a substantial change occurs in the circumstances of either or both of the parents of the child.

In addition to child support, the court may make orders relative to health insurance, uninsured medical expenses, variable expenses and daycare expenses for the minor child. The court may order the parties to share the expenses equally or may order the parties to pay proportionate to their respective placement percentage. The court may also order who gets to deduct the children for tax purposes on an annual or bi-annual schedule.

In cases for child support and maintenance, the court may impute income to a party if the court finds that he or she is not working to his or her earning capacity and such decision is unreasonable in light of the circumstances. The parties may combine maintenance and child support into one payment of family support. Although child support is not tax deductible, family support is tax deductible to the payor and taxable to the payee.

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Maybe someone can clarify this for me. He lives in Minnesota, she moved to Wisconsin and apparently filed for separation in that state under WI laws--and in a rush because of the bankruptcy. How exactly does that work if he didn't move with them? Maybe I'm missing something here, but I'm a little confused.

And Emmidahl, the situation your friend is in appalls me. I may be speaking from a prejudiced viewpoint (I'm divorced and haven't gotten the first child support payment), but I'd be damned if I had to pay the mortgage on a house that my abusive ex-husband refuses to move out of while having to pay him child support for children he only has visitation with. I have never heard of such a thing.

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It's possible that he didn't actually KNOW how much debt they had - if she was handling the finances, she might not have said anything about it.

I know for a while they were separated because of physical (?) abuse on his part, and there was a restraining order. Does anyone remember when that was, and what the finances were like at the time? Was it around the time of a foreclosure or other disaster?

Agreed that she probably thinks she can just wiggle out of this, but she can't. The bankruptcy courts have very close ties to the IRS and she's already on the IRS radar for unreported income. I would not be surprised even a teensy tiny bit if they call her in for an audit.

check out the right side bar on MWOP. they've got everything divided into categories for you to check out. CRAZY!

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Per the Fraud Files link - McKmama made $7000 and change for December of 2011. Whoa..... just no words.

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I think MckMama could be in big trouble. This is small potatoes as far as fraud goes; nonetheless, her lies are egregious and purposeful. Just reading the transcripts of the meeting with the trustee, I think he is pissed at her. There is a lot of debt, but also a lot of income. I think she could afford to pay off the debt quickly if she committed to living on $50,000 a year, which would be a downgrade for her but certainly not poverty.

Also, she needs to buy some health insurance. She has abused emergency rooms all over the country. Doing that with no health insurance when she certainly had the means to acquire it, that is wrong. ER doctors are not there for sniffles and headaches. She chose to go without insurance and to use the most expensive mode of care in every.single.situation. Now she needs to pay up, and hopefully the price tag will be enough to help her understand why a primary care provider and insurance are better options.

Those doctors are not big corporations. They are working people who possibly earn less than MckMama. She needs to pay for their services.

HA! I had several pts. in my ER today with similar complaints who couldn't get into urgent care today, nor did they want to drive 20 minutes to a walk in clinic. Nope, they HAD to be seen in the ER, and law says that if the pt. feels it's an emergency, the doctor has to provide a medical screening exam.

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Whether the bankruptcy goes through or not, the non-exempt assets of the McKinneys will still be taken and sold, with the proceeds going to creditors.
I don't think this would have happened if they hadn't tried for bankruptcy. :D
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I don't think this would have happened if they hadn't tried for bankruptcy. :D

That is amazing. I normally feel bad for people if they have to go through a bankruptcy, but these people seem to have treated the process as another way to scam. What jerks.

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Jenn has an interesting new post up on her blog;

I’m gonna miss this.

May 26, 2012

My name is Jennifer.

This is my blog. It’s old. But now it’s new. Changing. Like me. My life is too short, pardon the cliche, for me not to live exactly the way I should. Blog the way I should. Talk the way I should. Be the way I should. So I seek Him. More in these months than I ever have before. And I try to live each day knowing that I’m gonna miss this. Where that trying leads me is different every month, every year, every season.

Even now.

I’m a separated, solo parent, living with five beautiful souls I call my children. We have a cat and a dog and a very busy life. My mantra of I’m gonna miss this has never been so much a part of my mindset as it has been these past four months my children and I have lived alone. I’m gonna miss this for sure. So every day, every hour, every minute…and every blog post…counts. That’s why I am going to be changing things up a little bit around here. Or a big bit. Yes, actually, it’s going to be a big bit. Change here on my blog, change in my life, change in my heart. Always change. Growing, reaching, loving, knowing.

This is my one chance at life, people. My one chance at all of this.

My name is Jennifer. And I’m gonna keep living…and blogging…like I’m gonna miss this. Because I know that I am.

I'm wondering if this is leading up to her announcing a new blog at a different domain. She knows that mycharmingkids is fucked because the trustee is going to take it.

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I believe so, yes. I'm sure the Court and the IRS both have forensic accounting specialists who are experts at finding fraudulently hidden money.

I can't do US law but I'm ex Revenue and a large proportion of my family still is. I was junior and in an obscure area. A relative is senior in a main business stream. We have been exchanging texts on this one.

Comment from my relative was that this would be a case for the Revenue here.

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I was trying to get on the site this morning. It was hacked by tiger - m@te.

I thought this deserved its own topic. I wanted to warn other readers.

Mods feel free to move or delete, thanks.

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if Jen is going to move her blog this would be the perfect time.

I'm sad mwop is hacked. :-(

I enjoy those ladies as much as I enjoy FJ-er's.

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I went there just now and it looked fine. Sorry I gave her a click.

EDIT: MWOP, not Mckmama! :( Clearly I can't read. I need my coffee. Still sorry I gave her a click. :?

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IDK, apparently that hacker, hacked 70,000 website at once earlier this year.

Any tech people know what this means for mwop? And how long it will take to be fixed?

Also, does FJ have security in place to prevent this, and what would happen if it happened here?

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In her most recent post, she begins hinting to the sycophants about a new blog as if it were her idea. Or actually, God told her to, not because the court is seizing the MckDomains.

Also, she has removed her kids' pics and the "farm animals" pics from the blog.

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