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MckMama Drama - Including the Fire - Merge

The Archivist

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You've seen those pre-paid Visa and Mastercard gift cards in grocery stores? The "Gift Card Mall" section in many of them? Get one of those and activate it online. Put in any name you wish. Nothing is verified since it's pre-paid You now have a piece of plastic you can use to verify the name you chose. You've just created a Paypal account in another name.

Incorrect. Paypal also verifies your address and other information by pulling up your credit report and asks for your social security number.

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Can you imagine what the Trustee thinks as he's watching this all unfold? Bet his ears perked up when she mentioned hiring yet another lawyer.

I'd also love to hear his thoughts on all of the traveling she has done and plans to do.

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it is curious to me that she's flipping the fark out over the GOMI post, when MWOP has a crazy level of detail and snark...and that article by the forensic auditor is also very detailed.

why did GOMI send her over the edge?

also? that raw egg smoothie photo? good LORD, warn a sister!

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Incorrect. Paypal also verifies your address and other information by pulling up your credit report and asks for your social security number.

Would anyone who has access to the unredacted bankruptcy documents know her address and social, or does the court leave the social off? Here's how I see this getting settled:

Someone she has accused of fraud will get an attorney to subpoena login and signup IP data from PayPal, and it will show that either Jennifer has 1 PayPal account with multiple email addresses, or Jennifer has multiple PayPal accounts all being accessed repeatedly from the same location. She can stop using the accounts, but I guarantee PayPal saves that information.

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MWOP has an email from Jennifer posted that includes her atnys name.

Hell if I were a 'famous' mommyblogger defending myself against a defamation suit I would have gone with Gloria Allred :lol:

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Would anyone who has access to the unredacted bankruptcy documents know her address and social, or does the court leave the social off? Here's how I see this getting settled:

Someone she has accused of fraud will get an attorney to subpoena login and signup IP data from PayPal, and it will show that either Jennifer has 1 PayPal account with multiple email addresses, or Jennifer has multiple PayPal accounts all being accessed repeatedly from the same location. She can stop using the accounts, but I guarantee PayPal saves that information.

It will be quite a bit easier than that. If the money is coming into the Paypal account from blog-related activities and being deposited into MckMama's bank account, it is pretty much definitely hers.

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This is better than any soap-opera, reality show or prime-time drama! If I was her I would be wearing a paper bag over my head. Yet, she doesn't seem to feel the slightest bit embarrassed but instead even more self-righteous and has also decided to join the internet in bringing everyone's attention to the mess that she has created for herself.

Every single time she makes a move she makes an even bigger spectacle of herself. I can't wait to see how she screws herself next!

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The GOMI's are divided on the issue. Although its obvious the owner of GOMI posted the drama to increase her click$ LoL. And MWOP hasn't always been favorable to FJ because they think we're too invasive :lol:

Needless to say without tv and a whopping big hangover this is blissfully entertaining. I've been peeking at McMs FB and its quite humorous. IMHO I think that JMcK is all jacked up on her Zingys and getting a bit paranoid. But without paying bills she now has the money to pay for her divorce atny, her BK atny and now her defamation atny. This is so worthy of lolz.

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yeah, mwop does squick me out a bit. I mean, I just can't even wrap my brain around the 1000 replies to each post, all about ONE single person!

At least GOMI is diversified.

that said, I do regularly skim mwop, especially since the seperation and bankruptcy dramaz.

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I follow MWOP, it does go over the top at times. I started really following it around the time my friend told me about an interaction she had with Mckmama.

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yeah, mwop does squick me out a bit. I mean, I just can't even wrap my brain around the 1000 replies to each post, all about ONE single person!

At least GOMI is diversified.

that said, I do regularly skim mwop, especially since the seperation and bankruptcy dramaz.

Well MWOP has the documents and those alone make some fascinating reading. I've followed MWOP for a while, and a lot of the core posters there were folks who got burned by JMcK. Now they are getting major traffic due to cross viewers from GOMI and lots of other sites who are following the McTrainwreck.

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MWoP thinks FJ is "too invasive"? That's a laugh.

I have to say, of the snark sites I have visited, I think FJers have the highest average intelligence. Frankly, a lot of the MWOPers remind of me naive and sometimes petty schoolgirls (not all of them obviously. There are some experienced and wise people there, and many of them are kind.) It just seems like the credulity ratio is generally higher over there than here.

Sometimes I've wanted to ask them, Are you new? Is this the first time you've ever been lied to? Is this your first day on the internet?

That doesn't happen here. Except with fundie visitors.

BelieveinScience: care to dish about your friend's interaction with her?

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That too invasive came about at a time when we were heavily dishing on the boy in the bathroom.

I too would like to hear more from BIS. Dish baby dish :lol:

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Sometimes I've wanted to ask them, Are you new? Is this the first time you've ever been lied to? Is this your first day on the internet?

I get the feeling that for a lot of MWOPers this is payback for all the times they have been lied to online, or taken for the fool.

If she wasn't such a douche, I'd almost feel sorry for McKinney, she's pissed off waaay too many people to ever have any success online again.

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MWoP thinks FJ is "too invasive"? That's a laugh.

I have to say, of the snark sites I have visited, I think FJers have the highest average intelligence. Frankly, a lot of the MWOPers remind of me naive and sometimes petty schoolgirls (not all of them obviously. There are some experienced and wise people there, and many of them are kind.) It just seems like the credulity ratio is generally higher over there than here.

Sometimes I've wanted to ask them, Are you new? Is this the first time you've ever been lied to? Is this your first day on the internet?

