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MckMama Drama - Including the Fire - Merge

The Archivist

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McMama is one that I haven't really followed until recently. I also don't see the pics as being particularly bad, but I know from experience that it's necessary to consider context when talking about fundies. If this were an isolated incident, I wouldn't even look twice. But since she has a history of this kind of thing, that makes it worse.

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As has been discussed above on this very thread, that's exactly what she's doing.

If you're going to try to hand slap, at least read the whole thread.

FYI, I did read the entire thread and I see suggestions and questions about her inappropriately tagging these pictures but I've seen no proof... so if you want to hand slap someone then try looking in a mirror and aiming sideways.

When you're done, you can reread my post because you missed the point.

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FYI, I did read the entire thread and I see suggestions and questions about her inappropriately tagging these pictures but I've seen no proof... so if you want to hand slap someone then try looking in a mirror and aiming sideways.

When you're done, you can reread my post because you missed the point.

MWOP has all the evidence neatly labeled for viewing. It may be easier than for you to actually read the the threads about her on FJ.

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I hope her children grow up and move far far away from her and never find out that she has exploited them like this. It would be enough to give any kid some serious issues.

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FYI, I did read the entire thread and I see suggestions and questions about her inappropriately tagging these pictures but I've seen no proof... so if you want to hand slap someone then try looking in a mirror and aiming sideways.

When you're done, you can reread my post because you missed the point.

These pictures may not be inappropriate when looking at them by themselves but you need to look at mckmamas lovely record. She has posted pictures of her almost 5 year old daughter topless. She has posted pictures of her oldest boys naked sitting in the sink(eating bacon). She has posted a pic of Kieran(the oldest) in a very awkward pose where it looks like he's naked. She posted a pic of her two youngest kids naked and even had stellan dressed up to look like a girl and had them "wrestling" together then titled it "sumo". She had a vimeo video out there that has now been made private that had her oldest son saying "the boy sticks the penis into the girls vagina" or something along those lines. That's just a small sampling of what this woman has done.

If you don't find the current pictures to be perverted or have another motive. Lets take a look at the title of the post "Band of Brothers" which is the title of a book about I think WW2 vets (It might be another war). Is it just a coincidence that she would use that title on a blog post posted on Memorial day weekend? Of course not! She's using to try to get more clicks on her blog. Which in my opinion is very disrespectful to be doing considering what soldiers have done to give us our freedom.

Everything that woman does is calculated. There's nothing innocent about her. This woman doesn't just post pictures because she likes them-there is motive behind every one of them.

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Since when is a topless boy something perverted? I see nothing wrong or suggestive about the photos; to me they seem like a sweet and cute portrayal of a brother relationship. I am a mom of all boys and they often wear just swim shorts in public and sometimes play outside with no shirts. We live on a street with almost all boy children (only two girls) and the kids are often outside playing in the sprinklers or water gun fights wearing swim shorts. It's normal. What if a pervert saw them? Well, fear based 'what-if?' parenting does not prevent accidents/problems/death. It prevents a child from truly living life. (much like a fundie girl not being allowed to show a knee because 'what-if?' that bare knee caused a male to defraud himself)

ps> if McFauxMa if using inappropriate tags on her kids pics then THAT is perverted.

I'm a mother of all boys myself, 5 in fact. I also know that what I see as cute photos of baby butts in the tub or streaking through the sprinkler are going to get some sicko jolly's off. Even something as innocent as a toddler wearing swim trunks and no shirt is going to be jerking off material for some pervert. Why give him the means at the sake of my child's right to privacy. Have tub shots or streaking in a photo album is not at all the same as putting it up on the world wide web. i choose not to subject my children to that and will not post pictures of my kids to just anyone without knowing who they are first. Private features, I use them.

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I would not post pictures of my children on my blog, and am very careful about asking folks if I can photograph them for my blog. And I agree that McMama isn't playing with a full deck. I do, however, want to put these photos into some sort of context. First, apparently, McMama and hubby have finally separated, so that she's living alone with her children. She must be devastated and fearful, in addition to not playing with a full deck. In addition, I have long been familiar with the photos of Sally Mann, which aroused much controversy: http://www.smithsonianmag.com/arts-cult ... amily.html

Granted, Mann's photos were taken for "art" while McMama seems to be attempting to capture visually what she perceives as the beauty of her children, at a time of extreme stress in her life.

just saying.....

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I would not post pictures of my children on my blog, and am very careful about asking folks if I can photograph them for my blog. And I agree that McMama isn't playing with a full deck. I do, however, want to put these photos into some sort of context. First, apparently, McMama and hubby have finally separated, so that she's living alone with her children. She must be devastated and fearful, in addition to not playing with a full deck. In addition, I have long been familiar with the photos of Sally Mann, which aroused much controversy: http://www.smithsonianmag.com/arts-cult ... amily.html

Granted, Mann's photos were taken for "art" while McMama seems to be attempting to capture visually what she perceives as the beauty of her children, at a time of extreme stress in her life.

just saying.....

