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MckMama Drama - Including the Fire - Merge

The Archivist

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experiencedd - Are you sure that was MWOP? I believe one of the operators at GOMI said something about "we don't mess with people's real lives here" or something to that effect. I never saw anything like that on MWOP but that place is huge and fast moving and I don't there enough to keep up, so it could have been there, too. I just remember seeing something specific on the GOMI bathroom baby thread.

And to that poster - yes, if people here believe that children are being abused, they will call the proper authorities to see that it's looked into. What kind of decent person wouldn't?

You may be right Lissar, I may have not credited it properly. I'd be up the creek if I was expected to testify based on my memory of blog posts :lol:

I do see that a purported atny just posted on MWOP offering a pro bono defense to any poster sued by McM re MWOP posts.

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I think Mckmama is losing it. Thinking about this FB outburst of hers, it's out of character for her. Usually she just deletes the naysayers and then bans them. But now she has publicly called them out, got HER posts deleted as a result, stated that she is suing (which she can't) and accused people of setting up fake paypal accounts.

I think this is a last ditch attempt to salvage something because she knows she is finished. I suspect she is hoping that the trustee with think that those paypal accounts are not hers because she knows he is going to find them.

She's panicking, but in reality right now, the best she could do would be to come clean. She can't salvage this and all she is doing now is compounding the mess she has made.

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The GOMI's are divided on the issue. Although its obvious the owner of GOMI posted the drama to increase her click$ LoL. And MWOP hasn't always been favorable to FJ because they think we're too invasive :lol:

I'm sorry, what? THEY think WE'RE too invasive??? :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: Really. :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

I'm just surprised one of them isn't camped outside Mcnutso's house so they can report back to the others.

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I'm sorry, what? THEY think WE'RE too invasive??? :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: Really. :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

I'm just surprised one of them isn't camped outside Mcnutso's house so they can report back to the others.

I seem to recall that was actually said on GOMI in relation to That Wife.

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I seem to recall that was actually said on GOMI in relation to That Wife.

Yea I copped to my poor memory when Lissar reminded me :oops:

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Yea I copped to my poor memory when Lissar reminded me :oops:

Oops, sorry, somehow I missed that post.

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Oops, sorry, somehow I missed that post.

That makes more sense. I don't read GOMI so I don't know what they're like, but MWOP? We don't have anything on them :lol:

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They thought it was overboard to discuss whether we should call CPS or the local Mormon authorities about the baby sleeping in the bathroom and being in a cage all day.

I don't generally think that it is a good idea to insinuate yourself into someone's life. BUT if people, and especially children, are being hurt by someone, then it is the right thing to do. I complete support whoever sent all the info about MckMama to the trustee. They have screwed over a lot of people and are trying to screw them even more by lying under oath. That is a big fucking deal.

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I post on MWOP occasionally, and while it's a little too "mommy club" for me sometimes, I don't find it particularly creepy or overboard. I see it being fairly similar to those who set up a watchdog site when they disapprove of a company's business practices. The whole "MckMama" persona is a business, and I don't find it particularly odd that people who have been jerked around (financially or otherwise) want to come together to hold her accountable.

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According to MWOP the goat and kids photos are off the side of the web page and only one sponsor is showing, Arm and Hammer.

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There's one ad and a side bar of a picture of all the kid's feet with the words "I'm gonna miss this". Think the trustee has given her notice on the sale of her domain?

Here's a question: what about the content? That isn't considered an asset that can be sold is it? Because even if the domain is sold, couldn't she just transfer all her content over to a new site and continue on like nothing happend?

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There's one ad and a side bar of a picture of all the kid's feet with the words "I'm gonna miss this". Think the trustee has given her notice on the sale of her domain?

Here's a question: what about the content? That isn't considered an asset that can be sold is it? Because even if the domain is sold, couldn't she just transfer all her content over to a new site and continue on like nothing happend?