That doesn't happen here. Except with fundie visitors.

BelieveinScience: care to dish about your friend's interaction with her?

Umm to be as non specific as possible about it. My friend was trying to raise money for *something and emailed a bunch of big name bloggers (like kelly stamps, mckmama etc..) Mckmama ended up sending her a reply and said something along the lines of "I get XX hits a day so it would cost you *insert some insane amount of money* ( This was several years ago but it was like in the hundreds of dollars amount) for a week and I won't mention it"

Kelly stamps and a few other big blogger ended up talking about it on their blog and directing their readers to teh cause for FREE.

I think my friend thought mckmama would return the favor since so many (including herself) posted about Stellan, prayed for stellan, in his time of need that Mck would help someone else in their time of need.

ETA: In the grand scheme of things it not a big deal at all. I just find the mckmama train wreck fascinating. And I don't understand the contacting everyone who associates with mckmama-like this latest thing with the arm and hammer. I won't quit using arm and hammer because one small name blogger is using them. I think its overkill.

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I get the feeling that for a lot of MWOPers this is payback for all the times they have been lied to online, or taken for the fool.

If she wasn't such a douche, I'd almost feel sorry for McKinney, she's pissed off waaay too many people to ever have any success online again.

So far it seems she's been pretty successful selling Xyngular.

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So far it seems she's been pretty successful selling Xyngular.

Good thing too. Because if the BK is denied, she's gonna need some money to pay off the creditors. BK sales of assets typically yield pennies on the dollar and stretch out the statue of limitations for creditors to file suits.

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So far it seems she's been pretty successful selling Xyngular.

I think she fell off the top sellers list this week/last week though!

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So far it seems she's been pretty successful selling Xyngular.

Right. Because her followers are, by and large, uncritical dipshits. Often even after they become disenchanted.

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Thank the spaghetti monster that you guys recap MWoP because I can't bear to read through the comments -- goodpost.goodpost.goodpost.OTpostaboutperiod.replyaboutperiod.OMGmymuffinsburnedpost.goodpost.goodpost.sendmerecipeforhabaneromargaritapost.goodpost. Ugh. tiring.

As for MckM and the attorney issues - she has retained enough attorneys to blow through that extra money she didn't claim on the bankruptcy filing. Where on earth is the lawyer money coming from??? (Retainer fees alone!)

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Thank the spaghetti monster that you guys recap MWoP because I can't bear to read through the comments -- goodpost.goodpost.goodpost.OTpostaboutperiod.replyaboutperiod.OMGmymuffinsburnedpost.goodpost.goodpost.sendmerecipeforhabaneromargaritapost.goodpost. Ugh. tiring.

As for MckM and the attorney issues - she has retained enough attorneys to blow through that extra money she didn't claim on the bankruptcy filing. Where on earth is the lawyer money coming from??? (Retainer fees alone!)

Considering that she is - as the MWOPers like to refer to her as "a lying lier who lies" I bet she doesn't even have one, but is naively trying to scare MWOP into submission. Because if she actually had an attorney, she wouldn't be leaving comments in the comment section on MWOP, her attorneys would be sending cease and desist letters to the appropriate parties.

And whoever said that it was BMM that compiled the names, I'd say you're bang on. It's the only reason I can see that would make BMM useful rather than just annoying and inappropriate. But to have a rabid fan who will keep track of every negative comment and who made it? Handy!

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Umm to be as non specific as possible about it. My friend was trying to raise money for *something and emailed a bunch of big name bloggers (like kelly stamps, mckmama etc..) Mckmama ended up sending her a reply and said something along the lines of "I get XX hits a day so it would cost you *insert some insane amount of money* ( This was several years ago but it was like in the hundreds of dollars amount) for a week and I won't mention it"

Kelly stamps and a few other big blogger ended up talking about it on their blog and directing their readers to teh cause for FREE.

I think my friend thought mckmama would return the favor since so many (including herself) posted about Stellan, prayed for stellan, in his time of need that Mck would help someone else in their time of need.

ETA: In the grand scheme of things it not a big deal at all. I just find the mckmama train wreck fascinating. And I don't understand the contacting everyone who associates with mckmama-like this latest thing with the arm and hammer. I won't quit using arm and hammer because one small name blogger is using them. I think its overkill.

Interesting, and yes, of course she's free to charge people for publicity or whatever, but it's a good example of her seeming lack of goodwill and charity. Thanks for sharing.

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if she actually had an attorney, she wouldn't be leaving comments in the comment section on MWOP, her attorneys would be sending cease and desist letters to the appropriate parties.

This. Apparently the folks at MWOP haven't gotten this clue yet :lol:

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This. Apparently the folks at MWOP haven't gotten this clue yet :lol:

Absolutely. I understand that they were a little panicked at having their real names outed, but some of them actually contacted the attorney she named. It's called a honeypot, guys! Don't fall for it.

Though why people post there and link to their real FB accounts in the first place is a whole other question.

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Guest Anonymous
That too invasive came about at a time when we were heavily dishing on the boy in the bathroom.

I too would like to hear more from BIS. Dish baby dish :lol:

experiencedd - Are you sure that was MWOP? I believe one of the operators at GOMI said something about "we don't mess with people's real lives here" or something to that effect. I never saw anything like that on MWOP but that place is huge and fast moving and I don't go there enough to keep up, so it could have been there, too. I just remember seeing something specific on the GOMI bathroom baby thread.

And to that poster - yes, if people here believe that children are being abused, they will call the proper authorities to see that it's looked into. What kind of decent person wouldn't?

**Edited to add a missing word.

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