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MckMama Drama - Including the Fire - Merge

The Archivist

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This little exchange on MWOP made me laugh.

No, MWOPers, we do not "hate everybody." We just don't give homophobes, misogynists, and child beaters a free pass. Thanks for visiting, though!

That's us in a nutshell: "Equally offensive" :roll: :lol:

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That's us in a nutshell: "Equally offensive" :roll: :lol:

I read MWOP but I find their fixation on one woman to be, at times, overwhelming and a bit much. Here on Free Jinger, we have lots of targets and we don't take shit from anyone.

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This little exchange on MWOP made me laugh.

No, MWOPers, we do not "hate everybody." We just don't give homophobes, misogynists, and child beaters a free pass. Thanks for visiting, though!

Why bless their little hearts.

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Lol, I love it when people talk about how mean we all are. :twisted:

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Guest Anonymous
clearly, there needs to be another spinoff board:


I think there sort of is one, run by one of MckMama's defenders. I've got no problems with the MWOPers, for the record. I don't post there but I pop in to see what's up occasionally. There's some funny people there and I know we have a decent amount of members that post both places. The "they hate everybody" thing was funny to me because I don't hate too many people, and it's kind of hard for me to see where they're getting that. It's not like we snark on beekeepers and people who like to play Scrabble. We snark on fundamentalists, and even though it feels like it on the bad days that's hardly everyone.

**ETA: Plus! If you go after a child or slut shame a woman or say something nasty about a person with disabilities or call someone retarded or make a rape joke etc. you're going to get called out for it. That stuff doesn't fly at Free Jinger. This is a pretty fluffy corner of the internet in many ways. We do tend to swear a lot so I guess that makes us hateful, though.

***Edited to add a missing letter, and for fuck you! Because we're mean around here.

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I think there sort of is one, run by one of MckMama's defenders. I've got no problems with the MWOPers, for the record. I don't post there but I pop in to see what's up occasionally. There's some funny people there and I know we have a decent amount of members that post both places. The "they hate everybody" thing was funny to me because I don't hate too many people, and it's kind of hard for me to see where they're getting that. It's not like we snark on beekeepers and people who like to play Scrabble. We snark on fundamentalists, and even though it feels like it on the bad days that's hardly everyone.

**ETA: Plus! If you go after a child or slut shame a woman or say something nasty about a person with disabilities or call someone retarded or make a rape joke etc. you're going to get called out for it. That stuff doesn't fly at Free Jinger. This is a pretty fluffy corner of the internet in many ways. We do tend to swear a lot so I guess that makes us hateful, though.

***Edited to add a missing letter, and for fuck you! Because we're mean around here.

I think a lot of people see us as gossipy bitches with nothing better to do with our time. Maybe somehow that turns into "we hate everybody?" :think:

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I think there sort of is one, run by one of MckMama's defenders. I've got no problems with the MWOPers, for the record. I don't post there but I pop in to see what's up occasionally. There's some funny people there and I know we have a decent amount of members that post both places. The "they hate everybody" thing was funny to me because I don't hate too many people, and it's kind of hard for me to see where they're getting that. It's not like we snark on beekeepers and people who like to play Scrabble. We snark on fundamentalists, and even though it feels like it on the bad days that's hardly everyone.

**ETA: Plus! If you go after a child or slut shame a woman or say something nasty about a person with disabilities or call someone retarded or make a rape joke etc. you're going to get called out for it. That stuff doesn't fly at Free Jinger. This is a pretty fluffy corner of the internet in many ways. We do tend to swear a lot so I guess that makes us hateful, though.

***Edited to add a missing letter, and for fuck you! Because we're mean around here.

Plus, we serbe cake, and lurve the baybee kittehs.

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It's really a lot of work to be the bitch I am.

I find that being a bitch comes naturally.

Anyone ever heard of Christine Lavin? She has a song about her inner bitch aptly titlesd Getting In Touch with My Inner Bitch.

Its on youtube

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Wow, they would HATE my RL friends and I. We play rough with each other. We're the sort of people who argue about all sorts of nonsense for the fun of it and declare that the other person has ruined everything for life, just because.

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I think a lot of people see us as gossipy bitches with nothing better to do with our time. Maybe somehow that turns into "we hate everybody?" :think:

Ah FreeJinger. My little safehaven of the internet. You know, I've managed to redo a bathroom, plan a birthday party, clean my entire house AND keep up with FJ. Although FTR: The boys are at their grandparents playing in their pool this week because it's hotter than the seventh circle of hell here in the south.

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Lol, I love it when people talk about how mean we all are. :twisted:

Me too. This is the most intelligent, compassionate group of people I've "met" in a long time. I am living in the deep south, so FJ is like a breath of fresh air to my evil atheist soul. :lol:

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it's hotter than the seventh circle of hell here in the south.