I think the content belongs to the domain, that the are tied together. I could be wrong. It's more than likely she will start up a new song and dance. But...should the bk be denied, creditors will be able to go after the income generated from the new site. I really don't understand why the idiot never incorporated. But she's a lot like brandy, she believes in magical thinking and thinks she knows it all. As far as rating train wrecks on a scale of 1-10 I think she is up to a 7 right now :lol:

Edited to add folks are tweeting to her:

Deluded â€@Deluded_Fan

@MckMama My my, plenty of articles out there about your lies. MWOP, GOMI & Free Jinger. Not to mention everything else google brings up.

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Tracy Coenen from the Fraud Files did an extensive look at Mckmama's bankrupcy documents, and she said this in the comments regarding the sale of the domain:

More information on the issue of the domains, from an intellectual property attorney:

The issue of the trademark “MckMama†and the domain name falls under trademark law. Under trademark law, you cannot transfer a trademark or service mark divorced from the “goodwill†associated with the trademark or service mark. i.e,.You can’t sell just a name, or traffic in trademarks.

It’s hard to imagine that the court could sell the underlying intellectual property in MckMama to someone else to take over (in addition to the domain name) because trademark rights come from use only, and can’t be transferred without the associated good will. MckMama IS Jennifer McKinney’s likeness and her life, at least to the extent she’s been truthful. So while the domain name could be auctioned, I don’t think the goodwill associated with “Mckmama†could also be sold.

Copyright law would apply to the content of her website, i.e., the text and graphics. I suppose the copyrightable works could be transferred in the bankruptcy, such that someone else would own her past writings and photos.

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She is flipping the fuck OUT on FB, McKmama that is, first she posted a list of name of people who defamed her via internet, then mentioned that people had started PayPal accounts in her name (does she know how hard it would be, if not impossible, to do that) and she has hired a Lawyer and she is going to GET them all...what a spin...when that post was deleted she started another one with the same names, that post was deleted also, either by her or FB, then a post about "enough said" or something like that, now a generic post regarding people defaming her on various websites! That GOMI post really tossed her...ha ha ha ha ha!! And 400 likes on the post, she doesn't get 30 likes anymore on a cutesy post, and since you can buy likes on FB now, I am assuming most of those 400 likes are her!!


OT... but what? you can BUY 'likes?' why??

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All I can say-I hope she likes orange jumpsuits, it looks like that what she will be wearing soon. I hope she makes friends with Zsu, so they have a place to go on their next family vacation.

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I've only ever followed MckMama because of the drama noted on FJ, but I'm just amazed by it all. Since I never read during her heyday, could someone enlighten me as to why she became so hugely popular? I mean, I realized what PPs have mentioned (such as cute kids, Stellan's health needs in the past, relatively good photography, etc.). But, she is so unattractive (not trying to be unduly mean, but she's not the typical ideal that might draw some readers in), doesn't seem particularly bright (although she is deft at spinning her lies, I suppose), doesn't seem like a very good writer at ALL (again, I'm only reading posts since the collapse), etc.

I don't particularly care for Pioneer Woman, or others like her, but she does provide recipes, photography tips, an interesting POV about ranch life, etc. so I can justify how some might be intrigued. What does (or did) MckMama have to offer? What did she do to obtain such rabid fans? I honestly cannot figure it out.

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I've only ever followed MckMama because of the drama noted on FJ, but I'm just amazed by it all. Since I never read during her heyday, could someone enlighten me as to why she became so hugely popular? I mean, I realized what PPs have mentioned (such as cute kids, Stellan's health needs in the past, relatively good photography, etc.). But, she is so unattractive (not trying to be unduly mean, but she's not the typical ideal that might draw some readers in), doesn't seem particularly bright (although she is deft at spinning her lies, I suppose), doesn't seem like a very good writer at ALL (again, I'm only reading posts since the collapse), etc.

I don't particularly care for Pioneer Woman, or others like her, but she does provide recipes, photography tips, an interesting POV about ranch life, etc. so I can justify how some might be intrigued. What does (or did) MckMama have to offer? What did she do to obtain such rabid fans? I honestly cannot figure it out.