It is her history. If this was a one time thing nobody would think anything of it. But she's posted shots in the past, like the previously mentioned topless daughter, and the video of her children being prompted to discuss goat sex, and the shot of the little girl in a bathing suit that didn't fit right so there was an obvious camel toe. Any of these by themselves wouldn't be a problem, but combined, as well as with the many more questionable shots and the tags she uses they are an issue. This isn't just a woman posting photos of her child in a difficult time. This is a con artist using her children to try to get as much money as possible before her blogs are taken from her.

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She probably hasn't thought this far ahead, but I pity the day that her children google her name.

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It is her history. If this was a one time thing nobody would think anything of it. But she's posted shots in the past, like the previously mentioned topless daughter, and the video of her children being prompted to discuss goat sex, and the shot of the little girl in a bathing suit that didn't fit right so there was an obvious camel toe. Any of these by themselves wouldn't be a problem, but combined, as well as with the many more questionable shots and the tags she uses they are an issue. This isn't just a woman posting photos of her child in a difficult time. This is a con artist using her children to try to get as much money as possible before her blogs are taken from her.


Plus, numerous times, readers on her blog, who are usually first to defend her, have asked her to remove the photos and she's ignored them.

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MWOP has all the evidence neatly labeled for viewing. It may be easier than for you to actually read the the threads about her on FJ.

I have read the other threads and some MWOP, thanks, but haven't checked them today for information about these specific photos and won't (I'm not all that interested in what they're tagged with or in the bankruptcy/divorce drama, my interest and post was about another issue brought up in this thread). She's a very messed up person and horrid mother for sure.

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L-RD! I live 2 towns away from this train wreck and I am half tempted to stroll the city just waiting to run into her so I can give her a piece of my mind! She is just disgusting!

A friend of mine goes to the university in the town and she follows the blog. She said ever since she moved back to town she has become a bit of a celebrity figure around there. Even made an appearance on local access to talk photography. Why?!

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I have no idea why she would be seen as a celebrity figure. MWOP comes up immediately when you search for mckmama.

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Someone posted about this she often uses search terms that pedo use.

There was another incident back during the BP oil spill where she doused her kids in chocolate syrup and had them run into a lake or river to wash off and she used a lot of key words to drive traffic from people looking

for information about the oil spill.

MckMama didn't do that. Her friend Sami did.

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With all the info out there about what a douche she is, HOW does she still have any readers fawning over her??? It's not like she has an ounce of charisma.

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I can only hope that now that she's getting more exposure that she will be...well...exposed to her reading sheeple.

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She could go to prison, have her kids taken off her and admit to killing the Lindberg baby and people will still be defending her. It defies belief

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She could go to prison, have her kids taken off her and admit to killing the Lindberg baby and people will still be defending her. It defies belief

Word. I don't understand it at all, though.

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L-RD! I live 2 towns away from this train wreck and I am half tempted to stroll the city just waiting to run into her so I can give her a piece of my mind! She is just disgusting!

A friend of mine goes to the university in the town and she follows the blog. She said ever since she moved back to town she has become a bit of a celebrity figure around there. Even made an appearance on local access to talk photography. Why?!

The bankruptcy was filed in the town where I grew up. I've been tempted to do some "sightseeing."

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Word. I don't understand it at all, though.

It's because good christian people forgive. And they read herblog for her pretty kids not because of what goes on her personal life.

She makes pretty pictures, too!!!!!

And other such nonsense that her followers have said when confronted with what she does.

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I think I'm gunna throw up. I've been reading the MckCraziness for awhile now, but had never bothered to read about any of Stellan's story. Thanks to a summery from MWOP, I just caught up on the whole "oh my god my baby's dying so I better stop to take pictures, blog, and tweet about it!".

I've posted before that I have a disabled son. He's 17 now, and has had 60+ surgeries including 4 open heart surgeries. In fact, as a baby and toddler, he went through the same thing as Stellan, SVT - which is an extremely rapid/dangerous heartbeat.

She makes me fricken sick. When my son is sick, I'm with him. I'm not blogging about it. I've never blogged about it. I have a few pictures of him when he was a baby very sick in the hospital but I only took them because I didn't know if I'd get the chance to take any healthy ones. I sure as hell never tweeted them or put them on FB. When he's in the hospital I will take a minute a couple of times a day to update on FB from my phone "hey things are going well" "hey surgery tuesday", things of that nature, because it's the easiest way for me to contact friends/family all at the same time and my FB is private and sent to friends only. When he's sick (and any other time) he comes first, peirod. I can never imagine exploiting him or making money from his pain.

Sorry for the bit of off topic rant, I had just never read this part of the mess before and I'm shaking while I read it. She really is a sick fuck famewhore. Oh my god.

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She could go to prison, have her kids taken off her and admit to killing the Lindberg baby and people will still be defending her. It defies belief

SFT. They would be lining up to send her money to spend at the commissary :roll:

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I have never been a mck fan, but do occasionally read mwop.

I have a few pet mommy bloggers I feel sort of attached to. If big ass skeletons started jumping out of their closets, it would take me awhile to accept it after many years of reading them.

But. SRSLY? by now? I ain't an idiot.

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