Isn't it though? The thingy in my mini van read 109 at one point yesterday. Today it got to 108. We are miserable! We're going swimming tomorrow.

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Isn't it though? The thingy in my mini van read 109 at one point yesterday. Today it got to 108. We are miserable! We're going swimming tomorrow.

My car thermometer said 104. After one quick trip to the store, I feel like a cooked chicken. And it's not even July!!!!!

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contrary wrote:

clearly, there needs to be another spinoff board:


Bullies. Without. Pity.

Someone there once commented that BWOP is like 4chan for bored soccer moms and it's so TRUE. Half the time I can't even figure out what they're talking about, but it's fun to read every now and again.

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It makes her cringe, but yet she still checks in every other week. It's ok lady, cringing can be fun sometimes. :lol

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Okay, here's the thing: yes, we can be bitchy and mean, but we actually focus on people because of their misogyny, their racism, their homophobia, and their extremist religious beliefs. And we are more critical than just outright bitchy when we are talking about bloggers - BECAUSE we don't focus on just one person. We don't have to create drama just to keep momentum going, because there are always new folks to talk about when others go quiet.

When someone comes here directly to confront, yes, it sometimes moves into full-on bitch mode. Because it's a direct conflict. And sometimes it makes me uncomfortable, but it is what it is.

MWOP discussions remind me of a huge, collective tantrum. Yes, JM is pretty awful. I think the blog itself does good fact-checking and exposé work. But so many of the commenters are like histrionic soccer moms. And so many of them are just gullible as shit.

Some of the commenters are really really reeeeally nice (ShellieB especially.) But there's a huge contingent of frankly dumb, uncritical dipshits who complain about completely irrelevant bullshit, when there is so much of substance they could focus on instead. A lot of it is so obviously just pure spite, instead of actual righteous indignation or moral disgust. Like bitching about her portion sizes or what her feet look like or whether or not she wears a "real" size 12. Come off it - now you're just being a bitch because you don't have anything better to do.

I tend to love the usernames, though. HideYoGoatsHideYoBoobies will remain a lifetime favorite.

[sNORT] gets on my last nerve.

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MWOP discussions remind me of a huge, collective tantrum. Yes, JM is pretty awful. I think the blog itself does good fact-checking and exposé work. But so many of the commenters are like histrionic soccer moms. And so many of them are just gullible as shit.

Some of the commenters are really really reeeeally nice (ShellieB especially.) But there's a huge contingent of frankly dumb, uncritical dipshits who complain about completely irrelevant bullshit, when there is so much of substance they could focus on instead. A lot of it is so obviously just pure spite, instead of actual righteous indignation or moral disgust. Like bitching about her portion sizes or what her feet look like or whether or not she wears a "real" size 12. Come off it - now you're just being a bitch because you don't have anything better to do.

I tend to love the usernames, though. HideYoGoatsHideYoBoobies will remain a lifetime favorite.

[sNORT] gets on my last nerve.

QFT. The one with the raccoon avatar that responds to 14 posts a day with the catchphrase, "oh Mr Trusteeeeeeeee!" drives me nuts.

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(puts kettle on) Go on...

Yes, go on! Nothing "big" has happened in Mckmama land lately, so I haven't read MWOP as regularly.

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QFT. The one with the raccoon avatar that responds to 14 posts a day with the catchphrase, "oh Mr Trusteeeeeeeee!" drives me nuts.

There's a person here with a raccoon avatar; are you talking about that person? Or on MWOP?

Sorry I'm a bit thick. I blame the cold that is torturing me right now on this beautiful summer day.

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Me too. This is the most intelligent, compassionate group of people I've "met" in a long time. I am living in the deep south, so FJ is like a breath of fresh air to my evil atheist soul. :lol:

This. On Thursday when the internet was burning up with chatter about the Supreme Court ruling on the Affordable Care Act, the FJ'ers were cheering and the MWOPers had their collective knickers in a knot over the prospect of someone, somewhere, getting medical care that they really didn't deserve. Given the amount of time the MWOPers appear to spend in the off-topic discussion area I doubt very many of them are working at a job that provides them with health insurance, and I kind of doubt that any of them are so well-off that they can easily pay for their own private insurance, so either a spouse or the government is picking up the tab for their healthcare. But wow, the tone was naaaasty.

And, boy do they love to pile-on MckMama for anything, from the kind of food she eats to the fact that she takes her kids to a city park with a pool several times a week. When one commenter pointed out that a season's pass for all the city's pools was $100/family, someone jumped all over the fact that she should have used that $100 to pay off a creditor. So much for their battle cry, "Think of the chiiiildren!"

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