I swear some people are just very charismatic and likeable and are very good at getting people on their side. I had a friend on Facebook whose statuses were nothing but "bitches and hoes vs. good girls" and each one would get over 100 likes. I was like "you're fresh out of high school! what the fuck do you know?" Not to mention all the slut-shaming. I figure he and MckMama are cut from similar cloth.

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I swear some people are just very charismatic and likeable and are very good at getting people on their side. I had a friend on Facebook whose statuses were nothing but "bitches and hoes vs. good girls" and each one would get over 100 likes. I was like "you're fresh out of high school! what the fuck do you know?" Not to mention all the slut-shaming. I figure he and MckMama are cut from similar cloth.

Kitty, I think you are right. I don't find her charismatic in the slightest, but obviously numerous others do! Now that you say it, I can think of a girl or two like that in high school ... one of those mean, bossy ones who always seemed to get irritatingly more votes than I did when running for Student Council or or something.

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I think Mckmama is losing it. Thinking about this FB outburst of hers, it's out of character for her. Usually she just deletes the naysayers and then bans them. But now she has publicly called them out, got HER posts deleted as a result, stated that she is suing (which she can't) and accused people of setting up fake paypal accounts.

I think this is a last ditch attempt to salvage something because she knows she is finished. I suspect she is hoping that the trustee with think that those paypal accounts are not hers because she knows he is going to find them.

She's panicking, but in reality right now, the best she could do would be to come clean. She can't salvage this and all she is doing now is compounding the mess she has made.

I'm kind of afraid she will end up going postal when she can't keep up the charade. Not that she is really fooling anyone except her most ardent followers. I'm afraid for those kids.

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She's panicking, but in reality right now, the best she could do would be to come clean. She can't salvage this and all she is doing now is compounding the mess she has made.

It takes a lot of strength to admit that you're wrong, and I don't think she has it in her to do so. I think she's sleazy and is actively trying to manipulate and lie her way out of trouble, but I also think that her lies are boosting her own self-esteem. Her threats of lawsuits probably aren't just attempts to manipulate, they're also a revenge fantasy she's enjoying. She tells her readers that she's taking care of her financials, and she believes it herself, for a little bit. She's not going to get out of this without at least financial trouble and possibly legal trouble, but she'd rather pretend that she's fine than actually deal with the years of poor financial decisions behind her.

ETA: I mean, maybe. That's the only way I can imagine keeping up with the charade--if it actually brings her comfort.

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I've only ever followed MckMama because of the drama noted on FJ, but I'm just amazed by it all. Since I never read during her heyday, could someone enlighten me as to why she became so hugely popular? I mean, I realized what PPs have mentioned (such as cute kids, Stellan's health needs in the past, relatively good photography, etc.). But, she is so unattractive (not trying to be unduly mean, but she's not the typical ideal that might draw some readers in), doesn't seem particularly bright (although she is deft at spinning her lies, I suppose), doesn't seem like a very good writer at ALL (again, I'm only reading posts since the collapse), etc.

I don't particularly care for Pioneer Woman, or others like her, but she does provide recipes, photography tips, an interesting POV about ranch life, etc. so I can justify how some might be intrigued. What does (or did) MckMama have to offer? What did she do to obtain such rabid fans? I honestly cannot figure it out.

This is just my take on it from exploring MWOP and reading what others have to say, but apparently she rocketed to "fame" when Stellan had the SVT illness.


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Stellan's illness is what got her her initial following.

Since then, she's latched onto and become an "expert" on just about every fad you can imagine. She pretended to be really crunchy and healthy for a while (and majorly photoshopped her own pics to make this more believable - she only owned up to her weight problems when she started hawking diet drugs), she did the attachment parenting thing (and had about 400 baby slings and holders) where she posted about extended BFing and vaccine delaying and all that. She did the farm thing - animals, harvesting, hay bale gardening, etc. she did the homeschooling thing, the living in an rv thing. Basically everything you can imagine - she's been an expert at it for 3-4 months.I actually don't even believe she's as Christian as she makes out - I think it's just another persona.

Add into that her constant drama - a medical emergency every five seconds, her marriage issues splashed all over the Internet, etc, and yeah. She has a lot of readers.

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